John Fraser To Head District 8 Optimists Optimists held at the Gar den Centre IMS John of New- market was elected Unit put lie Salvation Arm Horn Inaugurate Scholarship r Honors Lex Mackenzie iZI 1 events included the through a dry dock and par BUFFET LUNCH WEDNESDAY JUNE 8 VACATION TIME STARTS ONE WEEK EARLY BEFORE YOU BUY ANY GOOD GUITAR INVESTIGATE THE Model liillv Professional in the will a Ivvnuav tin mil Used guitars ami amps low stocks of music books all type or phone 8845272 MUSIC CO Canadian Legion Notes film ft Wesley By FRANK market Illl alter a lengthy team in SI cull- that a I it I I dp Rood weekend have s the annual branch coif tour- repent filial the lefl air Mrs Case Urine lives Jim Hook anil Parks I Al Hie side of Hie are A Kenl lack and Mrs sure Haskell SI Stuff from a member really dance will be Hie Juno octal New members miiru1 In join the club weekly Ilou Urn effect dial Maple TOWNSHIP OF NORTH NOTICE REGARBAGE Notice is hereby Riven to all ratepayers in garbage pickup area that on June 1906 there will be a general pickup of all refuse not gathered in regular collection from Township boundary at Jacksons Point to Old Homestead Road POOL TABLES hack Path St SPRING SALE 1831 in inn i hawk job has also COUNTY OF llehenlurrs NinCllahle I III II IIIIHIIIII MINI I III ill I ill II It I I ml 1 II SOI FORMERLY NEWMARKET MOTORS mm DEMO SALE CORVAIR I SSI OLDS J Dominion Securities Corporation Kin Z THAT GOES m under FASHION 1 COMFORT ZONE SO b Your comfort zone that tender area just below the cups so given to digs and pokes is now comforted Its all done with an miracle band thats cushioned to lloat on that comfort zone eversokindly Embroidered cotton cup has hidden timer lift Youll find a Comfort style for every figure White in ABC cup to Where good in NEWMARKET PLAZA