Hasketts HASH by GEORGE Era Sports Editor FourWay Tie At Miami Should and Auima both attempt operate junior hotkey tram Its an annum- is often hotly debated Many maintain the old sys- torn worked out between Newmarket and Aurora hockey men was licit Annua look the junior team while Newmarket concentrated on intermediate hockey A main in one ruling hockey today is The one team one town idea did stem to work intermediate hockey did a fade Fur a spell but seems to be on tome luck Now a IS thai unhide IMnidne f well lablHicd a New- Big tear For Minor Hockey to field contending den Itcilmcn have filed a Vat The local Ontario liilt other An lViKiion Jim I ill im IV idid Flank Alf Hod- THESpoFtsERA 111 devote hum 111 i a liii thanks anil mi a We In III I Ill Dun ml in hock Their thai III TENT TRAILERS DUCHESS 3- SANDYS 320oo 320oo TENT TRAILER SALES This Is nli I I J ml lull 1 Two Tenms Shore In Bradford Title Girls Softball Prospects AWNINGS WOW ALUMINUM AWNINGS A I SI I nil hi ALUMINUM DOORS WINDOWS iiui iiii p 1 a lull NEWMARKET ALUMINUM I formed It is hoped TO AID THE PROMOTION 01 GOOD MENTAL IIEALT THE PREVENTION OF MENTAL ILLNESS lliiiuli I I tiiailiin Menial FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN MENTAL HEALTH WEEK MAY 1st to MAY 7th York County Branch is not a participant of a community or 1967 6869 CERAMICARMOURED EXHAUST SYSTEM f m te l AMERICA M CANADA LTD BIGGEST IN OUR HISTORY LP OVER FEBRUARY RAMBLER Sales Service