WED MARCH IS I A Sound Project The proposal by E AT Boeder of York County Hospital and his associates from York Central and Memorial hospitals that serious thought be given to the establishing of a common laundry service is indeed sound The proposal as outlined in last weeks Era would seem to provide an answer towards keeping costs down and ensuring service at all times It would not be amiss to suggest to the hospital authorities that the Newmarket Aurora area is worthy of consideration as the site of this project Land could be available in ft large enough parcel to provide a site which would not be detrimental to existing residential and commercial This district could certainly supply the labor This could prove to be a ready made industry the Town Fathers Heaven Help The Builder being choked to death by the time wasting delay ing form filling and committee stages which hold up some valu able contributions The recent months delay In either issuing or denying a permit to build a multipletype dwelling on Davis Drive is a prime example It has been batted around between Planning Hoard Town Council the OMB and a half dozen other departments and officials until it even reached threats of legal action to decide the issue Whether the erection of the building would be an economic attraction or an eyesore is beside the point at this time The fact that even a sugges tion of added housing or new industry is strangled before it can get onto the drawing board is a serious matter The curious thing about many of these muddles is it does not happen all the time We have seen cases where a building or addition appears to be half completed before anyone has realized something is happening It was suggested that some applications to government departments take months to ratify and the applicants lose all their enthusiasm before they receive an answer and then only to find it has been referred to yet another committee or board There should be an answer found and found soon to circumvent this frustrating type of delay and get down to business Those concerned all claim their hands are tied somewhere we must locate an individual with a big pair of scissors or we are going to grind to a halt in a morass of wide red tape No Meters Good Work The decision of York County Council to prohibit parking on both Bides of Davis Drive from Yonge street Highway easterly to Drive will undoubtedly cause many motorists to have un kind thoughts about that bodys The development of Davis Drive into a fourlane highway last year from the Plaza area to the hospital was hailed with delight by most who no doubt have looked forward to the completion of this project to the Sharon Road Apparently all were agreed that a wider road was needed to aid the movement of traffic on this main artery but if parking con tinues this advantage immediately diminishes While a parking ban will cause inconvenience it would seem County Council has the right idea The Newmarket Figure Skating Club has again demonstrated that a colorful wellplanned will pack the arena something hock ey and other events have failed to do for some lime Congratulations are due tin clubs executive the professionals who spent hours training the youngsters and others who contri buted their efforts in the many hid activities Apart from the pleasing effect of the various routines perhaps the most noteworthy result is that an annual show of this kind gives the beginners and younger mem bers of the Newmarket Figure Skating Club more Incentive to con- Heres a bucketful of curiosity These two little kittens kept getting under foot as the owner did her spring planting in the front garden Finally they were sentenced to bucket confinement but still you cant SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley That March Madness I have profound respect for poet T Eliot But one of his lines that which says April is the cruel lest month is pure poppycock He had obviously never spent a March April is no bargain but March is a month no honest taxpayer should have to put up with At its best it is days of pure drear at its worst a century of bleak horror Raw cast winds that chap the hands chill the bones redden the nose deaden the soul third bunt of la grippe in three months Holes in your overshoes Faces of friends become hateful Tailpipe and muf fler gone on the car Fa vest roughs anting Spirits flagging Spring is merely a word in the dictionary Winter is a monster clawing your shoulder If youre anything like me youre hanging by your teeth This is fairly easy because your keeping a stiff upper lip Its frozen And your arc exposed Its a wonder we dont all turn as mad as March hares and cut our collective throat if only to add a bit of color to relieve grim grey March Hut cheer up chaps all is not lost I have a little therapeutic theory that works wonders It is the only thing that saves me in from lh snow in hare feet and long under wear ibbling is mad mad tell you mad I first discovered his theory when I had lionl In a long evening of too much work too many fags and too much cof fee Id crawl into bed and lio How about chucking and learning to drive an Air Canada truck there rigid as a rake toes curl ed tightly eyes burning brightly no more chance of getting to sleep than getting to heaven One such night I remembered Listen I told myself Fifteen years ago you were lying on the floor of box car freezing hands and feet lied with wire on your way to a prison And here you are lying in soft bud in a warm house with a warm woman beside you and warm blankets over you and no nightfighters shooting up the place and no guards wandering in to give you a kick So what if you dont sleep a wink In seconds was asleep It works in March When the nisserles of March have me reduced to one great bel low of frustration I put it to work Old Buddy I say to myself just go hack years Let your self go now Not three miles from here they were eking out their March halffrozen halfstarved halfblind And 1 think about them the Indians Hearing the killer end of a hitter winter in their long- houses Men women children dogs pellmell in hut made of boughs and bark and skins Two or three hundred human beings crawling over each other in the space you and your family occupy Cold Hungry Stench unbelievable Smoke from cooking fires indescribable The last of the meat gone The maize reduced to a few Spruce tea and moss stew on menu Hunting impossible because of the slush Flabby breasts and swollen bellies And always the cold No refrigerators stocked with steaks mid roasts and milk and eggs No shelves of canned goods No supermarket a few blocks away No heat no light No bathroom No books No television And always the cold A few cynics will add And no income tax no mortgages no Insurance policies no fuel bills no I ulcers no doctors bills True Wanna trade Not I I turn up the thermos tat hit I mix a hot toddy Then I ait by the fireplace listening to the wind whistling around the house I sniff the waft of pot roast from the kitchen I pick up a book put a record on the hifi I listen to my wife who is not fighting with Mrs Abenaki about who gets the fire next to make The Ottawa Vendetta Any lingering hopes Canadians had that this Parliament would be more effective than the last van ished In a spate of sex and spy charges last week The ludicrous atmosphere into which the House of Commons was plunged resembled nothing less than a gang of angry schoolboys squabbling over a package of chew ing gum The situation was serious none theless because It raised two im portant questions Have there been dangerous breaches of national security either In the ease of Vancouver postal worker Victor Spencer or In the sextinged case of Munslnger And is the political rivalry be tween Prime Minister Pearson and Opposition leader still bo bitter that emotion rather than reason must dominate Parliament The answers could be found in the manner in which the two cur rent inquiries one into the Spen cer case and the other into nation al security and counterespionage in general came into being It is known Mr Pearson had pri vately favored the holding of such inquiries He had been unable to sell his cabinet on the Idea But in Parliament faced with mounting Opposition pressure he reversed his field as he has done In many other cases recently The need of the inquiries can not be questioned But the turmoil into which Parliament has to be thrown over every Issue of nation al concern illustrates anew the bit terness of the Pear son confrontations The spectacle of the prime min ister of the land telephoning an accused spy suspect and asking him If he really did want an in quiry Into his case would be admir able if it was not ridiculous Spencer dismissed from his job without a hearing had earlier made it clear that he did indeed wish an inquiry No comment can be made here on Spencers guilt But the governments strange footdragging on granting the man an in camera hearing where evidence would be In secret and national security would not be affected might be routine for Ghana or Russia but not for The lesson the government ap parently has yet to learn in deal ing with national security is that people must either be charged and prosecuted to the full extent of the law or left alone in peace Half measures accusations without prosecution smack more of back alley gossip monger- than of government by parliamentarians The case which Tory Dalton Camp called with considerable justification mudslinger ease fits into the same category Justice Minister brought the case to light when stung by Opposition charges over Ottawas handling of the Spencer affair he said in effect that Tories really dont have anything to talk about He then let it be known that Mm was alleged to have had an affair with a Conser vative cabinet minister in 1961 It is said that Mis employee of a Communist bassy and that while enjoying freedom of Canada engaged little free love Enraged Mr fenbaker charged the government with trying to blackmail him into silence i that The point here again there was any criminal offense the government either of John or of Lester Pearson should have laid charges But neither did Yet Mr Cardin used the case in defending his depart- in five years after the alleged affair But whatever transpires across the aisles of the Home of Com mons the country last week another reminder that the personal vendetta between the leaders of the two major parties would to make a burlesque of Par liament Letters To The Editor Traffic la getting so heavy in the area especially at noon and pm when factory workers get out that the delay is becoming more frustrating every day This is not only an annoyance to drivers but also pedestrians who face a long wait to merely cross the street The situation is almost unbear able on weekends Main street is usually packed with parked cars on both sides of the street then a driver who wants to make a left turn from Main onto Water has to wait for ever to ike his turn I realize that citizens have re quested lights at the Intersection in the past They were told that the traffic didnt warrant the ex pense to the town of installing the unit Well what nonsense would mean that a police officer would not be required at the every day to direct traffic It would mean a speedup of traffic through Newmarket especially on v ends It also would lesson the chance of a serious accident at the Intersection It seems that a major accident there is the only way we an to get a light Then the public will get angry enough to demand Students seem to have the best most of them just ignore lined up and cross the Also drivers trying to get out of the parking lot on Water street are constantly delay- because of the bottleneck at the Intersection It seems to me traffic lightl would clear up this intolerable situation Perhaps council might do si thing A frustrated citizen THE ERA Serving Northern York County Since DAVID HASKELL Editor and Publisher GIL SHEPHERD New Editor everyWedneriay at SO Chwrla market Era Express Company Limited Subscription lor yean rm In advance Sinele comes are 10 cents each Member of Canadian WW Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized Second Class Mail Port Department Phon Newmarket A