Editorials Warn MM George Haskett One of Newmarkets most famous sons will be honored this Saturday He is George George is being honored by the North York Minor Hoekey League a group that he organized in From a humble beginning of 10 teams the has grown to teams covering more than 20 communities Georges contributions to the sports life of Newmarket and nearby communities are too numerous to mention His contributions to the good of the community can never be measured because many of the things he has done have never been recorded This is the way George works going about performing deeds for the betterment of the community without asking any thanks or expect- But there are people in this community who remember the many things George has done and fittingly he was presented with a Province of Ontario Achievement Award last year by Premier And just as fittingly this Saturday the sports fraternity of Ontario will gather at the Newmarket Legion Hall to pay tribute to George a man who has become a legend in his time George will doubt call himself fortunate for being honored in this way For indeed fortunate he is He has a lovely and charming wife of years in Ruby He has two beautiful daughters in Dale and Sherry now both married George draws his kindness diligence and industry from his family and his pioneer forefathers The first came to York County in 1813 and succeeding gen erations George is a fifth generation have made this area the vibrant community it is today George began his career at The Era in 1933 and has played a major role in each weekly edition since We at The Era are proud of George We are proud of him because we have been associated with him for years We are proud of his accomplishments and we are proud that he is being honored by a community that loves him Over the years The Era would not have been the same without George and we can only hope and pray that George will be a part of The Era for another years It Wasnt Necessary A misunderstanding between Aurora Police Chief William end the towns Police Committee resulted in a great deal of ill will and bad publicity for Aurora last week The incident causing the misunderstanding started when an Aurora man was killed in a routine traffic accident Chief acting on instruction from his Police Committee released only the barest of details to news media As a result some news media representatives saw something sinister in the closemouthed attitude of the chief and began investigating the accident themselves They found it was routine and that there was nothing Rut before it was all over the impression was given that Aurora was being run like a police state and the police chief and Mayor Clarence Davis were at each others throats A radio station broadcast that Mayor Davis called a special meeting to discuss Chief hangmans attitude towards the news media Mayor Davis denies he called a meeting The radio station said that Mayor Davis didnt know that the chief had been instructed to change his method of releasing information to the news media Mayor Davis denies this The ill will and bad publicity could have been avoided if the Police Committee had spoken to Chief Langman before passing the new method of releasing information to news media The entire incident would never have occurred if there had been closer liaison between the police department and Auroras elected officials Get together fellows stop then turned timid and scampered off AND SPICE by BUI Smile The Music Madness 1 George Is the Custodial Super intendent at our illiteracy factory It used to be called head janitor I congratulated him the other day His wife had done well as we He shook his head He swore Then Itd drive you up the wall If I ever get married again it wont he to a musician There isnt much chance of the former as hes a grandfather But I was deeply in sympathy with his conclusion It was obvious that George had had to help his wife prepare for her exam It was on the history of music They ask you questions like What instrument did Eli pi in he Symphony Orchestra on April eleventh when Napoleon was staying in the city overnight with his second wife on the way to the battle of Auster Hut this isnt the worst of if A chap can stand a couple of weeks of helping wife memorize such great universal truths ami house and themselves A week later they become nervous In the final week they have moved from high to hysteria On the day of the exam it takes tears tea tranquilizers and sometimes a good shot of brandy before they can be pushed I hall they witch- pilots until 1 dont know the let tils but I suspect George went through some- thing like the above and 1 echo his sentiments loud and clear If 1 ever get married again I want a girl who thinks a sweet potato is about the finest musical ever hit the market hul a ha lady as the go through examinations with the aplomb of ducks taking a bath Hut middleedged ladies dont es pecially when they havent written About three weeks before the exam they begin to neglect family Of course Im pressing the XKX1 stop button Da you know Well thats what music has been in my life for he past decade Oh I know Every family has Its little problem its skeleton in the recreation room its dirt un der the walltowall Drinking health poverty divorce insanity stupidity delinquents With out- family its music People think I am carried away by emotion when I start to sob at a symphony conceit Theyre right Hut its not the beauty of the that makes nic break down Its the trouble it has mused and the money it has cost in the last used to love music in a sim ple joyous uncomplicated way I used lo whistle while I worked and walked Everything from Green- sleeves through Kleine to Porgy ami Tlesa By ear I liked Stardust and Stravinsky and Be Down to Get You in a Taxi Honey Then the kids started taking piano lessons And I started try ing to look intelligent when people talked about sonatinas and con certos and scherzos and dynamics and all that yon should pardon the expression jazz We fight admit the left hand being too loud We scream at each other about he kids not practis ing We go into tantrums about recitals and festivals Ten years and more than later nobody In my family can play the national anthem with out three weeks of preparation The record player rocks to The Beatles and Bob Dylan We have to snatch the harmonica and guitar sway from the kids I would to meet Sebastian Bach on a dark night and strangle him With a Beethoven sonata string Days Of Easy Money To the housewife watching prices go up on bread milk and other foods to the worker looking at his reduced takehome pay because of pension deductions and to the em ployer searching for revenue to meet wage demands it seemed this week as if the price spiral might be getting out of hand and wages of the past several years has cushioned Canadians to the idea of creeping inflation in recent weeks it seemed the price increases that are normally spread over many months were coming all at once Has the boom become loo hot to handle Have the days of easy money for most but not all Canadians reached their point of reckoning Despite Prime Minister Pearsons statement that the Government tins no intention of introducing premature measures against infla tion there is mounting wonder across the country if the time has not arrived to slow down the boom before it becomes a bust The made reassuring com ments in receiving a delegation from the Canadian Labor Con gress The Congress was in Ottawa to tell the government they have been able to find no evidence of in flation in Canada There is no need for price or wage restraints the told the government It would have been politically embarrassing for Mr Pearson to have answered any differently Facing inflation is like pitching a nohit ball game You dont talk about it until after the ninth in ning But ironically another labor delegation showed up in Ottawa at alwiit the same time Quebecs of National Trade Unions went before the Cabinet to argue in favor of a federal price control board Companies to increase prices would have to justify them before getting ap proval Short of wartime conditions such a proposal Is unacceptable to Canadians Bid there was some what mure merit In the Ills reminder hat wage increases are not always the main cause of price boosts They are not although they are a convenient blame close to capacity and when there is enough purchasing power around so that people will pay higher prices even though they gripe while doing so Exactly this situation applies in Canada today In addition the expansion of government spending and welfare purchasing power The new purchasing power is coming not out of higher earnings from a more productive economy but from re distribution of money from tax payers who would normally save zens with such low incomes that they must immediately spend any benefits received Ottawas spending pro gram wilt reach almost bil lion Mr Pearson accepts an old age pension Increase as inevi table Whether further tax in creases can be avoided depends not only on whether the econo my continues to boom in which case we might get away without major increases but on what fiscal policy the government adopt If Ottawa decides that inflation is a threat it could opt for auster ity by railing to curb spend ing power by instituting controls requiring substantia down payments for anything time and by using of Canada to rati so curb borrowings fall the 117 The cost of living index has risen per cent- since but workers much better off today than years Average industrial per in the last About we e iul hope they dont get Letters To The Editor The Editor The Newmarket Era Newmarket Oat Just a bit of advice to the Youth of Newmarket Dont ever let your self get involved with the law direct or indirect Because if you do your chances for being a re spectable citizen of this town are gone for ever By the time the newspaper television radio the courts are through with you your chances to be able to lift your head again are very slim Only the few people who know yon as the person yon really are and want to be have any respect for you But this is life The news paper wins they sell more papers through you making the headlines and the editorial column The law wins because what they say goes You yourself cannot win unless in time you can prove to the people of this town that you possess as much character as the ones who labelled you THE ERA Serving Northern York County Since 1852 every Wednesday market Era it Express Com Weekly Newmarket DAVID HASKELL Editor and GIL SHEPHERD News Editor Chariw f limited Department Phone Aurora