Pinner KEEP THE MEN OUT OP WHO PUT HIS Ml Im SEATING I MRaAinRAP BESIDE YOU NONSENSE FREOl BRING FLO MAY AND JIM WITH WHATS A TEW MORE PLATES MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS INSULATION Its Curtain Time BY RUBY Newmarket Auto Newmarket District High School presented Streets of New York last Wednesday to Friday evenings in the high school auditorium Friday evenings performance was presented to a sellout crowd of parents and friends who thoroughly en joyed the drama of love and tradgedy W Elliott was the director for the Drama and Brookes was the musical director Fiften sets beautifully designed and constructed by Bob Wilson and his construction crew were a delight to the eye Bob is surely going places with his original set designs His sense of colour and creative originality were given full scope in this production Rita Bolton as Julia Hicks as Lucy Laurie as Mrs Fairweather and Bonnie Lockhart as Mrs Puffy gave a fine interpretation of their Three delightful little maids Kim Sanderson and Gsil Hanson lovely to look at and to hear John Slessor certainly look most villainous as Larry Blight Badger Terry as the Captain supported by Dean and Neil gave youthful per formances in acting and the dances Ian as the musical comedy policeman and David especially in the red longjohns added a lot of funny stage business pieces to the Play The stage crew of Denis Brent and were kept busy with the Mormons number of scene changes They were bugged by accidents but managed to keep things moving at all times The lighting designs by Kay Stnnton and Allan Powell were excellent and the costumes in charge of Judy Noble Isabella and Ann were very good Kevin Marilyn Hurst and Frank mer delightfully costumed in the period of the play were effective as accompanists and gave a spirited performance of the difficult Friday evening after performance Larry f Bridge Club To Use Aurora Church AURORA Friday market Mrs P marked the third meeting of from King Mr and Mrs J 1 Bridge Club li Smith all the way from Wit- held and will be In fir lowdale five tables for Recommendations lor tl club have been made anil were proved as follows Hie first Friday In September Mem- and Mrs Real balance Due to the number of for and the difficulty of providing eon decided start the week Theso that members or pros eluded Mr and Mrs J and Mrs R Bishop and Mr and Mrs Orr from me Mrs Infills from Noble- to register ton Marg CHI Zona Mel- secretary Mr and Mrs Haley as and Carol Stephen from New- for full Area Cancer Society Hears Field Secretary the Cancer Society was held in the NO Memorial Arena Feb Miss Sayei secretary of the Ontario Divi sion gave a Very interesting talk on the work being car ried on with home patients this was Interesting In learn how much is being done Program on te lo Ihe In Memoriam ml may send their dona mis to Mrs Owen Mecchan So Keswick on April 1 it is hoped the rcsi- of Keswick will be as generous this year as they