The En- 1KB They Had A Busy Saturday Nigh Miss worship Graham Cathy on Sunday Joyce and Debbie j Holland two numbers led centre visited his aunt Mrs I Harris Mrs jr S Warren on Wednesday Sugarman the president conducted the business per- Friendship Circle by Unit No evening by a I Wednesday ami the S Ross Max iat anu me Since its first meeting the i by Mrs flourished and by of United Peggy mS dcs Jack Wiseman and Church Vancouver DC Rev Rase and J McN of the United Church rison were formerly from United Church Sunday Ml was held on Sunday I Following a pot luck general super- eluded a panel lay School a outdated Taking part md Mrs Iloutlodgc i Roberts became lober with McPherson and Edward 1 October with has also been kind in presenting flags to the boys present membership of Ramsay Howard allory Max New Hall Howard Brown Salmon John dcs Rev Jack Wiseman Rev Robe the presci are being recruited ratify these appo in Calcutta named for the family of his first wife Lee Mr Archibald is survived by his second wife and one child Dr Herbert Lee Archibald Dr Archibald Is head of a Ontario California Rev Archibald is also King City Practicing for the forthcoming interschool on Richard of Dr Williams Second School does a handstand on he rings Holder Photo Sunday School a itdated Friendship Circle ire present World id as Cubs along 10 leaders Mr wliii bad ably and itically guided the be happy to know of daughter Bar meet weekly in LOCai GUldeS least 100 billion Thursday Current Mrs Squibb Tuesday March 1 Monday nights in St James days in both our churches one pack in each church it is a cause for some reflec tion that so many the the two congregations arid help for leadership of these TOWN OF NEWMARKET PUBLIC NOTICE To property owners and business proprietors on Main Street You are hereby reminded of the provision of By law i that requires the removal of all signs overhanging the road or sidewalks on Main Street Newmarket by January 1967 finnl on Saturday March Guide cookies Delivery f the cookies wilt lie made by Miss Charles Mrs Kennedy St and family Miss Verhejcii to Saturday Feb IS tony was performed Then of Pa WUfred Dion Kennedy Mich ads Hospital Toronto Rev J Speers of Trin ity Anglican Church will be Thursday March ANNOUNCEMENT Art Close President Close Olds Ltd is pleased to i as ice and Frank Chirk a to their new positions with many years New low rates at In Canada BEAT THE TAX with 3 SERVICE SPECIALS DURING MARCH ONLY ENGINE TUNEUP Complete teat and adjustment by specialists for better performance and economy 725 CYL 945 8 CYL 10 OFF PARTS CARBURETOR OVERHAUL Completely clean and adjust for quick response and economical operation 725 2 1050 BBL 10 OFF PARTS WHEEL BALANCING r safer smoother driving and added I 200 PARTS EXTRA 10 OFF PARTS LESSOR NEWMARKET Your authorized Pontine Buck Acadian Vauxhal Truck Dealer Yoaic St Newmarket