ARMING REPORT By AL WALL Norman Barber of Owen Sound presidentelect of the Ontario Plowmens Association chats with Everett Bigirs Minister of Agriculture and luncheon speaker and retiring OPA president Agricultural Representative for York County The pursuit of efficiency in agriculture some times scares me It is possible that prices we have to pay in terms of social values can be wildly In my opinion if the steps to highest effi ciency in the industry seriously upsets the values to human beings in the farming profession then we have really taken a very long slide backwards A couple of things have happened in the past week to provoke some thought on this subject First one of the speakers at the Beef Improvement meet ing in Toronto told the story of his head of beef cattle on a 140 acre feedlot Well his problems are no concern of mine If he wants to live this way thats his business What does worry me is that some of his audience may see this operation as an exciting new development in the business to be envied Others may see it as an inevitable result of the need for efficiency in the beef business Efficient it is but its absolute poison to the people and farm life involved Best Export Year Program Of Plowing Matches Curtailed By Wet Weather forced the cancellation of all the largest number Association the cooking demonstrations and York County Small Communities Need Redevelopment Programs Ferguson T- with the annual meeting very ml days just prior to the opening of the International Plowing Match creating last ThursdayThe film told the story of vegetable industry the squirmed i where producers are really just employees But the crushing blow was when an extension worker of all people stated that the social implica tions involved were unknown and of virtually no concern Efficiency at any price People scrambling madly under tremendous pressure not worrying about what happens to themselves It may be that these two examples illustrate the Inevitable course agriculture must follow I hope not and I hope the dangers involved socially are clearly evident to farm jwople The alternative is well organized producer- was in watching a For Canadian Holstems Speaking the first females Impprft at the annual meeting of the South Africa Friesian Association of Canada held Feb said a teal I elm nip i mi ship milk and has been renewed among the breeders has been the tremendous ex- port market enjoyed by our breeders Sales to the United Slates were at the usual level i but he demands from other countries were by far the highest in our From the standpoint took interesting to not number of animals their problems for competitors and exhibitors The weather was also blamed for the much than had been expected The IPM will be held at the The York County financial iatemcnt showed receipts of controlled marketing This achieves efficient value and trihuUon and pricing with minimum of social Interference It is crucially important to keep up pro quired to add the i aklng purchases Secret a ryrV duction efficiency at the of eft of efficiency by itself such a year Europe became ported that I problems in farm nil En UI notable pur- of whom are in Lull I hi It If ti r association County assuming programs centres Really I published by resulted in I growth deterioration of the whole community mental retail hotel and by taking the allin and assessing the ft0st he IPM in event planned for For example a redevelop- ment committee made up of Fleeted leadership as possible Barber of Owen could an overall real- succeeds Howard I Some of die things such an expenditures lotalli include Desirable improve- i to New Look For Agriculture Outlined To Federation Marketing England and tial for cattle of high ap abilities is a major led of SILO you SILOS LT0 This broke SHARON Purvis of Ilighgate sec ond vicepresident of Ontario Federation of Agriculture outlined what was possibly Commodity groups should attention d president In farm Federation annual meet- it reels sewers laws guide hut velopment and equitable enorting for York County Between and always think of the would have possibly in Eastern Key Tag Return Service lids Canadian Amputees TORONTO Fortyone war of their country simply because that farms would be died to die owner that of his family vested groups hi Hi organizations would only deal sibly t said that marketing guidance much of he East more emphasis must be eratlon with Itusset Pollock placed on rural learning and and Alvln as vice presi He felt that the Federation Discussion was held on Hie had accomplished many possibility of a things but that the future numbering system for all held many more challenges farmers In the county and ahead and that a thorough this was referred to the prop- Alumni Will Sponsor Ten 1000 Scholarships Zone Forester Speaks To Members monthly iiil mi Karl Grant Wins Keswick Oratorical Contest Alumni don Dally Express made by the pro- lion tags were distributed and latterly civilian employees through 19 War NORTH were Michael Mansfield and The War Amps Key Tag Karl Grant son of Mr and Raymond Jersey Service operated from lll School tlordmi Moorlag George McDonald Frank It School was the Peter Ashman Piper himself a double winner of the annual Keswick Rickio Kes- rtee who uses steel hooks in Optimist Oratorical Contest on you honor project in Canada The key tags are mailed without payment The helping civilian amputees held in the club rooms on Ten boys competed and were Hugh North York Junior High members for dinner I ships will lie av nai time in Ser the Early Ac from April washing machines and t Kingdom many Italy or of proteins and minerals inclu r fish Fish is an PERSONALIZED LOVING CARE MARTIN MARTINGALE MANOR VILLA VACANCY LOVELY BED SEMI- PRIVATE LAKE PROSPECT ST NEWMARKET VACANCY RED SEMI Private INQUIRE ADMINISTRATOR ST BRADFORD SHOW AND SALE of BEEP BULLS Under the auspices of Ontario Beef Cattle Improvement Association Hays Sales Arena Trafalgar miles north of MARCH and Entries as Allows CLASS ass shorthorns class aberdeen angus Tuesday March at am SHORTHORN and ABERDEEN ANGUS BULLS SELL Wednesday March at 1109 am The bulls will be Judged on the mornings of the toe Secretary jildlngs bulls that I NANKING GARDEN RESTAURANT DELIVERY and TAKE OUT and CANADIAN FOODS STORE HOURS Monday Thursday pm to am Sunday and Holidays pm to midnight Friday and Saturday pm to Aurora PHONE 7279408 MITCHELLS GARAGE Highway Brown Hill JOHN DEERE FARM MACHINERY New Cars By Sales and Service TOTALLY NEW Engine Tune up SPECIAL LET OUR FACTORYTHAI NK I ANS ITS POINTS AND CONDENSER COMPRESSION REMOVE DISTRIBUTOR TEST STARTER NECESSARY ADJUST FAN BELTS REGULATOR INSPECT RADIATOR AND HOSE CONNECTIONS ROAD TEST 095 y PARTS EXTRA All Work Done By Qualified Technicians Morton Bros LIMITED Plymouth Chrysler Valiant Mount Albert FORD All new alltractor anginas Haw and stamina from hood to hitch Naw plantt gaar final disc aoaled of I or new I Differential lock available S tit fi woo C MAYNARD FORD