AURORA William James Kingdon 56 Ave York County Hospital held it Thompsons Funeral Home Victoria St on by large gathering of deceased was held Ken Jo seph Brampton Don Sanctuary Park Cemetery born at St Islington March 1886 son of the late Mr and Mrs James of He was married on June to Janet Bertha Cameron and served on the school board at for several years Mr Kingdon owned and op erated a wholesale milk busi ness for 25 years from Wood- bridge and to To ronto While on the milk routes together with two part ners he organized and built the Etohicoke Ayrshire Dairy on Dundas St Islington Later he bought a farm on Don Mills and in Jr took over the Mrs A of Mrs Charles Scolt Norma of and Linda Aurora On Feb IMS GREATER THAN CASH Toronto Then United he went to Bala in Muskoba loss of a loving husband Warren of Toronto and Warren of Hamilt and grandfather Funeral Home Aurora beautiful flowers and sell and Charlies Tolton Toronto Allen Winter Schom- and George Flights to Europe INTERCONTINENTAL OR BY BOAC ROLLSROYCE 707 JET JVC- I HECHES m SO EASY TO WIN CASH