ABASING REPORT By WALL Aftriroltural far York County One of the bright spots on the farm side this a decision made by the Milk Producers The group of dairymen who originally farmed around but who now have been transplanted all Ontario Counties donated money toward scholarships at OAC Three scholarships will be avails dents from the two counties There will he one each lor sins at Macdonald Institute boys in the diploma and hoys r York of close to its from farms going The scholarships will numbers of opportunities that are a Secondly Uie group sot an example J enough s for faU often wondered ducts for a dairy farmers banquet other industries or businesses plowing ten backfire in the a hat happens matches for example from Emigration from in lMhftl period is mated at about J MOW the dairy to donate dairy pro- the back for alt those Agincourt milk of contradicting myself I would like Cattle raisins like a faces every few and these Brown cattle on the farm of M Staines have drawn a lot of attention at shows during is one of the few herds of this type in Canada although the breed is popular in the re a hard Swiss breed adapting It United Stal he all frown Staff be had at any branch of t I I- f use of it Jamaica Farms Tops In Production individual records than any other herd During the 196465 testing Abundant Onion Crop New Forage Crops Available Means Economical Buy 4 there is taraorf uSfKI he request publicize Through crops will be Ontario in 1W6 The new alf alfa variety called Mega is being introduced from Swe den Mega is a Flemish type will susceptible to bacterial will The seed of Mega and appear to be adequate Recommended of standard type alfalfa will be Agriculture and Ontario Agri- Guernsey Production A Breed Asset Guernsey cows to produce economical quantities of high quality milk year after year Is an important reason for the continued growth of the Each month Guernsey cows are awarded the highest rec ognition made by the Cana dian iamond Medal Certificate and in many cases these have additional seals for still greater production The highest lifetime milk production award ever made was won by Clovelly Kings ueen Bess owned by H Local Guernsey Makes History Emerald Maid 13 years old when she started her last record is the oldest cow in modem Guernsey his tory to complete a record that placed on the Production Honor Roll of the Association which lists the top ID cows of the breed She Is more than twice as old as the average cow in production Her record of lbs of milk lbs of made in days on twice daily milking placed ninth among the top third The highest life time production award present- Farm for the total recorded during the by Brooks and owned by Henry Borden regular breeding Vernal and Vernal is preferred for all plantings since it is the only variety resistant to bacterial wilt is suitable or plantings of two lo three years or where bacterial wilt is not prevalent is recom mended for Northern Ontario in add on to Vernal Merit a variety of ladino clover will be available in Merit has been superior in yield and persistence to all other ladino clover varieties Recommended varieties of the other perennial forage according to personnel Ontario Department of Marylake Completes Heavy Test Iking lbs milk Very li tody has a recorded It Diamond Medal Meadow Very by with two seals 10 lactations have the high Record she has completed the second still among the top 10 Her nine year old KIND COMPETENT Nursing Care Convalescent and Aged and is a daughter of the great sire of product io who production the first cow of the breed to produce over lbs of developed by Gordon GtenviUe Farms New- Aberdeen Angus UTILITY Chamnlon Steer Alive Grand Cfcmiloii Steer Carcass 1965 Royal Water Fair All beef breeds competing ABERDEEN ANGUS THE SUPREME BEEP BREED AIM McTsggut Beeton President Mrs Bowdea Port Elgin Secretary From Purina Research IMPROVED STARTING FEEDS FOR BABY PIGS Purina starting rations have been made EVEN BETTER Research tests filter gains hove benefits These im provements now are avail- LOW COST PRODUCTION reason why more farmer food PURINA North York Farmers FEED and GRAIN LIMITED OLD DON MILLS ROAD NEWMARKET lbs of on cows This is the first lime a herd has av eraged this high and their highest ever recorded They average During Ihe calendar year the herd has made Honour Roll among ten top producing cows recent Honour Holt record was completed by Muriels Ja Lolly Good Plus Jamaica Farm Is manager by Robert is Klaus Posibumu SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA BCAS IMF MITCHELLS GARAGE Highway Brown Hill JOHN DEERE FARM MACHINERY New Cars By Sale and S BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BILL McINTYRE FRED A LLOYD Insure THE COOP WAY Co operators Insurance JOHN SYTEMA Legal Floyd E Corner Q C Stiver Vile Peppiatt Errington BARRISTERS SOLICITORS NOTARIES M R Stiver Joseph Vale J William Pharmacist DRUG HOURS ROBINS PHARMACY Open til Both Drugs Stores Open Til pm ROBINS PHARMACY Accountant A A CONLIN Si Chartered Accountant Leonard R Rosenberg Com Chartered Account J Jackson CA Resident Partner EARL G BLACK BCom RIA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 163 Main St Milton 8 Sals Newmarket BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Beauty Salons Architects DENIS BOWMAN Architect KING SUMMIT STUDIO King Miscellaneous CHAS ABEL FAST Color Photo Finishing ROBINS PHARMACY formerly Lanes 191 MAIN ST NEWMARKET RUDY MORTGAGE BROKER Bolsford St Trumpet Tuition Robert Oades Beginners and Advanced