Old College Try Needed The decision of Newmarket Town Council to endorse a resolution by Aurora Town Council for the establishment of a Community College near Aurora is a most commendable action The two towns are geographically linked to the point where rivalry should be forgotten except perhaps in a hockey game Each town can increase the economy of the other by constructive cooperation Representatives of both councils should get together without delay and arrange a brief for presentation to the Department of Education that would leave little doubt in the minds of these government officials that the only logical place for a community college is in this immediate Timewasting committee meetings and delays should be eliminated Neither town can afford to start or get bogged down in a welter of suggestions as to where this college should be located either close to Newmarket or Aurora Location within present town limits is virtually impossible but a site between the two towns could be advantageous to both and the department should be told this as strongly as possible The impact of a community college almost adjacent to the two towns could snowball the economy of both in many different ways The of the building complex and the surrounding campus area could be the start of a heavy increase in business for industry and the merchants Heavy staff requirements both academic and administrative would again boost the economy at all levels A great many of these people would require accommodation housing food clothing and The two towns could provide most of these The Department of Education must be firmly convinced that New market and Aurora have all the facilities required for the establish ment of a community college With the assurance of a fourlane highway running north and south between the two towns and excellent paved roads in the immediate area there would be no question of a heavy road building program needed to serve the site So lets forget the competition cut out the red tape of protocol and get the two town councils together and establish a double barrelled policy to do all we can to ensure that we at least made a firm and early bid for a community college There will be problems but none of them insurmountable and the time to start the action is right now Public Out Of Tune temperatures plunging one of problems to dry the washing outside without free till wrestles with the problem SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley A Winter Weekend Winter is a delight to the young a bit of a horror for the old and a blasted nuisance for the of long that is as the snow doesnt block the roads and we dont run out of fuel and there isnt a power breakdown Town bands have been and still are a matter of civic pride in many parts of Canada and when Our Band plays fellow- citizens turn out in considerable number to support the musi- time again it is an worthy of support The big question is better support lacking This apparently Newmarket Time and time again New market Citizens Band has pre sented concerts in the park to audiences of less than 100 adults and children On a few occasions this number might have reach ed Last Sunday the band present ed an outstanding concert in support of the Newmarket fire mens campaign on behalf of Muscular Dystrophy aided by supporting artists Although reasonably well ad vertised and definitely for a worthwhile cause the attend ance barely outnumbered those taking part in the program and the firemen in attendance There is no question about the bands ability under the able leadership of Greig they Doing A Good Job The time then is appropriate to recognize the hundreds of adults in York County communi ties who work untiringly to pro vide good clean activities for Much has been said and writ ten that children playing or ganized hockey grow up too fast become unsportsmenlike too competitive and are subjected to many other criticisms This may be true to a small degree in other communities simply not the case Yet even for me one of the most violent winterhaters in the last category there are mo ments when it has a mysterious charm that cannot be duplicated at any other season Today is one of them Nope its not one of those sparkling crunchy skyblue winter days which no one but a complete misanthrope could fail to enjoy Its just the opposite Its one of those branding winter days when the shadow of the great monster of the north hangs low over the shrinking earth and his icy paw feels about the walls of the house seeking a weak spot where he may enter and strangle His cold blue breath raises snowghosts that sift silently among the naked shivering its a day for sitting by ith a hot noggin dn shivering deliciously the His pil ot this this The adult leaders minor hockey program lave instilled the proper spirit if competition in its youngsters The Era salutes you adults wishes you continued the bluegreen spruce huddle eh like frightened cattle in a storm The water of the reflects fearfully the slategray of his sightless eyes side gives a snort of frustration thai rattles the windows And thats exactly what Im doing Weve been spending the weekend with the grandparents in the country It has followed its inevitable pattern The night we arrived it blew and it snew In the morning it was still snowing with a wind to miles an hour piling up the drifts filling the driveway Late in the day the snow stopped the wind dropped and so did the temperature to a nice round figure zero Typi cal visiting winter weekend But we care now Flames dance in the fireplace fairies on the television Tomorrow is time enough to dig out the car pray that it will start and hope the will get through the While the monster prowls outside all is serene within Grandad reminisces about win ters years ago when he drove a rural mail route with team and sleigh Bundled to the ears Buffalo robes Snow piled to the top of snake fences Stopping for lunch in the still shelter of deep spruce woods Lonely as the Ancient Mariner on a white white sea And home darkness deepening to cosy lamplight snug farm kitchen hot food and anxious wife While he talks quietly Gran ny produces endless pots of tea cake sandwiches chocolates The kids sprawl on the floor The Old Battleaxe dozes silent for once And even yours truly lulled by the fire and stunned by a huge dinner admits that there AND I by Ray Argylt Maitres Chez Nous Canadas new Parliament as sembled this week and Prime Minister Pearson found himself challenged over the very issue on which he had sought but failed to obtain a majority in Novembers election It sounded like the old refrain with a new chorus added as Ottawa was thrown yet another demand by Quebec this time to turn over all social welfare programs to the provincial gov ernment The demand wasnt made in Parliament but it almost over shadowed the ritual opening and the Throne Speech listing gov ernment proposals for this Bui the could find little satisfaction in reflecting that the voters last November had failed to heed his plea for a strong majority government at Ottawa which he said was need ed to resist demands from many provinces nut just Quebec for more autonomy in fiscal and welfare matters Anil he would find little sup port from the big Conservative Opposition for anything short of a hard line against further en croachments by Quebec in areas of Ottawas authority The double barrelled on slaught from Quebec came week before Parliaments open ing Leftleaning Quebec welfare Levesque told the FederalPro welfare mil allow a nference of that Quebec as well as other Ottawasupported welfare programs Quebec already has set up its own parallel program to the Canada Pension Program and is determined to do likewise in other fields But what really made Ottawa sizzle was Quebec revenue min ister Eric Kieinns letter to protesting US curbs on American investment in Canada The spectacle of a provincial cabinet minister conducting for eign affairs appalled Ottawa cir cles The hit back hard branding action high ly irregular and it is latest broadside that is the more seri ous of the two Warning that we are moving into a new Can ada or no Camilla at nil seemed to be reaffirming Quebecs intention of achieving separation from Canada in fact The Levesque outburst at least put the emphasis on the bedrock issue of Canadas con tinuing constitutional problem a special status for Quebec- Faced with continuing de mands from Quebec the federal Liberals have given ground on many fronts since Mr Pearson became prime minister in But in order to avoid the ap pearance of favoring Quebec the government extended the privileges to other prov inces as it has so far given Que- the country is faced at last with recognizing that if Quebec is determined enough o win more control over its own affairs then he same pri vileges must not be granted other provinces Of course a strong case can he made for withholding special privileges from Quebec as well But its not very realistic Quebecs formula for achiev ing separation from Ottawa without actually pulling out of Confederation lies in the opt ing out system Under this system would pull out of federalpro vincial programs but would con tinue to receive its full of monies earmarked by the Federal Government for spending in that province Th catch is that instead of the mon ey going directly from Ottawa to Quebec residents via federal machinery it would be turned over as a blank check to the Quebec government for spend ing as Quebec sees fit The idea of such a special sta tus is of course offensive to much of the rest of Canada In the case of family allowances Quebec City would like to get its full share from Ottawa and add provincial monies to hand out bigger allowances to teen agers and to families with mors than three children Financially it wouldnt have any real effect on the rest of the country But it would give added satisfaction to the Quebec dream of own house What No Union Demolition of an old building in Litchfield England resulted in the discovery of a bound and preserved document dated headed Office Staff Practices Try comparing your office practices with a few listed in the The firm has reduced he hours of work and the clerical staff now only have to be pre sent between the hours of 7 am and pm Daily prayers will be held each morning in the main office The clerical staff will be present The craving of tobacco wines or spirits is a human weak ness and as such is forbidden to all members of the clerical staff disport themselves in raiment of bright colours A stove is pro vided for the benefit of clerical staff It is recommended that member of the staff bring four pounds of coal each day during cold weather No member of the clerical out permission from Mr Rogers The calls of nature are permitted and clerical staff may use the garden below the second gate this area must be kept in good order Members of the clerical staff will provide their own pens The owners recognize the generosity of the new labour laws but will expect a great input t for THE ERA Serving Northern York County Since 1852 Publisher What is he going to do for us at Queens Park this session DAVID HASKELL Edit GIL SHEPHERD News Wednesday at 30 Charles St Newmarket Ontario by a ft Company Limit advance Single Subscription for Circuli- Mail Post Office Department Member Phone