Horticultural Society Elects Officers AURORA The annual meeting of the Aurora Horti cultural Society was held Jan in the parlors of the United Church Aurora The president Miss Claire Rout- ledge was is the chair After the minutes were read by the secretary officers and convenors of committees gave their reports as follows floor display for fireside each class and tea table at each show to the general effect secretary stated that gen eral meetings had been held i during the year including cancelled on account of rated for the best and was won by Mrs memory of a late member Mrs John Bees group to the Aurora Septem meeting The secretary delegates to the Ontario Horti culture Association annual meeting in saying she had enjoyed and prof fay fa TREASURERS REPORT Mrs treasurer since May of this year owing to the illness of Mr Hayes read a di gest of the bank deposits and withdrawals with apologies for not having the accounts ready for an audit as yet Total deposits amounted to which included a bal ance of left from 1961 while total cbeqi there balance t Dec Duckworth report ings by a telephone I Adair told of the bushes which included dean and grass cutting Also boxes outside the Post Office and Bank of Montreal buildings were planted with annuals He suggested that I Ontario Municipal Association are the left are Glass of Aurora 2nd VicePresident J Armstrong of Georgetown President A of North Don Glass On OMEA Executive larger grant from the ti better showing could been achieved Total William Davison speakers who us during the year and felt that the choice proved itself to be wellmade and profitable for all The Spring Auction and also the spirited auction eer netted the for the funds Anderson reported members also for Mrs Klees assigned for this j standing The Christmas was reported to be the best yet and attracted a number of visitors Twentytwo mem- yet and attracted a number of visitors Twentytwo mem bers exhibited during the Many changes were made A committee of four with the planning and t were added later to the specimen divisi were the tables for display of cups Pay Off Scout hall Debt NEWMARKET At an Op timist Club executive meet ing held January presi dent of the Newmarket Opti- its Matt Boyd in the ab- of the treasurer an- that had been paid off the Boy Scout Hall at the end of December his was in addition to which had been used for maintenance during the year Armstrong a Hydro Commis sioner of Georgetown was elected President of Central Ontario District No On tario Municipal Electric Asso ciation at the annual meeting held at the Hotel in Toronto Mr Armstrong a former mayor of Georgetown and wdlknown businessman suc ceeds J Bill Fisher the Public Utilities Commission Who was President of District No in The tod VicePresident is H Don Glass Chair man of Aurora Hydro Mr Dairy in Aurora and has been a member of the Com mission for several years Directors for 1966 are El mer Chairman of Brampton Hydro D Ed Steer Chairman of Hy dro and W Elmer Wright ronto Township Hydro The SecretaryTreasurer is J Jack Ramsay Assist ant General Manager Admin istration of Toronto Hydro One of the highlights of the meeting was the interesting informative address given by Ross Strike Chair in the past two years in Ontario has been phenomenal Mr Strike said that the Douglas Point nuclear power station will go critical by the end of 1966 He indicated that this year further hydraulic power units in the North will be brought into service and the No unit kw at Generating Station Construction work will forge ahead at the Pickering nu clear power station this year to meet the schedule of first SIMMONS SHOES GIANT WINTER SALE SAVE 20 ALL SHOES NOW to JAN 31st FINAL FEW DAYS of our JANUARY CLEARANCE COATS SNOW SUITS JACKETS PRICE REDUCED DRESSES SLIMS TOYS ETC 50 RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE ST N RICHMOND HILL WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET A LITTLE MORE THAN YOU EXPECT SWIFT PREMIUM READY TO EAT SMOKED PICNICS 55 TABLERITE FRESH CUT UP CHICKEN BASKET 39c Royal Guest Rindless Sliced Lean Mealy Fresh Side SIDE BACON ib SPARE RIBS 65c GREEN GIANT PEAS 3 49 INSTANT COFFEE SAVE WHITE SWAN TISSUE a SHE CORN FLAKES 2 SAVE IGACHEEZ SPREAD HOT CHOCOLATE 2 SAVE FANCY 5 VARIETIES CURKS SOUPS 3 Cake Mixes 3 DOG FOOD California Lettuce Peas Save These Extra Tape for Free or Eaton Merchandise Certificate hospitality Receive an Extra Tape with I Dutch Apple Pre Kb can Tide Detergent SSf Receive an Tape with Cooking Onion Thrift Detergent JS Aluminum Foil Corned Beef oiSie hag Player Cigarette FuHndChip IGA F00DLINER NEWMARKET PLAZA DAVIS DR