INTO THE MUST BE LUCKY EXIT GOOD HEAVENS WW ALREADY IVE JANE WHAT BECAME THREE WHITE TOW TRUCKS STOP SHOUTINs I HAVE OUST AS MUCH OUT HERE AS THEY X STOP SO NERVOUS LOOK PLEASANT WE ill THIS You CAN MAKE GOOD TIME THE CARS WILL SEE TO THAT MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS INSULATION BEAUTIFUL DINING LOUNGE BANQUET ROOM FOR BUSINESS MEETINGS WEDDINGS DINNERS HOTEL CHINESE CANADIAN CUISINE TAKE OUT SERVICE FULLY LICENSED Jan 19 It Its Curtain Time BY RUBY a Club is holding its General Tunnel of Love It is being held Larry Don I i Mare Laurie Featured are taken by Streets sign Powell David Stiles by Terry design Bob Dennis Bygnes Davenport Jim Wiley Jennifer I lei will lie mens and Molly Sharon Subline lookalcr make up under Hie if Mr It Bob nip I he play of the has Caller is John Badminton Group Defeats Downsview KING CITY King Cily played by el lbs on home ground Hie King City club were victors in a hart fought tourney with a score of games to it King City ladies who show wins are Janet Watson Freda Bobbie Yvonne Brown Betty Jenkins Rene It am ford Male players up front are John Jenkins George Peter Tender For Garbage KING TOWNSHIP King Township Council accepted the tender of York Sanitation Lid of Nov market to collect garhagc in Ihe Oak Ridges area at an annual rale of ml ml will tie cents There will also be special pickups early In Ihe new year and also one in the spring The hillings will be con- collector Council also accepted lender price of certs gallon for fuel oil for own Junta a ill February Ihe King objects WANTED BANDSMEN BRASS WOODWIND INSTRUMENT UNIFORM SUPPLIED REWARD PRENATAL CLASSES FOR EXPECTANT MOTHERS Registrations now being accepted at YORK COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Richmond Hill Vonce Street North Bradford Wins Eight Straight BRADFOTID Bradford Aces are the hottest midget hockey team in the county The Aces made it eight in a row defeating Cnmp Borden Air Force last week in an Midget Hockey Lea- imc in the bridge shut game In the o shut I Firemen in a Hugh shared the scored and Bob Lynn shared the Aces stars sc three goals n starring in goal Oak nidges Becton Com bines upset Oak Ridges Pio- in League play John Lynn Ham- ODEO JAN 19 ONLY IN TECHNICOLOR maurice Evans judith anderson IBefit JAN JA bikini MACHINE libs a and a the tight Minn and itll GO GO GO GOLCoofi MACHiMi PRICE AVALON CM VIS km SWINGER A ral ROGERS