NEWMARKET NOTES What People Are Doing by Ruby Haskett The Ladies Section of York Curling Club were the host ess club all last week for the Provincial Diamond D Zone Large crowds of spectators enjoyed the curling and the club was the busiest spot town Rinks came from Richmond Hill Newmarket Heather Curling Golf Club Whit by and others Behind the glass skips had a whale of a week playing every shot The High School Curling is well under way with boys and girls receiving coaching from Mr Harry Car- you and your friends I Parking is easily accessible the St Paul lot two doors Newmarket talented young people are often overlooked in the hurry of every day doings Recently at the Na tional Ballets annual Christ mas presentation the the National Ballet Com pany for several years now the Aurora and District Hospital Auxiliary to York The tea will held Jan from to pm Willi I hr Mrs Bert Knl is much im proved but expects lo be con- resented by Emma Mar ones and at the Bonspiel at Fergus York North Chapter of are now meeting Monday nights at 8 oclock in the Church Wellington Si East Aurora The Barhershqiptrs have added greatly their the last few months Report Presented ZEPHYR The Womens Institute held their January meeting on Tuesday afternoon A report of given by Mrs Harman NOTICE Change of Nam Roadway you or your friends nation had received a letter for Christmas cards that were sent to all the boys The association members are still saving tapes and rolls If anyone has Christmas paper and ribbon left Mrs would appreciate and Mr Bert Writ Tuesday The Womens Section of the Curling Mrs Knights ToHeadWMS Officers for the year were elected at the meeting of the Womens Missionary Society of ville Baptist Church held i Newmarket the meeting President will be Mrs Knights vicepresident Mrs Gordon Kennedy secretary Mrs Earl press cot respondent Mrs Tail committee Mrs George Rowan conducting the Bap tism Youth speaker was Mrs regular winter schedule this week The Mens Section started their schedule last Tuesday interested kindly Mr R Hockey was elected president of the Newmarket Horticultural Society for the coming year the annual meeting held on Wednesday at the DeputyReeve Richardson presided for the election of officers Standing held by Queens- Mrs Miller secretary Mr Richardson Ross treasurer vtlle Firemen and their Sealed are Mrs Elliott second vicepresident Mr Hockey president and Mrs first vicepresident Staff generous donation of Timothy St Mr and Mrs resi dence is one of the oldest homes in Newmarket built Feb 1112 at the King Edward please get in touch with Mrs Slessor Donations to Fa mead School from Mrs market Dr B Label Toronto J D Davidson Hob- market Mrs D Ot tawa K Wright Newmar ket and Mrs Zimmer man Aurora are gratefully acknowledged Arena Manager Stan Smith week It was a picture of the a championship in the AURORA ACTIVITIES Topics Of The Town by Emma AA Purchase Mr and Mrs Taj In son and daughter- visited her sister Mrs Andrews last week Mrs Mary Kaine of guest of Mrs and Mrs Bob Wilson during the evening The community was shock nd family Allium IbnnlTi i Ihe of and children in Porto Olive Howe Gurnet I of Elma Lodge Wednesday afternoons Watch the papers for dates of these programs A talk on Club play music II group a bullet of Queens lorded by Mrs letter of greeting I bate Were Ihe Mr Larry Miller of Water- Angeles Calif loo spent weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Stotesbury Dunning Friendship Circle helpful of officers will be held he I early in May This branch gave assist ance at the Club Achieve- Day held in Aurora re cently The program on was in charge of who gave a talk on the new decided upon First ami April sisterinlaw Mr Mrs Brooks BELL LINES By H B Allan your telephone manager ARMS INSTANTS and TONGUES Telephone Chain Lifeline for the Elderly fear that sudden itttie iv prevent them from etc fur people who phone part the brings it has he elderly prop the enjoy an feSPfl iiiSSffei only electric heating can offer you all these advantages unmatched cleanliness Electric heating is Nameless There is no combustion create dirt dust film or soot Windows drapes and walls all stay clean longer in electrically heated homes unmatched comfort Electric heating offers It is quiet creates no draughts no chilly spotsjust gentle even constant warmth unmatched value Electric heating is it offers extra living space and can have a significant effect on resale value of your home Yet with all its advantages electric heating costs fat less than you may think For more information about electric heating consult a qualified electric heating contractor or your Hydro your hydro Lewis Brothers E R Tidman Contractor- with Ann Sommers LADIES are you tired of silling around home your housework is done Then may I make a subnet inn at the BOWL will find many women such as yourselves who are enjoying many hours bowline to their hearts The ODEON BOWL features afternoon groups and leagues with a beautiful modern nurs ery for your preschoolers with two qualified personnel available at all times You never know you may win the high triple or single which is worth to you Why not make arrangements with TED FRANCIS the and see for yourself the coffee is superb and for those who are over weight can be of los ing those few extra pound wilt find the ODEON BOWL the Drive Newmarket our color antenna you achieve a much- as you pinpoint your antenna to the station it is also possible to Hues You will find it inter causes many women a great deal of despair Over condition of Heir hair there us treat I- i 1il id tnnsullaluiii on hair problem I lint Diana Salon ins wide in both nylon your carpel to look almost new workmanship guaranteed BAKERIES are en of this mon IVlms jelly filled Are you luuinfi problems Belting car started during on any of join they feature all A for reading material SHOP as ekPcpinR SPORTS DAIRY BAR that itVinerfnhlniir MARIGOLD i iii- All it it Burling Construction is one of the leading i this area Norm is presently working on one of Rood fin hand pit p finest building in ihe area