Tilt Era Families Meet In King KING CITY Mr and Mrs Gage Love held an at home for a large number of guests on Boxing Day at their home in King Township Mr and Mrs Love received their guests assisted by four suns Included in those attending were Lady Flavelle mother of Mrs Love Mrs Erie White Mrs James Bai ter Mrs Ian Baxter Mrs Charles Johnston and her daughter Mrs Mirjorie rough On Christmas Day Mr and Mrs Henry Borden at the Christmas Geoffrey of Mrs Pierpoint Miss Blanche Yates and Mr great- aunt Mrs Edith Pierpoint of driving morning turned back Marys his family Ansnorvddt Couple Mark Anniversary AKSXORVELDT Mr and Mrs Dykstra and baby of Harm Mr and Mrs John the holiday the Mrs Horlings irents Mr and I celebrate their golden heir anniversary this Mr and Mrs Miedema of spent the at the home of the for mers parents Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs of Newmarket have moved and baby of Brampton spent and Mrs C on Sun day Mr and Mrs P I relatives in the Cheerio Club Plans Program cousins Mr and Mrs rs Allison Sailed Miss Daisy Walts enter tained the program commutes of the Cheerio Club on Wed Mrs Mitchell was a recent visitor with Mr and Mrs Herb New- Mr and Mrs Stephens were guests of In less Robert Koch proved that tuberculosis is caused by scope Nineteen time bad suggested that dis ease might be caused by i which travelled from Use Christmas