21 Wanted to Rent I Phone bedroom home in 26 Help Wanted Male 21 Articles for Sale duly volt 51 plate I Year 322 Eafile Si MEN S A BOTS CLOTHING Buy OnflEas PLAN Suffer from va I All t SENIOR COST CLERK Progressive manufacturer photographic equipment work under tie direction of the accounting supervisor- Applicants should have a in standard costing a working knowledge of production control and purchasing would be help ful Those applicants in the Course be given preference Others with suitable practical experience win be given careful consideration ARGUS CAMERAS of Canada Limited Apply Sirs Doolcy Required Belt Sander experienced sanding veneered stock Hood Upholsterer fully man required- Tool maker apprenticeship com pletcd or equivalent experience agent HMW years of age with a presentable house on the main street or highway to specialize in farm and property sales Head training and continued provided Phone McLean David McLean Ltd Realtors Steles Ave at opposite Plaza required Must Sewing Machine I immediately SUP srkct a 31 Motor Cars for Sale Dodge phone transportation Soles new tires high gas mile age or best offer Owner moving must sell now Also luggage trailer for sale or best offer Phone 193S reasonable Newmarket transmission Priced to sell todav License Phone Newmarket ambler green and white TOOL AND Excel Ltd ft anted Someone to take on Repossessed Sing automatic zigzag AH the patterns or Yum HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES i i Ml tin Guaranteed Dealer SV Operator i good selection S1 each aiiiiw- planter and plants included Mar Phone Mount tin in in good lor couple or practical Write Box 526 The qualifies is worth as much SI 2000 In a Year painter and decor- Call Bill Phone babysitters farm hand desires Will Rive day Millard good ill iie 12 htm- Millinl Volkswagen gas heater washing machine cabinet radio upright Single ami double sua I TV Phone Newmarket fur Richmond Hill and lion or Am 31 Motor Cars for Have You Tried BRADFORD MOTORS ART CLOSE SPECIALS HP radio Articles Wanted Leave it 1 rinks Meat Mti Ridges Bill does not Help Wanted Mate PARTS MAN to consist of Co shipping experience helpful J AUue employe he age lo lii miles Lie fi whiles ill lues Plymouth Belvedere automatic Lie I9r Inif li idtnp automatic radio Lie I door with overdrive Lie tin dm lnrl ART CLOSE licence sedan like finished light blue finish Phone 1963 Coupe stylish black and white finish radio met and full wheel discs New plates SI I Bradford ticylnidor Trucks for Sale see the truck l MOORE TRUCK Old No 11 Holland Landing 895 39 Farm Items Com mixed hay for sale per bale Also bags cow chop Phone 8052280 Newmarket 41 Livestock for Sale Purebred Polled Hereford bull lbs Lowndes Yorkshire Ivan Mi I II- lll lull I performance tested lbs per day horned bred months polled It on llolstcin bob calves Building Trades and Household Directory wedding SARGENTS UPHOLSTERING Jail lerfields Occasional irome Chairs Repaired 53 Personals Mr tneir friends the occasion of their diamond from 2 to 5 in Knox United Church Parlours Sutton West Gifts greatly declined NEWMARKET ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOW Top Quality Custom Installations Low Prices Full Guaran LEW CHISH0LM FOR RENT Sanders and MS Legal Nolle Township of NORTH NOTICE North Planning Board will he public meeting on Janua 19titf at oclock pm i Memorial Arena Hall wick for the purpose plaining the proposed official plan for the Towashi North text and map of the official plan ma Municipal Offices Bell Joel Hopkins Chairm NEWMARKET TELEVISION SERVICE Septic Railings and PRECAST CONCRETE WILLIAM VAN SrHl CAR CONTRACTOR Aluminum Siding 3 Phone Beautify Tutoring Bookkeeping Unlimited Men Plan Payrolts Canada Pension Gas Oil Heating Coal and Wood Pet Stocks Supplies Kennels able New furs sold NOTICE nj lii Office Assistance Type- 59 Lost and Found crossbred Owner Phone Found White cat female wearing flea collar Phone lion Sale the property of Newmarket consisting of platform rocker wheelchair dressers stands beds i Typewriter good rv I Livestock Wanted of he lot of the Co will be l the home of the Secretary- Election of officers Mm I i Layers will abundance economical Good early egg size eggs In abundance Hi if interior quality are an egg pro ducer delight Lay ers have these and many more delight round from Arnoti Cedar Valley Onl hens for sale opposite Alexander I SMALL WORLD GOING OVERSEAS The BEST DRUG STORE FRESH FLOWERS Toronto daily Aurora Greenhouses AICOHOIICS Advertise Weekly For Best Results Jan 1SGS Canadian Legion Notes Wesley Branch By RYAN and also two from the aluavs the local other names fond of this Branch visit many Branches in On- place to none For active members of I 1 I 1 li in li M of the national committee are doing a good job on the sports front John is doing a good job on the front Howard Smith carries on with an efficient job on membership Barry Keclcy is doing his usual good always always needed and speaking various about membership Howard hospital for a speedy Hold Zone Bonspiel horns team George had on Saturday Jan teams contending fi playoff which will be contending for the dis- Runners up Newmarket S Sport Calendar Newmarket bantam hockey York- midget Richmond draw pm Mi ni fircens indoor lawn iwling club championship arena hockey Reel- Fist South Shore Bantams Draw Crowds team defeated in the final game by i House League they downed King City in both an impres- they have it competition will he played in Curlers Start Second Sweep SUTTON The Sutton Mens Curling started their second half of the years schedule with new teams last week Winner of the first half and the Briars Trophy was Bill rink Clayt Bradys team walked off with the Cat- vert Trophy s lo play I