Fix Up The Main Street Exponents of the Norwich Plan which Is the beaut if ication and modernization of some of the older business sections in Canadian I towns received valuable information and encouragement recently via a TV documentary on work recently accomplished at Niagara Falls The Main Street in Newmarket is another prime example of can be done with a little initiative and a very reasonable outlay for the benefits derived At present Newmarkets Main Street is a hodgepodge of every thing from the quite modern store front to the very decrepit tobacco I wad type of residential property Many newcomers to the town are amazed that next to an ultramodern store one finds delapiduted pre- usually empty which no progressive storekeeper would I consider renting much less buying And the owners appear to care little happens to these stores There are problems connected with the Norwich Plan hut there are problems connected with lassitude and lack of interest A few dedicated businessmen and professional people would do well to see how the idea came into being in other towns and if it could be I workable here The Norwich Plan has to be a concentrated effort by willing store- keepers and property owners who firmly believe in community plan ning as an aid to their business and the shopper who is no longer nos talgic for the cracker barrel type of establishment I The finished product both in Niagara Falls and other towns shows that the plan does not call for hue demolition projects A few gallons of paint a few simple modifications of existing architecture Can work wonders Its a challenge Newmarkets Main St cannot afford A Hesitant Step Aurora took another step albeit a little hesitant towards settling Hie contentious question of an arena and where it might eventually be built at a council meeting held Monday night Everyone is apparently agreed that the next step should come the combined efforts of town engineer Jack and recreation But son who will prepare a detailed report for presenta Hon to council Dec This in itself does not solve the problem for no one us yet seems settled in their mind as to the best site for the proposed There are at least three schools of thought two in favor of alter- o sites in Centennial Park rind against such a choice whether bo at the southern part of the park or up in the northeast section The two men saddled with the chore of preparing facts and figures Kg qualified in their respective fields and their recommendations Should carry sufficient weight to overcome petty objections Each is interested in the project moving without delay nd Driver Education The battle to introduce driv er education into the vast major- Ityof Canadian high schools has yet to be won It will probably take some time yet before a dene is found for these courses In the interim automobile ac cidents will continue to kill more young people than all the hood diseases combined and most Canadian educators will continue to claim that there is in their system for Srlir subjects Canadian teachers will wax eloquent to their intents on the impact of the on the progress of primi tive man while ignoring the im- pact of four wheels and a motor on modernday man and the de sperate need to do something Aura A Step Closer Aurora council is to be con gratulated on its move Monday night to approach of ficials to establish a community college in or near the town Much discussion has been made about such colleges mooted for various sections of the province and it is certain this area would find a college here of utmost value especially to students who no doubt could attend where travel sometimes rules out their plans to further their education All that remains now is for Newmarket and other communi ties in the area to follow up with similar quests all with the combined aim of having a col lege established nearby and at lie same time indicate to Auro ra and the Department of Edu cation this is a Well at least its dryer than rain SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley We Had A WingDing the tension of smalltown living my family and I tear up the budget fling it and caution to the winds and have a wing- I ill v diaper wed changed with delight th little boy wed taught to and skiti vn pi imiii the ha Lunch For four Hid promised Kim she could buy a guitar with the money shed earned playing organ at church through halfhour of ill adoles cents playing Every thing Smiley family wingding went Handing to plan We gel our plans from lie chap who used to write the sketches for the Three Night before had a small party Next morning lolh alum lmk- off dont do i hour late picked up a nun dont ask into all this and to they Visit to one of those wild rec ord stores to pick up a Hob Dylan record and the latest Roll ing Stones more organ money I stood outside and watched the hoods go in I hood and had no family Scramble back to hotel All bauds try guitar Fix up laces Rush by cab to buy roses for leading lady Leading man broke still Fly theatre Thrill to see above singing dancing without disgracing family Totter to hotel browneyes off to post- production parly which lasted until dawn Try to convince Kim and with first eyeshadow on that its bedtime not coffeehouse folk singing lime Succeed by falling asleep in middle of speech Wake up lo chaps watch ing late movie Order tea all round At cents a Cant sleep with traffic out side banging crashing screech ing hooting and drunks next door laughing singing old ding Before Id even begun to I were home the family man smells smoke Snarl at her Seven am she wakes nic tri umphantly is the fire truck Outside our door are six firemen Seems there was a blaze in next room where the drunks were Try to sleep Sevenfifty am Kim wants action A walk breakfast any thing Snarl at her Nine am gins bunging bell Snarl at or ganized religion Old cant sleep At have to give learned liter ary criticism of kids perform ance of previous evening At the going to a movie At i star turns up hungry broke I suggested cheap lunch and home Veined Everyone wants Chinese food Swinging Chinese dinner at four pm Sunday out leave son looking lonely Momma cries Dad drives 100 miles home through the light- glare of 7000 drunken deer- hunters heading back to city Everyone sleeps on way home Dad wheels Into garage leap out kisses floor of garage Ym ltd Mnltdl thin like a to get THIS WEEK AND by Ray Shifting To The Left ding support for private busi ness enterprise has been going on steadily since the war This doesnt mean however that I ho nation is going to sud denly swerve from the present pattern of mixed public and pri vate owner- hip It does suggest thai Canadian political parlies Will continue to veer leftward In the Liberal party especial ly a struggle is going on as lo of the New Demo- cm tic and Social Credit parties Its not surprising that suppoitcrs should show such be- liefs It might come as a shock to Premier Manning and Social Credit leader Bob I son however that his followers have socialistic inclinations The explanation would to be that Social Credit like tho I and the New Democratic parlies appeals most strongly to the disinherited and the content For all the outspoken support which leaders swing to he left with more and faster social welfare legislation or attempt to stand firmer against such pressures The survey on Canadas so cialistic inclinations was taken by Research Corp one of the countrys leading survey firms It was not it should he added one of the polling organi zations which was off base in the recent federal election According 1 fie good chunk of their voting sup- port has come from people who dont really believe what leaders have boon saving But the lo the the most socialist- number of per 1017 The feared a to tin- da has been cent of those in 1802 thai they quite like- dropped lo 178 thousands s red banner Canada is Hi inclined stale in the west ern hemisphere outside of Cuba We have built a mixed economy featuring private ownership of business large and small along- of a wide hi lin ith this l dubbed the He shll lin I might NOP has found Mi as much influent Letters To The Editor We the undersigned vigor- protest the hiring of Mr Walter Lowe It Brad ford Ontario as Canine Control Officer for the town of maikel for the full wing Ifi- Yellow Pages should bo separate establish ments and not situated on tiolnf apiopiittoi of an animal research farm We think that Mr Lowe in Ilia contract with the town is given too much authority to dis- ho sees fit after Ihe seventy- two hours have expired anil also protest that the same dogs should not sold for research if this is case While Mr Lowe may carry- out every detail of his contract with the town in our most dog pounds the mals are on display seven d a week for the public lo v purchasing accident will ell It V pie if their pet which they had looked after for several years consequences Wc feet the solution to this problem is to have the Ontario Humane Society come into this area to look after the welfare tact other nearby towns and townships to see if a combined effort could solve this problem THE ERA Serving Northern York County Since 1852 DAVID Editor and Publisher ay fa Company Authorized Phono