It was standing GiovanelU Concert Excellent tin Town Band Plays At Hospital Renews Appeal mail early for Christmas the last date for local delivery is and remember unsealed envelopes require a stamp your Turkey Now and he sure to THE LAMB LEGS Sec 111 into i the New market hiislmas on sumdav Iter Ithi ITS MAINLY BECAUSE OF THE MEAT IMPORTED MEATY WHOLE or HALF lb DOMINO FANCY Minister From Peru Queensville Pastor utf ami i a followed Mr I6f the death of All 1 Lottie who lere with A number I ol ii Manor Theyre Coming Again With A Bang TUES DEC 7th NEWMARKET TOWN HALL AUDITORIUM Its the LINDELL SHOW i anil Mi JUICE SPECIAL 3 MERCURY BRAND MESH SEAMLESS NYLONS Newest Fashion Similes Sin 9 to KRAFT SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP SPECIAL