The Changing Scene Nostalgic memories of the prearena days in Newmarket the fun and games which were possible on weekends and evenings on the former Fairy Lake property are covered quite extensively by Era Sports Editor George in Ins onemttiou Column this week rather a few sad thoughts and certainly the assumption that what we used to be Most communities are like and spending huge sums of money through service clubs and various drives to obtain recreation for the younger element and relaxation for the less active How times change in the old days everyone turned to clear an ice surface at Fairy Lake and you could hear the shouts and fun most of the way up Eagle St Nobody ever hoard of a recreation commission an Eaton sale cata logue made an excellent shin pari and some of the skates were a mechanics nightmare but there were nunc people in atten dance than could be found the arena in a month Today the site is a conservation area in theory in practice It is shadow of its former self and farce At the first suggestion of using it for skating or boating a down Inlaws and yards of Municipal Act are quoted and we are flooded with suggestions for police patrols motor launch rescue services and who can be paid for cutting the grass or clearing an ice surface There has been reams of type and a thousand TV pictures deplorable physical condition of modern Canadian youth and we to break our hearts and pockethooks to build even more efficient facilities while we are doing this we are bundling the latest in hockey outfits making sure be wont have to walk too fai by transporting him in an airconditioned cur and making sure ballpoint is working so we can sign the lab for his training the into turn buck the clock but wo can still a lot Lake and a lot of tired but healthier youngsters at tl day but wait think of the enormous cost every parent demand adequate insurance there would he court cases if Johnny was hit with a snowball and he might be so enthused with the fun am games out in the open air that he would forget to attend hi session in the gymnasium which might be in the school debentures ant the My No I we had better just conserve Fairy Lake Some day who knows we may be able to affoid bulldozers bricks enough dredge it out and build one of the finest community centres this part of Ontario there is usually enough debris on the edge of the dam each summer to put up the frame Leaders Needed An Ideal Location THIS WEEK AND NEXT by Ray Cleaning Up The House With Prime hearing from to shake his public by repining Secre ami John Dicfcnbtiker showing a tary Maurice who Willingness lo talk a was involved in Hie furniture successor tire Canadian on credit episode last year political tnok on a new shading this week The question is where does Mr Pearson go for new talent It still was not yet clear how even if he did decide to dispense ever whether the with these political liabilities would bring a drastic to Liberal and Conservative lineups In announcing the Parliament would lie called into session Jan Mr Pearson has left When the resignation of Hal ter Gordon as minister hit the count last week there wholeale makeover of Hie teil- himself lime to plan strategy With the sharp bite or winter unmistakably In the air this ret up a tree a few mils In- linked frozen foret ground Mis larder is full now and limit tin him in kiss autumn and snuggle up for the inter and lini up additional following which might Vive him a clear majority by then The soldier vote resulted in SUGAR Prime Minister said he not have any Further the election of two more Liber als raising government strength to two short of AND SPICE returned curly in December majority Hut Liberals are assured of the support of one Quebec independent and at time by Bill Smiley But the fact is thai Mr wUingrizys The Deadliest Of Wars more casualties than two and great world wars It makes the current cold war look like a kept the School picnic Il is being con fought in the home in tho and schools and in the streets in Ihev every country in the world men made the war Im talking about is preachers he war between and age kept the here has been no dcclarilion of w no ingle incident which has provoked hostilities Hut the fiihiui lias begun and Us going to be a long cruel de- While the and looked was high the elders Trade and Common A young in check litem that age Mitchell Sharp and elected Robert Ill- Sliced them thai older dc belter was finance Laurent government ill and generals Ihev Its fairly from multiply Winters has prime mil Meanwhile John who talked the day after the election as if he would bring down the government the mo ment parliament open indicat ed aiMinusual willingness to dis- a possible successor as He aid in an interview that he thought whoever would re place him should have long par experience This opinion the organization deducted to k oiii nut- I than the Hoy Scouts Vet 180 hoys members of two Cub and Scout groups arc urgently in need of leadership The seven g mips of ich the me lumber svoluutcc tu leui lie if the groin s had to oak sad the boys to fell for 1 he a us blot on the good lunio of New market Surety tlie some il ci a will help these boy and this excellent en ml and Federal sides II is which mnko- kids they are blissfully are that they are for the and I are reaping the iicc Young people think ex what I thought when 1 w posed to anything that Five thousand veals is bursting forlh all directions Thanks to med- il advances they now out number us Thanks to economic spent they live better than an as to leave the leaders still have trade and commerce deparl- the stigma of having deserted the Chief at his most desperate Pennon will have more difficulty filling Hie other two On the hand two of Mr cabinet posts left open by elec tion defeats that of Agricul ture Minister Hays of favorites in the House have been Michael Starr of Oshnwa his minister Calgary and MacNaughl of Iriucc toward Island The Prime Minister however could probably win strong pub lic support if he dumped Guy the and currently Tory House lead er and the hardhitting Yukon member Frik Nielsen As the country settled down for a respite from politics the indications were that Canadians Letters To The Editor we ever did Thanks the Dear tidy appearance and often un conformist world we warranted noise arc apparently led for them they despise It was Indeed heartening to not interested in activities which hour is come for might give them a better out And von cant blame them vandalism in last weeks issue and would offer the opinion that look on life for minors but think they think everyone is- for majors Were against them and probably their smoking and puff our With no wish to quote The attitude and uncouth remarks night into the oxygon good old days- when the younger are a way of fighting back lent them to be age groups found their amuse against society and We tell them to practise church building and directed It is to be hoped that this much of their to wholesome is just a phase and as another up back activities it seems a pity that vear approaches they realize We them to be mature our present day young people bicker and squabble in disadvantages it also should tell lb thorn over trifle Wo n they have no initia certain portions of our Plaza noted generally for un bring the development of a sense of to their fellow citizens slbta that is not safe son- Constant Reader THE ERA Serving York County Since 1852 IHua Wslm lam should led right hoi brought their own pram