WED OCTOBER Highway 11 Confusion Newmarket Town Council has been asked to support a delegation Ko interview the Ontario Minister of Highways regarding changing Highway 11 into a futl fourlane road from the limits of Richmond Hill to Davis Drive In Newmarket Statistics show that this section of No 11 is fast becoming dangerous because it changes back and forth from two lanes to three and sometimes four These facts should certainly be placed before the Minister Before a decision is made all the implications should be taken Into consideration Some indeed most of our four or more lane high ways are not Inclined to show a decrease in the accident rate and many of them have encouraged even greater speeding and subsequent greater loss of life On the credit side Highway 11 from Richmond Hill to Davis Dr could warrant four lanes if for nothing else only to eliminate the con fusion of the present system whereby traffic is suddenly required to twitch from three lanes to two and even up to four This is the major concern with traffic on this road and it becomes even worse during the winter months g Stronger and heavier of the area by police is the obvious but this as in many sections of Ontario highways Is far from Kconomical The police just could not be everywhere at once The main culprits as usual seem to be the drivers who fail to observe the simple Pules of the road and Ignore the signs which tell them well ahead that could run into trouble Part of the answer appears to be in the penalty against those who are caught flouting these rules If the penalties were made heavy at least it would take traffic offenders off the road for a long Super highways serve heir purpose in this age if they are used in accordance with the original plan for them If not they are a we can ill afford If the delegation to the Minister bears fruit lit cannot help but improve Yongc St but if It Is made into four lanes jets hope that the extra cost of widening will accomplish its purpose which is to show a drastic drop in accidents A Discordant Note From time to time it falls to our lot to attend functions where school bands and orchestras perform and quite often have come realizing there must have been a great deal of time spent by Sine parties responsible for instructing these aggregations in order Bio arrive at the point where musical selections are presented in a rather pleasing manner One great weakness seems to prevail however In almost every a one shudders when The Queen and Canada are attempted Discordant notes and the failure for the whole group to get in on the first few notes seems to be the rule rather than the exception This past week at the official opening of the International Plow- Spg Match with both federal and provincial Ministers of Agriculture many other dignitaries as well as a crowd of onlookers about present the high school hand assigned the duty of The Queen made a dismal mess of it and no doubt many felt shamed of the bands poor showing in this respect after doing quite well with marching tunes just a few minutes earlier Perhaps this is a field where the Hon William Davis Minister Education might step in and instruct all schools to gain a better of the national tunes and in the case of Canai which often sung the that the lyrics are completely knon Key To Future Prosperity The big traffic jam that Metro Toronto is heading for is an Inevitable result of the sprawling metropolis that Is taking shape to the south of us And It contains the key to the future prosperity of our own area Toronto is getting so big and traffic problems so complex that Inward flow of people and business is beginning to grind to a halt Instead business is beginning to go out to towns like New- market and Aurora where people can get to work in reasonable time l do their shopping without bucking nervewracking traffic A forecast of Torontos grim future 10 years from now was given by Samuel Cass Metro traffic commissioner are worried about the population explosion They should I take a look at the motor vehicle explosion he said Mr Cass predicts motor vehicle registrations in Metro will increase the rate of two new cars for every new citizen in the next five years already has the third highest per capita registration in the world Since motor vehicle registration jumped from to This trend will make it increasingly difficult for commuters to from suburban areas into downtown Toronto The logical lies in the development of outer areas all around Toronto If the Newmarket and Aurora areas take advantage of this better economic opportunities and increased cultural amenities short the good society can be ours sooner than we realize In Dutch With His Daughter Mr i lil earner poke When 1 get gay and kick up my heels and become the It i xi in the party she is miffed and makes cracks about my lack of My daughter is furious with me Again Shes at that age In fuel about the only time when daughters have very little we seem to be on our old basis difficulty in becoming enraged of true buddies is when shes with their fathers This occurs trying to wheedle some money of course only on days when Then her true mid theyre not sore as a boil at their mothers through ami we get along beau She has good reasons of tifully Until I remind her course She claims Im crabby shes be in at 11 pm oven in the morning and grouchy at it it is Friday night night ibis is because Im always Oh well thats about stand- hollering up the stairs to tell aril these days for a healthy her to get a move on in the father daughter relationship morning and hollering up the But this week she went off like stairs telling her to get her light off at night I decided to use a portrait of when I refuse to play badminton with her because of my bursi tis And when I do play and beat the can off her she is like all woman She accuses me of cheating or playing like a big bully She goes livid with rage when I try to help her through some situation know will bo tough What do you think I am Dad a child Rut she grows purple with passion when remind her that shes not an infant and can just keep on looking for her lost gym suit and dont care if her teacher does kill her and she can play basketball in her underwear for all I care She with bellicosity when she wants help with her home- work and I remind her that she thinks Im stupid and shed bet ter do it herself When I play the heavy father she Kim in my English Urobilin It was painted and extremely well done by Jean Hay whoe daugh ter and Kim were bosom pals then about age nine I look the paintings to school held it up for three minutes for the class then told the students to describe the impression it made on them Results were interesting Quote He wasnt very perhaps about ten but Ihc eyes those of an old tired man An Quote I think that this child is a bedraggled orphan wishing for parents to love and care lor him Quote Tears of pity anil for- lornness could almost bo seen dripping down the rusty Quote It is a picture that leaves the viewer with a feeling of deep concern Quote His large sad eyes which dcinaled his thin dirty little face told his story belter than a thousand words Quote His cars drooped like a dogs when it knows it has done something wrong and will be punished Quote I got the that he was very sad and lonely perhaps an orphan who had gone without food for some time Just a sample Titles were such as The Boy The Lost Orphan One imaginative lad called it The Last Jew and sug gested the child was waiting to go off to the gas ovens What young lady of who is dabbling with lipstick wears a brassiere and has been out on a date wants her name bandied about the school as an old nphan dog a dirtyfat Ami worst of school those rustycheeks thought she Crime And Politics Mr Is rullonillv- will appear ex- In The Era In York County When final nominations for the Nov election close next Monday about candidates will zero in on what may be tho only popular Issue of the cam paign honesty in government Whistlestopping through the prairies last week Mr baker voters a solemn pledge that if elected he will stamp out the webs of the Mafia and the corruption of officials in Canndian public life The issue was made even more sensitive by the fact that during the pnst year all the revelations and charge of cor ruption have had their base in Quebec have involved FrenchCanadian names This has been embar rassing to Prime Minister Pear son because the Liberals have already been under fire for giving in to Quebec on such matters as the flag ism and special treatment fur the province in The grisly disclosure that up to people may have been murdered in Quebecs bank ruptcy scandal came in the wake of a long list of embarrassments for the Liberal Government The issue of honesty in gov ernment broke a year ago when Tory Erik Nielsen of the Yukon arose in the House of Commons to charge that Liberal Party fig ures were involved in attempts to gain freedom for internation al narcotics suspect Lucien At first heatedly denied Niel sens charges were borne out by an inquiry cur baled by Quebec justice Noel The probe found that Raymond Den is executive assistant to former immigration minister Rene Tremblay had offered a 20000 bribe to a prosecution lawyer in a bill to get bail for Mr Justice also found Guy Rouleau Hie Liberal MP for Montreal and form er parliamentary assistant to Mr Pearson had committed a reprehensible act in trying to use his influence on be half The upshot was the transfer of Justice Minister to the post of president of the privy council and his replacement by Mr But there were other embar rassments for the government Dupuis minister without portfolio was kicked out of the cabinet when he was charged with accepting a bribe to pro mote a race track franchise near St Johns Que Finally both State Secretary Maurice Lamontagne and Mr Tremblay admitted taking deliv ery of furniture from a com pany that later went into bank ruptcy And they had not paid for the furniture until asked to do so by the Bank of Montreal after the bankruptcy A key figure in one of bankruptcy scandals In which firms would buy goods on credit sell them and then go bank rupt without paying their bills is charged with fraud arson was who acted as notary to the signed state ments of six Quebec Social that would sup port Mr Pearson following the lOtW election As a result the Liberals were called on to form a government Mr demanded that federal authorities open up all files on the bankruptcies with freedom to talk them on tho hustings As embarrassing as he scan dal is to tho government Que bee observers know the bank ruptcy racket has been going on for years and In fact the first of the killings unearthed recent ly occurred in And some of aliens involved in other crimes whom Mr accused the government of lay ing out the welcome mat for Imillol Camilla during the years Neutral observers see the cur rent attack on crime as con sequence of a determined effort by the provincial gov ernment to wipe out a crime syndicate which fastened its tentacles on the province during the years of the corrupt government How the voters Canada will judge a alter i be Is Anybody Listening In an average week this time of year the flow of traffic safety literature across an edi tors desk becomes a landslide Some of it is wellwritten all of it is wellmeaning The mes sage is always real and impor tant But as drivers of cars me thodically goon killing and maim ing themselves and others 1383 Canadians dead and injured in traffic accidents in June July and August last year its hard to believe that any one is listening Maybe were sated with num bers and cautions and photo graphs of cars curled around hydro poles Maybe a traffic ac cident looms too small in this era of the bomb Somehow though if only because this kind of carnage is so unnecessary and wasteful people who drive have to discover that death in a car and much more likely than most other kinds And somehow people who talk about safety have to use terms that v ill niifce motorists listen Maybe like this Safety tip A 10mile trip takes 16 minutes at miles per hour and minutes at mile- per hour How much time do you have to save Another way to say this is that once there was a man and wife and baby doing on a two lane road because it was seven pm and the motels were filling up and they met a car load of teenagers cresting a hill name speed And one of them a little and there was that ugly indescribable crunch of metal on metal and just time for the woman to scream One of them actually lived though The prettiest teenage girl Walks with a permanent limp but as her parents often say shes lucky to be alive We and with THE ERA Serving Northern York County Since DAVID It HASKELL Editor