Queensville News Queensville Baptist Chun The name of the person you are addressing The street number street name or past office box number apartment or business block suite number tt any City town or village and postal it in use province too Your name and your complete address In the upper left corner eld at 17 the follow Ho a like Juiuoi 1 inn v Ji AURORA HAPPENINGS Morns i England Aug Home and School was organized at aid school Sept burger the October 16 the The Harvest BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY urfca Murray Dana Evelyn held WalDti Wnyne Wright Judfie was Glen Atkinson of head Mi Bud Insurance BILL MclNTYRE FRED A LLOYD Its a Volkswagen A tostback Volkswagen A Volkswagen A amity Volkswagen A bucketseated Volkswagen An Volkswagen A fimtodrrve Volkswagen We call it the ostbadc sedan because thats how big the engine is because thats the way the back And sedan because its not a sports car Although it has a lot of sports cor features like a the door And fourwheel Independent suspension to take the bend out of corners Aod front wheel disc brakes that stop you effortlessly And the comfortable bucket seats weve already mentioned Then whats sedan about our fastback sedan lets with room It seats five Or two adults and as many kids as you want to stuff into the back seat Theres cu ft of luggage space A fully instrumented padded dash with electric clock Carpeied floors And seat backs that adjust to seven angles These are a few reasons why our now is a sedan And a sporty cor After youve driven one hard for a few m years youll know why its a Volkswagen H J MOTORS Tell Toronto STREET NEWMARKET Newmarket Insure THE COOP WAY Co- operators In JOHN SYTEMA Legal Floyd E Corner IOYIj iC lepho Vale Peppiatt and Errington SOLICITORS NOTARIES M R Stiver Limey l Office Supplies CENTRAL OFFICE SUPPLIES SERVICES LTD Pharmacist DRUG STORE HO ROBINS PHARMACY Open til pm ROBINS PHARMACY Open Til pm Both Drnjrs Stores Open Til pm ROBINS PHARMACY Accountant A A CONLIN Botsford St Chartered Accountant NEWMARKET J D Jackson CA EARL G BLACK Need Printing Try The Era Express Architects DENIS BOWMAN Architect KINO SUMMIT STUDIO King Beauty Salons Advertise Weekly For Best Results Miscellaneous CHAS ABEL FAST Color Photo Finishing ROBINS PHARMACY lane 191 MAIN ST NEWMARKET ROADHOUSEROSE FUNERAL SERVICE LAND SURVEYOR John C Moore OLS Avenue Ittl ELLIOTTS TOWING SERVICE MORTGAGE