Express Wed- July BridesElect Feted At Various Showers Recent local t King City News featured Gamble tier hot To Australia King City their of the Mr Locey raffium leather by Mrs Arnold and pre Lilly by branch presenting Mm ttacey with a piece of luggage felloe- workers Toronto Vulcan Mrs Howard Clcgg Jennie was on the King Family Picnics At Mr Albert Park Melbourne Lions Sawyer BSCN daugh ter of Dr and Mrs Glenn Sawyer Whitby former King City residents Mrs Sawyer received with the as Ihe brideelect re- wrapped gifts display- Mrs Muriel and Mrs Mabel Hal r daughter hi for Whitby for King City Toronto Vacation with everything you need Get an HFC I Traveloan Mow Slip COMPARE OUR PRICES H J PFAFF MOTORS LIMITED Authorized Volkswagen Sales and Service Highway at Eagle Street Newmarket Salads Create Meals lads are ideal for hot stu days Ontario is blessed ie variety of fruits a salad adds col delightfully re a satisfying and us meal for a summer goldenbrown puff pas- II heaped with chicken aspic jelly delights any Sacred Heart Priest Honored At 25th Anniversary Dinner salad season With the is the possibility or rapid if he s better to have him Rev LISTEN HERE News the big vel SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT VETERANS ASSOCIATION CANADIAN COUPS ASSOCIATION NEWMARKET ONTARIO Oil TUB IUKlOSE Iirililuirs 1 III I III is In illiiiih lit in DONATIONS AUK NOT TO BE SOLICITED Bob Hesketh KEEP INFORMED 63 PONTIAC 62 PONTI AC I 61 PLYMOUTH CHIEF IARISIENNE BELVEDERE 61 PONTIAC 149500 60 RENAULT DAI Ill INK 29500 169500 60 MORRIS STATION WAGON 60 MONARCH LUCERNE 129500 59 FORD Always of Used Volkswagens illy of me item a couple 1000 DRESSES ARDILLS Summer Clearance We are Clearing our Complete Stock of Dresses These Dresses Must be Sold this Month to Make Room for New Fall Stock Save 200 to 2000 per Dress Cool Summer Dresses In Those Easy Care Fabrics Reg to Now 888 Dresses A Treasure Of Exciting Styles Patterns Reg to 2495 Now 1088 STOP This Is A Group No One Should Miss Reg to 1495 Now 688 DRESSES SPECIAL FOR 1 SHOP AT ARDILLS THE STORE THAT SPECIALIZES IN LADIES AND CHILDRENS WEAR