Fife The Newmarket Era ft Express Wed- June KT Mended Mr and Mrs extend July daughterinlaw Mr William Klomp a family members i and the USA imt vil held at and Mr and Mr Norman Municipal Affairs Program Adopted By Ontario Jaycees public in m Police Governing Authorities held on Friday June II the offices of Magistrate O Left to right table We Reeve of Judge Brute Mayor Kent Reeve J a- Picture Taking Tips Keswick Mews warmly thanked left a the honor of Miss Lois Rye Jack Rye on Friday The couple will The Unit of Kcv to Wednesday June of a Ions Three Thousand Bottles A Day of is The annual leadei Jaycccs from all parts field I muniiy though tiicn the inrlivirtiiiil In I would tin miuily livd Ill pin y ORCHARD In standardized the babies here are all ill and every bottle is produced to a for inula prescribed by as mis feeding the patients lions Contributions will be have brought the hospital welcomed firalunllv in flic its recofinilion as the Sick Children listed above treatment and research Toronto iiinit 1 J threehour seminar on College Degree Not Necessary For Career In Food Retailing mas McLormack said There Unit thfi inch I B P Women Hold Picnic At Keswick rll 1 I ml Horticultural Group Hold RosePeony Show Johnsons hybrid Am isplay Mrs for the Industry lie LIFE TIME TOWERS 5950 Allens Service CENTRE 510 DAVIS DR Now taking- orders at 369oo If youre shopping for price plus qualify see the new addition to Emperors Itoyal Line of tent trailers The DUCHESS economy unit sleeps adults mattresses and canopy Can be neon anytime at SANDYS TENT TRAILER SALES Andrew St Newmarket 89554