and fytm MAY WE A Era 111th Year Express Herald Year Persons Head This Newspaper Each Week Newmarket Ontario Wednesday June Single Copies 10 Cents Each MEANS TRAFFIC CHAOS Delegation Protests Long Term Disruption At Davis Dr Bridge Suggests Temporary Alternate Dairy Ltd lion representing replacing possible fivemonth period Mr Kudelka urged council to take some action with the Toronto and York Com mission and any other officials moving the bridge and bridge principle to plans which has only remodelled brldgi about i and the pro be out of proportion We plans and feel that the company Is doing excellent job and are quite operative but we eel that the overall cost running 0 about the Colt module traffic and bus si would amount to very Mr said it had and the rights specially the immediate effect f the bridge and no fere would Que remedy Mr Kudel sii Newmarket Has Some Of Best Lighted Streets In Any Ontario Town lights installed on the These lights provide a of lumens each fast side of Main Street had the new to brighten a thoroughfares and bridge at suggest this is not casonable in comparison t he overall cost Attend Meeting The five months require well into the Chrlsima there is this council will it to which Its utmost to alleviate any place the situation before r to the problem con amounting to be split into two In f the he Public Work Tax Position Best In Years efficient enable of by Well known in the community having in the Newmarket area for Ihc past ears Mr and Mis Alee Donor marked the year of llielr marring on in at then home on Si Tin vomit married in it tin lnut Mi- lion i Hi former lilli- Mr is live of Hi iet Until 111 ii mini tin- had sun II in Movie Star likes Burger Bar Pie who simpldl lino of til lablishmenls pics Three Are Injured Area Recreation Directors And Playground Supervisors Attend Course At Bradford by ii 1 A To Officially Open Bradford PO July 5 mined knowledge Remand Suspect Following Guilty Plea In Sutton Hold Up l pie of Mend of Matthew Smith sentence lo hang for the klllinc of liw and smith masked on Nov went to Police Station where they pis v hipped Constable locked him in a ceil In- lor Jack Kay of the opp tied Ihcy both worked at the same of Iho Bank of in was shut through the curt In boat they had bought boat anil fled the robbery had told he they mapped Out Child Dies In Cottage Blaze yearold Tammy leaders In follow whop clearly get all the about the prob- Announce Revision In PC District Ridings Complete Successful Rotary Peanut Drive of peel formerly nounced by Mr Bell which the Progresfive Association In I Irongly emphasized good List Honor Students At Huron Heights