Pop pins In the Park Urge Continuing Education Library Membership Your public Indian Library Week the Importance of reading and corresponding lilo especially in an age demands so much knowledge and so many skills Indeed the very existence of J tion and liter this week and formed pi Why LISTEN HERE YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE from egg plants to dirigibles CFBBi Cromer the sound tram the Music I mornings from 1064 to 19G7 Canada lihrai its are growing fast tit 1 supply of librarians hip ii a challenging and it warding profession Are ibrarian this week Canadia and records to help Walter Bud Hambly Itr Campbell Johns Quebec was hi United Chui Kine City ml Toronto Mrs ad Jack of Kin His wife Hughe and two children ant Clubt on Friday April lie Ann April a nU King City News John Honored At Surprise Party King township icir nun It i lu anivrd pi oh lily winner was Judy Me rtucorul Diane third Judy lino Judges iiii Mrs I Ited inn and members of tin Guides News her mother Mr Frank Name aily moved to the stale i jii chult- INCOME TAX GOT YOU DOWN BYUTTINGUS PREPARE yaw RETURNS Iluokkcepinf A PERSONAL RETURNS 200 AND UP ALSO PREPARATIONS OF TAX RETURNS FOR SMALL BUSINESSMEN FARMERS RENTAL INVESTMENT INCOME Problems Our Specially AoZ BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS Owner General GORDON HILL Crescent Newmarket across front Newmarket Inquire at on Davis Drive Open Nightly Day A Week OutofTown Please Call Collect Just about every finance manager in Canada will give you credit for buying this car as the day you bought il difficult net backing from one of Ihe fi Ihot behind us bunk And because a Volkswagen sells for about SI as nice you make are likely to be smaller Or fewer Does a VW demand a big down payment Not very In id A Hud cars Smalt con Old cars tale model cots Can pack find its Bui really nice thing about buying a Volkswagen J MOTORS 315 Yonge St Newmarket Tel 8952366 3647917 Toronto