Tit The Newmarket Era Express Feb King City News North York Humane Society Tte Seeks To Increase Fees RUSSELL J ROGERS HERBERT MILLS sideroad Con of damage to rented deputy tut canine control at the blaze an froAuuTa liu Slf Osborne IrcMurcr telephoned lor the fire depart ment and the family spoke briefly their procedure About Saturday chimney fire at the of James of load was quickly subdued by Aurora fire department earned damage Caused by three small ire set said the Humane Society el the home by King township police King SSS Township gated by King township by the fire departments Development noted in tor- sons and from met- as honorary chair- Jack Saunders Wnlhn Mrs It G pn i Iv I- Ken During 1181 the auxiliary of subsidy to Ctote to large metropolitan Township Planning Board by Ernest Richmond Scyen King City Seoul- the municipal council His term of office id one year and Pool and in the Mi I a of Farm Mr Mills until his retire- at the end of was and general of the Insurance n of if president director of the All-Can- ittee of the Nuclear that the the former Jean Mil ANSNORVELDT rhe community extends its to Mr John the death of hi wife Mr who ay Ian 13 in York County Miss Greta Keep returned irk County Hospital rent Mr and Mrs I Honda this week e Huskies Goodwill Mission A Success Mrs J Girl Players Feature Hockey Card Feb 9 Sirloin TBone STEAKS lb 65c POT ROAST lb 29c BEEF LIVER lb 29c Stewing Beef lb 39c lb MINCED BEEF 6 Loaves Fresh Bread ICE CREAM CAKES 100 100 35c ea FREEZER SPECIAL lbs BUTTZR FREE HIND BEEF lb FRONT lb 39c HALF SIDE OF PORK lb 39c ABDULS STOCK REDUCTION SALE WE MUST REDUCE OUR WINTER STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING FINAL CLEARANCE ON ALL COATS DRESSES SUITS St South LADIES SUITS 2495 DRESSES 5 15 I Reg NOW 1495 Chalet Shop Specials METAL SKIS Now SKI BOOTS 25 off Save Up To On All Sweaters Pants Jackets Childrens Pee SNOWSUITS Now Childrens DRESS COATS Now 998 Girls DRESS COATS Now14d SEE OUR MANY OTHER SPECIAL LOW PRICED ITEMS THROUGHOUT THE STORE