Upmarket and Member r 5erving and the rural district of North York year of publication r Wednesday at 30 Charles Newmarket the Newmarket Era ExHM Subscription tor two years tor one year in rath Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newsmen Association and the Andit Five Mills Equalization Allowed King Schools and soon there Christmas without us r wondered exactly what Mans biggest delusion is that age when they express the brings wisdom and maturity brings un- that the spirit of Christmas reach as in his obsession he loses every heart sight of the eternal The child brings to One thing is for sure The spirit of Christmas a faith in the durability of Christmas cannot be summed up things and peace will he thi Cod than a child and Christians of course rejoice rue meaning of Christmas It birthday of the Saviour an A of the We know that Christmas is essen tially a time of peace The coming of Christmas has almost invariably it does cause men tr pause to think and more often than not to pray for peace If the spirit of Christ mas abounded all year long there WHAT IS CHRISTMAS the fields saw the and followed it What is Christmas A time of merry- to Bethlehem The Wise Men took their iking paced by the holiday excitement of gold frankincense and myrrh The board elect met A time of retrospect when we think the lowly shepherds their gifts of love informally withthe inspector and hold the kindly or possibly more kindly of our and adoration each in his own way Lets all have the friends and wonder if the gifts we have Agnizing the significance of what this Christmas bought will be equal to those we expect the first Christmas a at the township municipal d despite this nostalgic journey to receive and to ensure that such is the Peace on earth goodwill minJlJfSSi rough the years riiay it be mer- case spend more than is sensible or what could be a song to be heard around the we can afford world all days not just Christmas Day p proposed Christmas a time of joy of scur- the spirit of Christmas permeated our The ten tying around crowded streets and stores living throughout the year and not for THE CHRISTMAS MESSAGE time to pause a moment to greet those only a very few days of each none more able to joy that is Christn faith of the child find it difficult have recognized the skirmish but he no wars We know that Christmas is a lime of faith It is a time when lost strength and courage may be renewed in the quiet stillness of a church in the somber darkness of a solitary room even in the hustle and hustle of the crowd seem to have time for di Christians around the world are once the year is that Christmas again through the traditional Perhaps the real Chris lions of the birth of Christ commemorat- among all the other things that are up and giving thanks for Cods great gift permost in our minds The of His Son to the world of the birth of a Babe in a lowly It is a time when a man in spite of in Bethlehem is himself allows the spirit of goodwill if moved for us to fit it friendship of sacrifice for others to take of everydi control of his hear almost miraculous MIRACLE OF CHRISTMAS One of the least recognized in fact least noticed miracles of Christmas is the general acceptance of the season as a time of warm friendship and good fcl scheme Masses of people who do not accept the mind True this In these days of scientific develop- Christian faith nonetheless celebrate at formation may be ment giving us aircraft that crash the this time one of the fundamental teach- THE WATER Montreal Star The Federal Minister Resources Mr re cently spoke of the prospect jointlyowned utility fought Chicago effectively Identity of est Is good reinforcement Hie Christmas message and in the great ex ample of the life and death of Christ there is for all men the promise of a greater and a better tomorrow There is no more significant time for all of us to count our blessings and at Christmas they seem to be more abund ant than ever brief and transitory Nevertheless it is sound barrier satellites in outer space of its Founder the brotherhood of base enough to rekindle faith in the ultimate and the more commonplace things such man the essential need of a brotherly triumph in this world of reason and good- as radio television and electrical appti- love and interest one for another And J will over the forces of unreason and we are prone to forget the wonder though it would hatred of a Star in the east that led thi ll is a message Ihe world needs even men to the side of a manger A this FAITH REKINDLED Mil again be Christmas Eve perhaps a good time to settle in the easy chair and drift down memory lane to some of those Chrlstmascs that have glided by without having too much impact one that decades have hazed almost be yond recall We have vague recollections of some weird and wonderful fat man answering all our dreams almost without question It was the days when cajoling and threats from parents were not need for we behaved without question Ihe fir bright that it told the world of a wonder- since an assassin removed from the world fid happening that encompassed every- the man whu more than any other seem- one equipped lo comprehend the com- We think of the spirit of Christmas of the present and to safeguard hut do we really realize all that it can for mankind those things which make life mean It can be a time lo renew Christ- worth living faith to strengthen the ties of Since then the evidences of a new friendship to offer a helping hand readiness to compromise have continued those in need to be kinder lo be joyous and have perhaps helped the world forget that the opportunity is ours to live in the great tragedy which struck on thai love and harmony with our fellow men black 1iiday in Dallas The Christmas All of these are Christmas break in the Berlin wall was only the Some of the most beautiful music and more spectacular of these evidences but the lyrics to go with it have been writ- along with others like the testban ten about Christmas and every succeed- treaty and the recent casing of Russias ing year children learn to sing the story attitude toward the United Nations can of Christmas while those who are older be traced lo the influence of John once more bring out their of carols Kennedy to blend their voices singing the words lly of course the realization of that will never he forgotten and in the depend singing recapture the story of the Christ thought to them he life of any one man however Child It is the miracle of Chi dedicated The world has suffer- 161 years ago the Three Wise Men And it is most lie tragedies in the past but life and the shepherds tending their flocks in not last throughout the ye the goals Tally accepted by believers the great joy which there is to be found in life itself lnc and in that same brotherhood Christmas is a time of course for parity reunions a time when sons and If tcrs often with their own sons and daughters return to the family circle for a few brief days to once more become survcj that vital unit of society At the same time however it is a time when people who are strangers feel a warmth toward timely changing smiles and greet- friends of the past meet this greet each other and exchange news of passing years Cards are exchanged by those who have not met in many years mil whose paths have become very wide ly divided Brief notes provide a passing insight into the lives of one another thought it may be the only occasion in all the year that they even give passing In view or the gravity Points problem in United J already the prophecy to London the border and Bay into others flowing ore was the vivid joy of the grandmas with a rope wrapped the wheels of the Model A to the the jangle of trac and on the back pad as the box sleigh look the pot boles It was all topped off with the tantalizing smell of roasting fowl and even more gifts while dad and grandpa sneaked out supposedly to get more wood for the stove but really sample that wellhidden jug of home- Then suddenly Santa was real no longer and with a flash of nuclei of pretty we realized lhat in the giving gifts the sought are realized Rut it would lie surprising if at this Christmas season of 1964 this rejoicing were not just a little more sober and a little more deeply of the spirit because of the realities brought home by these Less Sweann On the Farm A United States observer of the rural scene declares there is a lot less swearin down on the farm today than when he was a country lad He suggests the im provement is due to the passing of mules from be farm scene Of course we dont know much about mules up in this neck heard plenty that wonderful realm in the joy of the Then drifted cussing and and beauty of the farm there is lea to believe that the US observers re mark apply here just as they do down in the the mule country Its true there may not years fell in love with every second be so much lo cuss at Perhaps a tractor girl at the school prom felt sure doesnt start any better as the result of a Christmas was just for the old folks few well or ill chosen words than does a somewhat stubborn team of horses Rut they can bo downright ornery loo And a slipped wrench which results in loss of considerable knuckle skin can raise blood pressure so that its necessary lo letoff steam Somehow appears that cussing that is in the real down right nasty often filthy stuff becomes less a habit as one becomes better ac quainted with the nicer things of life Its always been the theory that swear ing is merely the result of a limited vocabulary And somehow as one its comes better educated both book Taming hiding and otherwise profanity becomes less Many Even the habit takes on a new thai and little brats of brother and certainly far too childish for our high level of Intelligence If we were born at the wrong time we can remember trying to wangle weekend leave in London the ice am snow blowing across the deck of a des troyer as Christmas morning showed it light in midAtlantic or the bleak Christ mas dawn of guard duty on the coast of England So many Christmas Days have flowr swiftly by That cherished teddy bear now up in the atticreminds us that itt recipient Is now busy finding a for gifts- for her own of the memories are tinged with not perhaps because the joys cannot turn but with the realization that i And noted above by II kind of if nothing else i for the MODERN BP Service Station in Newmarket FOR LEASE pumping over 10000 gallons per month RENT FREE Telephone S West 1773 Toronto D HILLS 3623761 or Write B P CANADA LTD 1971 Yonge Street Toronto Ont Attention HILLS BEST and warmest wishes for you and your family at Christmastime and always From MR CT YOUNG Hit ltd Members NEWMARKET ADVISORY BOARD BRITISH MORTGAGE TRUST MR K R STIVER MR EVANS MR ALAN MILLS 198 Main Strut