f and Our Readers Write Audit Bureau a Serving Newmarket and the rural districts of North York at publication even Wednesday at Charles St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era Express on the road at Tuesday night Published tor two ember Class A Weeklies Audit Bureau Circulate Post THE EDITORIAL PAGE find out the THE OF APRIL J HUNDRED AND SIXTYFOUR TREE PLANTING PROGRAM Each winter for safety sake it is found necessary to cut down a number of shade trees along our streets It takes minutes to fell a tree years to one so the average is against the trees Jf What are we doing to replace these trees Or do we want to replace them Other communities have this problem They have given considerable thought to this question They work on the basis lien you chop down a tree you plant two replacements Their findings Graduates From Bible College I elm nth winced them foot 10 f I heights This would just create the same problem again In the years ahead instead they are planting trees such as plain and ornamental varieties These mow no I more Ulan feet in height and do not develop too large a root system A town to be remembered by visitors I must have something distinctive haps we could achieve this by lining our residential streets with shade and mental trees It has been suggested something could be done to make our en trance streets more attractive and eye catching Perhaps this could be by planting alternate J and red maples on Eagle St Davis Dr East and St It is to be hoped program to replace cutdown trees will be inaugurated to give that tree lined street no meetings ate held This could by the same token hold good for Newmarket We have stated before that much time appears to be wasted in repetitive discussion on a minor subject only to have someone move that it be held off for one or two weeks for consideration If some member feels that information is lacking on any resolution time could be saved if it were tabled then and more imperative business brought tc There are occasions when it is impos sible to curtail fairly long discussion ami it is necessary to enlighten members on will be among the all phases of the problem but the fie- SB student from of Monday holidays during the year has proved that it is nut impossible ueiia Toronto on to curtain business until the following day April Council members certainly are more Cold aware of the urgency of some civic mat- Diploma In all awards win ters than the average ratepayer but a 0 r categories Sixteen will re move to consolidate the more routine MiV of itcnis limit lengthy discourse and con centrate on the essentials would do much to alleviate timeconsuming meetings ev ery week and an aura of lethargy which develops these Monday night ristian Education Diploma the Missionary Diploma Pastors Diploma 11 Bible School Diploma LESS ANXIETY NOW Contrary to popular opinion psy chology experts are finding less anxiety among people now than in the past So Nil fro SPRING TIME TABLE Effective April 1964 MUNICIPAL MOBILITY Regardless of the outcome of the df regarding a resolution to I the present mayors salary by thi year one particular portion of the meats created some interest when con parisons were made concerning the re numeration and hours involved by othc municipal officials in the immediate are The hours of productive work by any civic administration niusi of necessity be a very elastic contrac Like cannot be certain that all mceti ders or mayhem will happen between the hours of nine till five or that some dig- will not arrive in town and expect the red carpet treatment just when din- is on the table hie thing however did come to light market Town Council members meet y Monday night but they arc an ever dwindling group of civic officials in On tario who find this necessary Much civic business perhaps due to regulations and edicts issued in Toronto has become fairly routine and is governed by set control Councillor Tom Surgeoner made the comparison with Aurora Town Council and the business accomplished there with meetings held every two weeks and a period during the summer months when According to the experts total anxiety has been reduced by a lessened fear of sudden death the greater control of malignant illness through medical research more effective law and order and a reduction in superstitions fears So most people are more relaxed This is particularly true if you hap pen to live in the United States or Brit ain where research shows the anxiety levels lowest among 10 nations tested At least for purposes of this testing anxiety was defined as A lack of con fidence a sense of guilt and worthless- pendency a readiness to become fatigued irritable and discouraged an uncertainty about oneself a suspicion of others and a general tenseness Out of such ingredients are ulcers Oddly newspaper editors and writers were found among those living with the They perhaps are more aware than most of the multiple threats involved in the frequent disagreement of world lead ers and nations They are perhaps more In addition they frequently with people who a want their names in the paper and b want their names out of the paper factors that increase the tension involved in an otherwise pleasant manner of life KING GEORGE HOTEL MOTORS LIMITED SPRING SPECIALS 1964 AUSTIN PRINCESS This is the of IIMC line or KINK CARS a prestige louring sedan Power steering power brakes automatic transmis- NQW sum retiming and extras ONLY ONE LEFT New AustinHealy Sprite MARK II WAS ONLY I LEFT NOW I3U Morris 1100 Sedan Only Left WAS NOW 1795 BOWEN MOTORS LIMITED Hujhwy 11 Auror MORRIS AUSTIN RILEY WOLSELEY Sale Service SAVE AT ALDER FARM Lean Bonehss POT ROAST jr lb 29 Picnics BEEF lb SEE what 99c WILL BUY MINCED BEEF 4 lbs for 99c FARMERS STYLE SAUSAGE 6 lbs for TASTY WIENERS 3 lbs for 99 MAPLE LEAF CHEESE SLICES 4 for 99 Colored Tulip MARGARINE lb SHORTENING lb Canada Packers LARD lb 17 hind SIDES quarters of fff BEEF SIDE OF PORK 39t SIDE OF BEEF WITH EACH FREEZER ORDER FREE 10 lbs 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