sTnile you was line SERVICE S3 Davis 1 Main SI 8955541 Accident Vaccine NOT EXACTLY Ten years polio was a major killer of today vaccina has made disease a But when polio was claiming lives by traffic accidents were killing more people under 25 than any other they still are Do we have an accident vaccine No People cant be vaccinated against accidents but the oil can he drivers in Canadian reduced through the teaching of cor- ties each year reel tin our teen age population at the formative stages in their lives This is what the automobile in surance business does through its sponsorship of the National Teen age Safe Driving Championship the culmination of a coasttocoast series of safe driving competitions more than young ALL CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION on behalf compering an I in amice PINE ORCHARD Harvey Irestor February and li Ontario Department of recent guests of Mr and and on Roger Rich- was observing a birthday file real ANS NOR VELDT Mr J Vandei Boom Return Your Pink Envelope For The Annual Easter Seal Campaign TO HELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN The Newmarket Lions Club Associated with the Ontario Society or Crippled Children ASKS FOR YOUR HELP WHAT MONEY The Lions allure of Easier Seal may he spent of crippled in this aid treatment and rehabilitation Here are a few of the many that the Lions Club with the help of your Easier Seal donations have accomplished in the past yean Provided Tree transport at Ion to Mountain Camp fur Crippled Children hunt Ibis district 1 We have many children on list all have been helped passible during pasl year Looked after the following Special Unices Chairs Major ihera- peulic Treatment Several children sup plied with crutches and corrective Untler the new plan the Ontario Society for Crippled Children will accept for service any physically child under he age of years whose restriction of activity by reason of neurological musculoskeletal or other organic defect produces a physical handicap BUY EASTER SEALS AMD USE THEM MX PUT YOUR DONATION IN THE PINK ENVELOPE AND MAIL TODAY A Receipt will be sent to you for Income Tax purposes