Youll find SINCERE INTERESTED and 18130 Persons Read This Newspaper Each Week MAY WE OPEN A MAIN ST NEWMARKET BUDGET ACCOUNT FOR YOU I EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NEWMARKET ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MARCH 18 SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS EACH Council Vetoes Town Mayor Draws Council Fire Recreation Director Police Asks Disciplinary Action Martin Maple a Rutherford Vaufili SOCIETY HAS DEFICIT Population Explosion Causes Increased Load For CAS Staff I nual meeting of the i 1 he lie Hie l rV 1111 mi My Mis West Mrs Maple Mis Ml Aurora Council Police Sign Two- Year Contract Fry Albert Hi stiiff ami members Shells Sura Florence S3 I the VON was to supply it grant Death Of Child Result Of Fire itally burned in a flash as in Little Lake Her mother Mrs police constable or reported scvei A whs passed of The license tinitnl females each Easter Seals Provide Hope For Crippled Child Local PCs Hold Shamrock Tea i Saturday afternoon hurled Councillor Mr Steele an Mr A Mrs Hop Mrs Smith Mr Finri Ml McAfee Mrs Penrose Mr ship King and Warden of Hodgson Young Liberals Hold Meeting