The En Express Taut Eeb IMS MUMS and SKEETER EnA Km Sun Life Assurance To Increase Dividends Sun Life Assurance than one billion dollars of life Insurance in 1962 for the fourth consecutive year and will increase policy dividends in 1963 for the 14th consecu tive year C Barrett Sun- Life manager in in and Is in Group Life and the balance in benefits thirds was policyholders Sun Lite policyholder policy ho bo million five per dividends Sun Life assets I bonds corporate HOPE and Mrs Elton Stick- and family Sunday visitors with Hid Mrs Stewart Slick- and Mrs Harford War- dell are holidaying In Florida Mr and Mrs Joe I family wore Sundaj of Mr and Mrs Don Morion and family Birthday Club old on Thursday Feb Robert William I Monday Feb 18 Bradley Rye Keswick fears old on Tuesday Feb Susan Johnston Keswick years old on Tuesday Feb John William and dale of birth and be Express blrthda a member of the coop The Movie Scene Satirical Musical Is Huge Success Curtis and 11 Poles years o opens tonight at the through United Art- id the Harold Production represents a running northwest of Buenos plat Academy Award w Thompson fresli from searched the for an area that would closely duplicate the tc of the Steppes setting of the story Their a by he greatest Yul Brynnc need of thousands portray Cossacks portrays the Kaufman the col of the century life ever the Argentine answered both ROXY Earliest Latest and the BEST TONIGHT til SUNDAY A must AT AND SUNDAY PM 8 MATINEE SATURDAY AT PM MOTtm PICTURE TO THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD HHUIDUIHEGHTMd PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT ADULTS EVENS MATINEES STUDENTS WITH CARDS CHILDREN FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY ANY TIME LANCASTER AM JUDY GARLAND UNITE A MOTION PICTURE THAT SPECIALLY SELECTED to the York County Hospital NEXT WED FOR 4 DAYS followed by A I A Child Is Is Wait- I Tuesday Its unlikely subject matter feature movie and all of awful things could in the but they didnt Its nor is it souped up for ilic impact A Child Is documentary there only to convey as information as possible the of mental re psychiatrist superintend and his direction is skilful and the Pomona kids but any adult children fro War Amps Key Tor will his week launch for Total mall- this year millions In jme key tans will be distribute of car key lacs I Ontario alone thus 15 and by King City Home and School association sic of the clever musicil satire were written by Dennett of nearby s Carroll Alice in SI had stepped in- 1 a d the pages of the original book years later hair flowing to Prod original of Lewis Carrolls by Davidson d the well integrated and contrasts supporting blended Jim Mans Walla target Hardly Sat- the time Suddenly he sees Alice sitting at his feel back from Wonder- Alice and her supporting relating lo fairyland subjects and Alice in B I unci Dennett Those supporting Da Minion Dough Humble Jim Barry Mary Scott Dot Snt hart Geoff Minion Douglas Parsons Pearl Jim Hedge Ma Smolcie Barry rphar WEEKLY CROSSWORD COMING SUNDAY MARCH FOR DAYS BETTE DAVIS JOAN CRAWFORD WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE Adult Amputees Again Launch Their Key Tag Service of lost car keys wcrctrc- had a War Amps key tag only does the Key Tan fully disabled interest branches of the War of Canada Eels share to meet the local ar am nut placement claimed work share of tli used for the War to tin participates of the Amputations of Canada gels meet the local amputees in Job A further National Program talton and amputees ad to their widow orphans a for dependents service and guidance Lilian amputee vidua Is Key Fags second i Evans Patsy Harris on Houston Marlon and Janet In girls receiving Star were Betty Long Bales fionnlt rid Audrey First receiving their Murray Ka- Karcn Gibson Peg- Linda their second Bli hurst Barbara Bales Bonnie it Audrey First- Is receiving their Red Ka- Shaw Karen Gibson Peg Dale Henderson Make Room In shown a followed MAN POSTED TO CONGO Lcopoldvlllc Congo Sord ini A Bob Carley CD of Camp Borden and Now- Canadian soldiers who recent ly arrived in the Congo by aircraft to begin a our duly with Canadian Unit in the United stationed In Camp villi the Camp Borden nicy wife Joyce and Ivo lit 16th He Is I Hong Koiib was shown Street of Backache protect both car Keys Price for is or cents for the War Amps Key Tig himself a war amputee Col the Svdney Lam OBE is President of the War Amputation of Canada SUFFERS Severe bur a his I by Holland Li while cleaning the sept outside Choice CutUp Chit Ouwcndykc has been cleaning the septic TutUp Chicken last Saturday idyke has been employed by Choice CutUp the ly backfired and blew i TOWN OF NEWMARKET PUBLIC NOTICE Dog Tugs are available the Municipal Offices Main Sired Monday through Friday am to pm The Provisions of Bylaw requires every per son procure a tap for each dug in respect of which he is liable for the ting tax on or the day of May In each year Female Dog SI Each additional 9625 Where a certificate of a veterinary surgeon Is produced showing that a female dog has been spayed such female dog shall be taxed at the same rate as a male dog Double panel construction roof and upper for top protection- New mounts effectively dampen vibration You get longer cab life comfort series Double wall cowl adds exceptional strength Also serves as air chamber for heating system Solid cab floors have extra strength panel for greater builtin Youllgetlongerlieandbefr safetybetter visibility service from a about idly Si Rough Chief Island Hi Foreign Hike Vacancy A X SLESS0R MOTORS NEWMARKET LIMITED 361 Eagle Street Newmarket Ont TW