and G The Tame Timber I n l other waives the Member of Awilt Barest Circulation and flaw A Newspapers Serving Newmarket the rural district of North York yeas publication every Thursday at Charles St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express Company Limited Subscription tor two yean MM or one year la advance Simla copies are 10c each Member of Class A Weeklies Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorised as Second Class Mall Peat Office Department Ottawa Newmarket Era 1851 THE EDITORIAL PAGE Express Herald Passing Glances should even bat himself with compulsion to feeling of guilt I Ontarios old thunderstorm and that to earth of Lai THURSDAY THE 1 HAY AUGUST NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTYTWO EXCELLENT APPOINTMENT AN EXCELLENT PROGRAM It has Congratulations are in order to M Wallace farmer and one of the nations best known busi ness ami financial lenders who has been elevated to the Senate and made a minis ter without portfolio by Prime Minister John By the same token the Prime Minister in to be commended for making such an excellent choice to both his cabinet and the PC representation in the Senate This newspaper has a particular pleasure and pride in welcoming Mr Cutchcons promotion to cabinet rank For in our issue of October l last year In an editorial advocating the drafting of leading and financial men into thai Mr McCutcheon and P Taylor would make strong and effective additions to the cabinet team We are sure that the residents of this area wilt welcome the merited promotion and recognition accorded one of their most distinguished fellow citizens and will Join with this newspaper in extend ing their congratulations at this time They will also welcome the news that York North now will have an effective and powerful voice in the councils of the special meeting I nation at the highest level There have the proposal thi In fact been only thn from North York the formation tho riding all of them Liberals They Sir Allan Ayteaworth Sir William and his grandson P Of Mr himself it ho will be a strong and vain- able addition io onunt at a time that facing difficult and times in maintaining an economy Dial Is sailing in heavy economic sets tint present time We are glad to take this opportunity of commending the Newmarket Recrea tion Commission on the playground pro gram they are again sponsoring this year To date upwards of 200 boys and girls have been participating daily in the playground activities This is a very worthwhile program During the vacation period il takes the youngsters participating off the streets and provides them with helpful and healthy recreational activities under ade quate and competent supervision community and it is entirely free of charge It is a distinctive public ser vice provided to the parents of the muni cipality by the town and it is good to know that such extensive advantage is It is important to note that this pro- fact about rice It has been pro of were fitted to able experiences of travelling look up and Then he reached into the be- lowed a camp Ire at night f theory has when the eerie howling of thai the timber wolf packs cruls- inp the forest Is heard gratefully was how- the monkeys the wilderness here are en couraged by the scientists of own out of the sky he sIrKlS the Lands and Forests Wild- ti life Station to howl them- for it is likely that the wolves will bowl in response That way Dr Douglas removed the collar io sal being taken of it Healthy bodies make healthy mind and souls That is an old and v saying The Recreation Comml playing a major part in making the dition a reality In Newmarket the iic tic- i council li am there are Wncots in Hie In press piovh They arc mid illMul and focal amateur en ho to force In the in in i down so and Irlna two