Newmarket Than June SI Newmarket Lads Face Stiff Terms driveIn stand Womens PC Reception To Cathers Attracts Gowned Ladies that ha had r Millard rMfW the St July lent Donald reduced by Newmarket bat- i V j r l Controversial Topic and Mr Cathrrs Cash Payment Of Fines ffi Stressed By Magistrate TOWN OF NEWMARKET Notice To Property Owners DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given all in possession of land in accordance Control Act See 1 anil IS Hint unless needs on their lands viMliln the Municipality of lire hi of lull I I62 anil Ihmugh- the season lie Municipality may enter upon lands anil hale the weeds destroyed chart- ittlf the costs ajjninsl the land in taxes as set out In Act Wild Carrol etc require special and continuous attention should lie uprooted destroyed immediately urolith is evident Weed Inspector FRANK Court Street phone TW Hated at Newmarket this day of June 19112 You can pay a lot more but why Chevrolets outstanding style and agnificent performance plus unbeatable value make it your best buy bar none worth more than youll ever be asked to pay PAVING WALKS AND DRIVEWAYS PAVED PARKING AREAS BY EXPERTS call Evans Fuels TWining The things you want tomorrow AVAILABLE TODAY through a lowcost PERSONAL LOAN Life Insurance Included a fes fiOfilK YOUR CHOKE OF POWER CHEVROLETS BRAND Of CHEVROLET and And always rates top value at tradein time too HEVROLET lo sic Bonanza on each Sunday Chech your mint lot channel ami lima NEWMARKET MOTORS LTD a new car New furniture New appliances Well why wail IT youre steadily employed and have a satisfactory credit rating you can gel them now through a lowcost Personal Loan from the TorontoDominion lank Youll be surprised how easy is CHOOSE YOUR OWN REPAYMENT PLAN i 1892 1000 6007 3783 3228 2000 17581 12014 9234 6456 3000 18021 13851 11348 When you liave a Personal Loan al The Hank your life is automatically insured for the unpaid balance Its protection for us and more important its protection for your family So if you need money for any worthwhile purpose please call in to see your TorontoDominion Hank manager Youll find him anxious to help because he understands that money is just as important a pari of our business as helping you to save TORONTODOMINION Where people make the difference A Mnnnger Main St Bnu