The Newmarket En Express March Schools Emergency Plans By Co Ordinate York iulite plans t ting school children led coordinators They Bounty t and would Hon He also urged the facilities would be done by t neadquu head office He also pointed each school would pi to take In case of a decision on whether child would be c depending En and and Classified Rates NORTONS Jewellers Repair to all watches SI Aurora PA in the county would Guide And Scout News laby Mrs Walker Miller Doug Era and Express Classifieds bring results Newmarket Tuesday pm COMPARE Town A Countrys food and freezer plan assures you topimlu namebrand foods at lowest prices your family ever enjoyed If your weekly Under our plan food bill i 1800 2000 PHONE COLLECT I960 TOWN COUNTRY FOOD PLAN Markham RICHMOND HILL Why Smiles better about kiirowingfromHFC HOUSEHOLD FINANCE York County Hospital New Wing Tenders Called March to York building I Hodgson had Montreal As result he was able to that the overall plans of wellrun institu te their support of major Boyd staled Dominion and will appro while the Contribution in the hospital Optimis- tenders are In line la support of the womens guidance of our medical to provide a very fine be credit to York County that what was required to be forthcoming was he Instanced as wt cal and nursing si Dr P Heyland During the year the aid there were at lea meetings of said with final authority Board A new committee lh up during the year and war found to be very helpful It is charged with the duty of the staff Also vitally important is the admission and discharge committee minions li week querying Its donations to the hospital over the years she noted the outstanding part pi a Ice Racing Big Deal dh Paul Oak exnec In he dan hi Lake Wilcox F lalor at Paul Bow en and Art bj they were w mped in a Pro Club Clippings on Monday FUEL Competent experienced drive Automatic fill service Top quality White Rosi Convenient downtown office EVANS FUELS IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT about your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE ill person It is vital therefore that every hospital bed in Ontario be used only when it is essenuaUnuetreaancntofapittiuot Proper of beds is a matte concern to every To help malm mora hospital beds rite Commission now will provide Ontario Hospital Issuance to an insured person who receives hospital cafe as an for which be or she otherwise would admasioo as to IMPORTANT These benefits be provided only if the hospital has the required facilities and after these faculties have been authorized for such out patient use by the local hospital board on the achicecfifet medical staff Hera are the details i Benefits will cover only the hospital charges for medical and surgical treatment procedures which otherwise would require the patient to be admitted to hospital Examples of these procedure are cer tain minor operations treatment blood eta It is op to the patients doctor to whether will be given on an lnpaucntor patient basis to established to patient departments are NOT coveted Extension off EMERGENCY Benefits Effective March when an insured person has received emergency hospital treatment for a fracture hours of an accident Ontario Hospital Insurance also will cover subsequent outpatient services for check and die change or removal of cast until treahitcirt of the fracture is Hospital treatment for emergency eruditions other than fractures will NOT be coveted beyond the first visit to hospital within hours of an accident Ontario Hospital benefits all hospitals banks and all Commission offices Married persons must pay the There no change- in Ontario Hospital Insurance premiums they remain at a month for a person and a month for a family- Mora than 6000000 over of be people Ontario Hospital Insurance does NOT cover a any hospital any diagnostic services which are not part any medical ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION SUGGESTION Keep this Information for future reference