In a et- Out lnii- Vjircw I mi 1 M niflnlr A Giddy BatonTwirling Perch a Newmarket Era I mi here tonight in the week iitin CONGRATULATIONS ON OPENING OF NEWMARKET PLAZA STRUCTURAL STEEL STEEL JOISTS SUPPLIED BY BOMAC STEEL CO STATION ROAD ER1NDALE PHONE BOYS WORK HOCKEY An Mis Bailey SHARON Anglican CI Mr ami Mrs J nines bees Mr Motion I Mr aye and Linda Miss and Hoi Miss Oliver Toronto ronllope Uhi of the ettleby for a few days las eek while Keith hoi- Mr Fred Bruni Sr Sara and family and Mrs Moddle and People who have own talking jyTwo Local Minor Clubs Capture Tourney Titles weeds applv two three pounds in to gallons of water p acre the higher rate on els soils Its expensive to 950 per acre be applied immediately aft an Dixon Hamilton Mrs KnowlDS and bin Club will I the former Marion CONGRATULATIONS TO NEWMARKET PLAZA DRAWINGS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK BY Rexdale Electrical Const Ltd 4 ALLENBY AV CH 65641 TAKE YOUR CHANCE ON LUCKY SEE PAGE 15 WELCOME NEWMARKET PLAZA COMPLIMENTS OF SHIRT LIMITED Drive Acrou From Newmarket S5541 throughout the series affair involving eight Newmarket squirts using bank Alan Giles and Terry applying a shutout upturn the nipped final Oak Ridges Grant and threehitter as Newmarket Brad Ewes Need Fall CheckUp at the Ontario Ag- College a good idea to put ewes udders or WITH BEST WISHES TO NEWMARKET PLAZA FROM DALE SPRINKLER CO LTD AND JOE ZENTIL PLUMBING AND HEATING ST TORONTO Ml J they weigh COMPLIMENTS TO NEWMARKET PLAZA on their grand opening EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY CANADIAN COLEMAN LTD Heating and Cooling By CONSTRUCTION HEATING COOLING CO LTD liuhlijjitid John J liiiinit lii I lire iisi the brut flushing CONCRATULATIONS TO NEWMARKET PLAZA FROM ARCHITECT HI RU WITH BEST WISHES TO NEWMARKET PLAZA ON THEIR GRAND OPENING FROM TORONTO BRICK CO LTD BAYVIEW AVE HU 59161