town Hall Topics I Council Present Mayor Jamei I Reeve P Deputy Reeve Caroline lo Councillors Joseph Seneca Cook George Kna Charles Lloyd and Willi Accounts MRS GLADYS ROLLING MOUNT ALBERT Representative Era Express DISPLAY ft CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN i for the Era and Express Subscriptions taken GR the NEWMARKET FURNITURE C Fits Engineer re Beech- Finance Committee Reeves Report Mr gave a verb port on the Inaugural meeting and session of the 1961 County Council The Mayor congratulated Committee Reports tee Moved by P S That the report be accepted Industry and Planning Com That the report be accepted Carried Mr Knapton report of The resolution from of August to refer the tension to the Police Force He felt that SI Wesley Brook with the Clerk of the Peace Toronto In the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars as per Sec 3 of the Municipal Gilbert Gray of 32 Bolton salary of Moved dealt with immedi Monday That the Beech wood The adjusted per formance bond I by C Lloyd That installations Ihe Water a Amines I North York Women Liberals Elect Mrs Hunter President Clerk lief In cases suggested requested Mr Cook Harding his matter Moved by S Cook seconded by J Burton That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to the WHEELS OUT OF LINE CALL PA VANDORF GARAGE I Don Mills ltd FA in any position NEW McCULLOCH ONE41 CHAIN SAW cuts fast vised that the clarified and would be pre- to the building Mr also advised with regard complaints on the Mr spoke with regard authorize ci louse Garbage Bill was read lime by the Deputy standing that the Town should duly He the parking of Raglan Siren that there should bo Poll Mayor Oiton That the tabled Tor one week red to the solicitor to 0 FEED SUPPLIES LTD CLAREMONT MONK Halts 11 Mr Cook advised that a er had been forwarded to Officer Mn Bruce Hunter held on Wednesday Moved by Cam That the meeting the retiring president Hooker by Mrs rosy on behalf of the a The Newmarket I election of officer ft Express Than i of Mr i The David United Manors Association of She is the first to the Warden SUBJECT Advertising You have seen the outstanding series of advertisements brought to you by leading advertising agencies here In this newspaper They have told you of the role played by advertising in our national economy and daily life Because so many wise heads outside the advertising business have offered so many sound words about advertising we should like to bring just few of them to your attention Wm Calvin Coalldg The public must and will be served Perm I read but one newspaper and that more for its advertisement than news Jefferson With public sentiment nothing can fail Without it nothing can succeed Abraham Lincoln There can be no permanent basis for advertising except I representation of the exact truth Callin Because it brings actual knowledge concerning useful things it is essentially a form of education It has risen with evergrowing rapidity to the dignity of an art It is constantly paving new paths The general rise of standards of modem civilisation among all groups of people during the past half century would have been impossible without the spreading of the knowledge of higher standard by means of advertising Franklin Advertising nourishes the consuming power of man It wants for a better standard of living It sets up before a man the goal of a better home better clothing better food for himself and his family It spurs individual exertion and greater production It brings together in fertile union those things which otherwise would never have met Churchill Given a good product the American advertising industry does an efficient imaginative and essential job of information and promotion and makes an important contribution The American standard of living is due in no small measure to the genius of advertising which not only creates and sharpens demand but also by its impact upon the process stimulates the ceasing quest of improvement ill the quality of the product- S There aint no civilization where there aint no satisfaction Will Sometimes the only way to appreciate a thing Is to think life without it I feel this about advertising It has integral a part of our life that we can hardly think what stagnation would follow its extinction Advertising enriches life by quickening the imagination arousing interest and enlarging the taste Dr Ralph IF Human desires are the stream which makes the social machine work We can have the greatest pile of goods in the world We eaa have the highest incomes in the world But unless men want these goods unless they hear about them our civilisation will stall I Wilson Gott PAUL LEFTON COMPANY Inc Advertising presented by the I WEATHERWISE AUTOMATIC OIL DELIVERY LOCAL STORAGE DEPOT BACKED by 90 years experience 24hour burner service or our customers ROGERSHJELSm In Newmarket way and at advantage anywhere in the are south as Oak Ridge TWining 55144 ALEXANDER RD CORNER DAVIS DRIVE