Of f ice Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger I with the solo flight Bliggens has been learning vt sirucior me sen- fly at the East noticed that she climbed Our Slim made hi fly a and Serring Newmarket and the rural districts of North York The Newmarket Era Published every Thursday dent assigned myself to view and detf how a student pilot feels t flight the longest I like Slim I and tried not to think The big thrill was the fact a little sound makes his first flight tied down was it like Slim I and tried soloed before back right landings little But how did you really feel this here ridiculous statement Were you scared Slim vehemently I said Whoever are there at me yer and Ill tell you how the hops Why me friend whole thing happened I had is right in with the instructor Doug behind me as usual Now the past hour Seemed I was all right and there was no because he aint said more voice after that landed er and we taxied except that in the up to the gas pump Doug wanted to talk to the mechanic old O so I waited one aboard my turned to me and I sideslipped to the right alright said Oh you might as well take it up Slim Theres noth farm fields over to starboard ing more can do you now To me his voice had the quali ty of a funeral bell I knew the time would come with two wings and natron when Id have to lake er up busted alone but hadnt just expert- O wife rushed Doug got out and I started lo There was handshakin and all that and then someone men- and there that I wasnt solo at wasnt until that there moment all that this here was just a routine dual flight with the in had done structor in the back seat in structor in the back seat in wet with sweat Finally I gulp structor in the back seat ed looked around at the bunch mind I did a good takeoff and windows at me from the Jest a piece of cake 50 Years Ago Roof Pickering College market It should have pointed to ascertain the cost of the property before further buildings are erected This building with would be a good location for a modern town hall with market than vide for What to do with the present building is another considera tion The whole market square is needed for the parking of before the people The bigger for business in town we doubt if there is one Speaking at a Seaway Con ference and Celebration held at Superior Wise Hon Geo strongly supported the St Law- has grown considerably of la street signs was discussed that at the next Canada would with the powerful aid of President mittee obtained a for a sufficient numb of signs to be of practical bushels of wheat and limited for public convenience with a national debt exceeding child in the country it would be an act of folly for Canada three churches Methodis Presbyterian and Congreg Pages from trie Editors Notebook hand had appeared In other I Weekly Newspapers advance Single copies Newmarket Era and Ex The Express Herald 1895 Subscription for Second Class I Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada r Circulations Authorized Ibis Kerne the parade John Struthers Managing Editor Caroline Ion Associate Editor George Haikett Sports Editor Racine Production E Stefaniuk Advertising THE EDITORIAL PAGE THURSDAY THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF MBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYEIGHT We floats were c was late Perhaps enjoyed it For which each wished the warmth of home on cold afternoon The long spa tended to give the impress of length but they merely children with their The THINK JAYCEES THINK By sending friendly greetings and a copy of the Jaycees creed to the Russians the Newmarket Junior Chamber of Commerce has won some publicity We would be prepared to go along with the intentions of the provided that all members of the chamber had a complete Understanding of the meaning of each belief expressed in the organizations creed This is doubtful Humans organized into religious philoso phical or community groups are inclined to recite liturgy creeds or rules of conduct without giving a single thought to their meanings Thoughtless mumblings of this type are repeated by thousands every Sunday If members of groups would think for themselves as individuals rather than he regimented in the un thinking mass form perhaps creeds and rules would do some good One of the beliefs expressed in the list is that economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise This idea expressed out of context suggests that a member of the CCF party could not justify his membership and recitation of the creed with complete honesty Certainly a member of the British labor party could not Free enterprise is a problem in semantics To some it means a state of affairs whereby the greedy may strive to form indus trial combines fix prices and exploit labor Without controls this kind of evil freedom will exist Yet the free enterprise is qualified by another be lief expressed in the creed that service to humanity is the best work of life That should rule out greed and exploitation by free enterprise Also interesting by way of analysis out of context is another belief that government should he of laws and not of men Alone this suggests that there is no room for t r g t h in leadership The fact that France drifted towards complete anarchy is a clear example of what happens when a democratic nation is not willing to accept power in leadership offered by sin cere and inspired individuals well qualified to improve the state of the community Still another belief that partially qualifies the former is that earths great treasure lies in human personality If all members of the service clubs church es and others would think rather than recite the ideas on which they are supposedly based would carry in finitely more weight in our society LETS NOT PUT CHRIST BACK INTO CHRISTMAS Every year about this time well meaning mer chants billboard owners and social groups donate free advertising space to the message Lets put Christ back into Christmas The Rev J Franklin Chidsey writing in the Dec Issue of Saturday Night says No Lets leave it as it is Lets give gifts celebrate and enjoy each others friendship Rev Chidsey continues People who urge a purely religious Christmas seem more concerned with promoting Orthodox Christianity than peace and goodwill for all society A holiday at this time of year is not and never has been the exclus ive possession of Orthodox Christianity Just about every society known to history has celebrated mid winter festivities close to the winter solstice of the sun Dec 21 Originally when Rome was Christianized the church endeavored to stop the pagan festival of Satur nalia which was a time of feasting and giving of gaily- wrapped gifts Unable to do so the church made the wise move of incorporating the feast with Christmas The date was chosen quite arbitrarily to cover Satur nalia since no record of the actual birth date of Christ exists either in the Bible or in the records of the Im perial Roman Empire As Christianity spread across Europe each con verted country had its own December festival to cele brate the turning point of winter and the coming of spring Thus Christianity by combining all these fes tivals got such things as the Christmas Tree from Germany the Yule Log from Scandinavia Candles from the Jewish religion and Mistletoe from the ancient Druids of England People of other religions dont want to be excluded from this time of goodwill but Christian claims make many feel like intruders Quite rightly they object to the Orthodox celebrate our way or not at all attitude Let us not exclude people in Christs Name Let us say Happy Holiday to people of all faiths at this time of peace on earth and goodwill to all men THE TREE OF LIFE The world image of our country as a land of plenty has taken many forms Time was when eager immi grants expected to see our streets paved with gold To day a more poignant version is reported In tiny villages of Pakistan where CARE brings milk for un derfed school children many pupils and their teachers too at first believed the milk powder came from trees in this great continent across the seas This vision of our land where even milk grows on trees waiting to flow into CARE packages for the worlds hungry seems most apt as Christmas According to the Bible Rev the Tree of Life in the heavenly Jerusalem has leaves for the healing of the nations Certainly the CARE gifts Canadians send to despairing peoples help to heal the suffering and tensions that threaten peace By joining the current CARE Food Crusade you can help those leaves to flourish like a giant Christmas tree that wil spread across the earth to nourish the hungry and bear fruits of good will The Canadian and United States governments have given the food from our farm abundance Every you give will deliver a 22 lb package in your name to the needy overseas The place to mail your dollars is CARE of Canada Ottawa Ont J Legion organizations Slater Lumber little support ho apparently of floats were loo commercial supposed to be a Christmas parade with story book characters and Ideas in keeping with the season Perhaps we sound like Nathan Cohen but thats the way we feel about It But just to give a small word of encouragement we pass on the opinion of one mother who said Newmarkets parade was 100 per cent bet ter than the Richmond Hill par- Mayor Belugins Report On The Towns Business important part of market You that it would be poor that have hope that Newmarket I den death I know of at one man in this town who died that terrible undertaking handy Someday we shall all be glad we had the foresight of ac quiring industrial land while it settled yet Then her consultations sake help them due By the did nor will punches whi Another bit of business pro- right now is the matter of let us remember that peace happiness and fellow for OUR SIDE OF THE STORY by WBHARVEY ORGANIZATION AGAINST HUMANITY By Andrew Heart Throbs Humor liberalism had might fitted their ed and lowpaid lined unorganized by compelling Such measures ward step They to he individual of rugged Wales a and point people S of contract the employer dictate arm to settle disputes promote Justices by the rule of law not by g one party to dispute recently charge standing except tives which treme cases of such cen ts like a contract by which at a settlement battle grocer puts sand in the the tore and prevent other devoted to ideal who have had play areas The state ie the servant not the master of the people the state is their guarantee against infringement on their rights their agent international and issues it is the function of the state to assume the direct- ion of those activities which real on individual choice ilh and kin more so than at thoughts too fly back and there is a longin of each others tins in her keeping a to wander through the heath the hillside g and love of her own of our boyhood hi the To those folk of all ities I dedicate these homely which ever road we take the abiding hills and glens apel they will think of and Yes we are gelling close is any sentiment left in this up side down world let it lavishly spread especially a this time of the year Let what we had and although written to them throughout the