Pages from the Editors Notebook A This week we will finish a he hoarsely shouted little scries of odd stories from that they ought to get moving Newmarkets past which Why someone asked have been following in recent weeks The last item takes us Look at those chaps coming towards us from that hill over which came nut of the first leaning on a shovel people The first war perhaps officer and he was off into the was more interesting from the point of view of local history The whole outfit retreated in than the second war because a mad scramble Had they been The units formed here rounded by Germans lalion and battalions A couple of readers have told marched right out of when the late Edgar Bogart to war Groups were not shot a revolver from the bank mans friend in the trenches we told how the incident might have been his neighbor knocked Col Lloyd from his back home horse and upset a photograph The late Captain Aubrey ers camera on Main St Col Davis was an officer with one Lloyd was left in full dress uniform on dusty Main St clerk Wesley Brooks with the watching his horse run away Battalion served in France with Newmarket and one detail incorrect in our tell district boys who were assigned ing of the story The bank was shop is now located but rather two doors north where Simp- Newmarket boys were caught night There was considerable encircle a fairly large portion of the battlefield in a tory Perhaps we have colored Suddenly an officer wn group Between tions through the Era and for publication or Miss Years Ago Streamline Revolution December IS December Engineers are now declaring Work on the Lake that every train and canal The contractors the public is obsolete ready for business now and by the new engineering pro- at Thompsons Machine shop Sow the la- T Experts now freely the long radiators will future be the symbol of complete weight the rear wheels them Such new riding HOT THEN SHEAR OFF THAT COAT Mayor Report On The Towns Business Serving Newmarket and the The Newmarket Era Published every Thursday at Charles St Newmarket by the two years for one year In advance Single copies at Weekly Newspapers Association and the advance Single copies are 19c each Member of Class A district of North York The Express Herald 1895 i and Express Limited Subscription S600 for Second Class Mall John E Struthera Caroline Ion Associate Editor Racine Production of Canada Canadian Managing Editor George Sports Editor E Stefaniuk Advertising THE EDITORIAL PAGE THURSDAY THE FOURTH DAY OF DECEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYEIGHT BIG DEVELOPMENT Contrary to an impression created by a news story heading in last weeks issue plans for the construction by Dominion Stores of a large supermarket on Davis Drive are proceeding smoothly The Era and Express learned this week that town officials are giving full cooperation in planning further development of the shopping area at the west end of Davis Drive Dominion Stores are expected to start work in the spring on the largest supermarket in town has obtained a permit to enlarge its supermarket Other large stores are expected to be built at the same time Further indications are that the shopping district will be expanded to Yonge St providing a powerful center to draw consumers from an area between and At press lime our information showed that town officials were solving traffic problems in the planning stage with those interested in Dominions lo cation The proposed extension of Drive which appeared to conflict with Dominions plans apparently constitutes no problem with new traffic arrangements Officials are taking into account that a larger traffic interchange at Yonge and Davis Drive will necessary for the increased volume of traffic in the future There is little need to describe the asset to be gained by Newmarket in a great amount of commercial assess ment No housing is involved in the new development No doubt owners of Main St businesses will receive an initial shock when they contemplate possible competi tion from an enlarged Davis Drive shopping area There is no doubt that the investors who are behind the ex panded shopping area are building a powerful force in retail trade to be aimed at all consumers between Metro Toronto and While the local Main St merchants will feel the initial shock of competition we predict that they will receive greater benefits later from that retail power being established bringing a larger trade volume to the whole town We predict that the eventual bene fits will offset any temporary losses for Main St Perhaps Newmarket will regain its old name The Hub as the center of retail trade drawing from a lar ger area than it has done previously SERVICE TO COMMUNITY The departure of two personalities from the muni cipal scene at the end of this year deserves comment Two members of Newmarket council did not stand again as candidates Councillor Bert Kent for health reasons and Deputyreeve J for reasons un determined by the Era and Express Councillor Kent had a colorful career in politics probably winning an equal number of friends and enemies His main quality was his lack of fear in attacking policies he considered to be questionable Mr knowledge of finances and accounting was invaluable when the lime came to set the town budget Whenever council was in a procedural muddle Deputy- reeve usually led to the solution of the problem Citizens of the community should be grateful for the service both men have given the town Most of that service was given in the face of an uninterested tin- appreciative public THE IMMATURE RUSSIANS The Printed Word One mark of maturity is the ability to accept cri ticism in good temper If criticism must be answered and an intellectual argument ensues the person who loses his temper harms himself and his cause in the eyes of the public Thus Boris Pasternaks forced re fusal of the Nobel prize Tor literature and his subse quent treatment by the Russian government and fellow Russian writers have probably done as much towards increasing outside contempt for his country as have any of the unfriendly acts of Russian politicians Russia is not alone in her immaturity Criticism of certain social conditions in South Africa and the south ern United States have not been received with good grace by all inhabitants of those regions Indeed a previous winner of the Nobel prize William Faulkner might have also found it discreet to refuse it if he had been solely dependent on the favor of his own section of the coun try Alan whose books on South Africa have been widely sold in other countries has received scant honor in his own It is less than a century since the Civil War In the United States and readers of that countrys history will recall that one of the factors in stirring up public opinion in the North was a badly written novel Uncle Toms Cabin That book was never popular in the South al though the author Mrs made an honest effort to show both good and bad sides of the slave situation In fact she was criticized in the North for not making her picture sombre And then there was Dickens who aroused American wrath by his accurate reporting and again by his quite goodtempered sug gestion that American publishers might he honest enough to stop stealing his hooks Kipling later aroused some hostility from American publishers by a similar suggestion but he did not alienate the reading public Resentment against authors in the United States has usually arisen when they have been outsiders Mark Twain by establishing a reputation a humorist was able to criticize his countrys institutions and manners without meeting reprisals Mencken scourge of the came to be almost loved by those he chastened Perhaps the Russians who are sensitive to outside public opinion however little they seem to appreciate the ways to win friends and influ ence people may find it advisable to treat Mr Pasternak with more respect now that his unpopularity at home has increased his popularity abroad OUR SIDE OF THE STORY by HARVEY COLUMNISTS EVIL Today defeatism anything ll would of Hie ins in Shu old be Iheir me his lo he Llrl7t and preparing llurj ill per In hem 1 ought to write may disagree bill should consider the finality in judging only a good man but thinks lhat he is a new variety Influf be need have no fear all is rty d viewpoint they would force in he the otijc believe iome of them tike on the luihinl occasion A much firealfr M ilpprt their The Independent p of iifiKiid I we need Hi legllglhlc in numb willing Our basis f to mailers If il a h onlv knew to do We longrun should Mills words to remedying Ihe Mulls of and encouragement larking in training In columnist which should usual Monday short and only very little plunl by mediately work immediately Instead 3 I have a couple ant arise I policy of stockpiling for interest perishable food for import- love thai As you the two members who for their bee personal reasons and our re- decided to withdraw from town politics accept that so far nothing has done in this respect icldonlally food stockpiling endorsement of country further creating policies and may assure i that these policies continued in Judging by the results obtain ed so from these policies and from the amount of preparatory work- the results of which will not begin to show until some- Ing is concerned you will a to as it would be away out- jurisdiction but we not let this request giving it some defi nite support justified by the fact that some MO families re siding in Newmarket depend upon these two plants for their simplest immediate solution to the plants going at lull speed but we felt that it would be outside our jurisdiction to governments age disposal plant Mr Knapton made a report to the effect that t received final plans for the inning of the construction of Ray Plastics Ltd and the Another bit of good a capital is that been cancelled as was mislak only reported but is procccdinf considerable magnitude which I feel is just what a town like quite itlnually conferring with pump priming variety not by any means We respectfully suggested that the governments not just grants for labor May I but buildings and all t week that the pro- have been concluded to ialsr as well We in my opinion having dona Newmarket nNd not By Andrew Heart Throbs Humor Even if we lerstand the railed well of our forcefully a good car on four wheels The this to be all too true recently Why the need for this highpowered advertising about highpowered cars when the nations speed limit Is not depression I speed Is the cause perhaps another ly descend to a sat lell I another only the the Bible and defy f an find anything They claim that in bank protesting against these high prices The butcher Motor Company at Rite Cathedral milling ridiculous What is of Canadian s Ltd iau taw has that today the Installed Mr It standing parry said i Pa h influence try second the bargain Calgary clipping Why The if servant vol the master of the people the- it their guarantee against infringement on iheir rights their agent in international and national ishtus it is not the function of the stale to assume the direct ion of those activities which rest on individual choice defended by ire a parliamentary Patent law has vcrywhrrc been recognized as device for the protection of industry If Ihere is wrong Canac Ltd the Department malting a deliberate Isdieti country just as much If