Newmarket Era and Express Thursday IS NEWS The regular meeting of the Newmarket branch will be held hi the Agricultural Board rooms St on Thursday Oct at pm The topic will be research and current events Motto Think less of yourself more of others Roll call an antique and tell its his- The hostesses will be Mrs Proctor Mrs Roy Meads and Harry Hill NEWS G Caldwell has returned after visiting her sister Mr and Mrs and have moved into their home A RUMMAGE SALE rummage sale of good used will be held on Friday from to pm in ah Newmarket town hall base ment Sponsors of the sale are members of the OptiMrs club with Mrs John acting as general convener B AND P MEMBERS ATTEND LECTURE On Tuesday Sept mem of the Newmarket and P travelled to Georgetown to hear a lecture by Miss Lisa Mis Sergio is an out standing news analyst and lectur er and is on a speaking tour across Canada sponsored by the Canadian Federation of and Clubs Miss Sergio was born in Italy Italian and American parent age As a young woman she be came secretary to Mussolini and watched as he gradually took PLEASANTVILLE Bogarttown club girls cap tured several prizes at the Mark- ham Fair Mr and Mrs Elmer Starr re turned home on Sunday after a few days spent In Ottawa Mr and Mrs Earl Toole re cently enjoyed a train trip to Saskatoon Sask Mr and Mrs William Glover attended the wedding of their ne phew in Toronto on Saturday Mis and Mrs G Mc- accompanied Mr and Mrs Harry West and Mr and Mrs Ce cil to the anniversary Kettieby United church on Stmday evening Mr and Mrs David Preston Scarboro were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Preston Friday night Oct will be family night for Bogarttown at the school A program is be ing prepared consisting of a film and talent also a hot lunch is being served A small charge will be made as funds are low over the rights of the people and became a dictator Expressing disagreement with his policies over the Rome radio she was forced to flee from Italy and came to America She told of the subtle ways in which and Nazis gain ed power in Europe Miss warned that women should inter est themselves in local as well a provincial and national govern ment to prevent the of communistic propaganda Canada Box Toronto WORK GUARANTEED HARRY MA Piano and Organ Sale and Service ELECTRONIC REED AND PIPE ORGANS EXPERT TUNING AND REBUILDING BY QUALIFIED TECHNICIAN Telephone HO Toronto TW FAIR 1957 OCTOBER 11 AND 14 A CLASS B PAIR SATURDAY OCTOBER Auto Polo Saturday afternoon In front of grandstand Wood- bridge Handy Andy Maple Polka Dot western horse show chuck wagon race beef cattle rabbits and show hogs childrens specials exhibit hall open at pm MONDAY Thanksgiving Day OCTOBER Auto polo harness races horse show of hunters jumper harness ponies heavy and light horses sheep show dairy show poultry show MIDWAY BOTH DAYS THE BIGGEST RURAL PAIR IN THE DOMINION Offering over 9000 in prizes Fun for all TOWN OF NEWMARKET Final Discount Date TAXES NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The ratepayers are hereby reminded that the second instalment of the taxes are due and payable ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 15 1957 Penalties will be added on the second instal ment after this date WKSIEY ClerkTreasurer SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORONTO IVERY SATURDAY TO AND INCLDEC Good going and returning same Saturday only PARKS FROM 130 water Bradford Holland Landing 130 Newmarket Stouifvilie Sunderland Fares from Intermediate Points FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS 142 Residents Petition Council To Check On Treatment Of Dogs A petition signed by local residents was presented to New market council on Monday night It asted council to check into the control and treatment of dogs with regard to cruelty The mat ter was referred to DeputyReeve Violet chairman of the police committee for investi gation The petition referred to charg es of cruelty to dogs which Coun cillor Kent had made before council this year Several local residents including Main SI bu siness men had reported acts of cruelty by Dog Catcher Jim to Mr Kent he had told coun cil on three occasions I discussed this with the police chief on the request of Mr Kent Mrs MacNaughton said Chief Burbidge said he had heard of no cruelty but added that they had had some difficulty in catching dogs to bring them into the pound It has been ne cessary to put a rope around a dogs neck so the man can take the dog I have been a member of the Humane society myself While I havent a dog of my own I have no desire to see any dogs abused The chief says he knows nothing of any cruelty to dogs in town added Mrs Mrs has said it was necessary to put a rope around the dogs neck to be able to take it to the pound said Councillor Was the rope around the dogs neck or vas the dog dragged across the and over the curb on its I saw one dog being dragged Councillor Kent and the action was reported to me another man If the chief has idea of cruelty to dogs he get out of his office There as a hit of snickering in council hen that petition was read That happen This is a us matter he said I cant see why there is a need SOCIAL AM PERSONAL Items for the Social and Per- column must reach the Era id Express office not later than each Tuesday Send them mail or telephone 52671 Mrs A Young Windsor returned home after spending past week with her son- in- and daughter Mr and Mrs Ion and sons The most frequent visitor at homos this past week has en the Mr and Mrs Charles Near ill spend holiday weekend Buffalo Visiting in the for the Cavalcade of Color ere Mr and Mrs Bert Gilkes and Mrs Harold and mily and Mrs Sarah Wright- in They visited Mrs Blanche win Lake of Bays lor ropes around dogs when we over for to a track for control he said We have an investiga tion of natter by the recommended the mayor I for one have do intention Of snickering at this said Council lor This is a matter I worked hard to help organize a humane society in the town If dogs are being illtreat ed In town I feel the whole mat ter should be put before the pro per authority the humane soci ety The society will investigate We have no proper dog catch er Someone mentioned that Mr Cull en gets for each dog he catches There is a proper net that should be used for catching dogs You are not supposed to drag dogs around by the said Councillor The Humane society has been notified already Mr Kent told council Apparently five letters were sent to the society in Toron to by local residents A copy of what was in the press was sent to them and they are going to in vestigate Who has seen these acts of cruelty asked Mrs MacNaugh I am the chairman of the police committee and no one came to me with a complaint The chief says that he knows nothing of cruelty Is it just because of what appeared in the paper that there is all this Just one more thing said Mr Kent Does anyone here know how the dogs are done away with when no one claims them In a gas box replied the mayor Ves agreed Mr Kent in a gas box The police cruiser backs up and a hose is attached to the box and the dog is gassed I have seen one squirming for a few minutes until the gas took effect The discussion was ended by the mayor and council referred the problem to the police com mittee for investigation Wild Truck Ride From Sutton Into Lake Remains A Mystery Readers Write October he Editor ra and Express Ontario Mr Struthers The Era and Express of published a state- by the Office Specially Company Limited the effect that lot Plan is assessed at the rate of 000 per acre Lot Iff winre in the roll when the roll as returned by the assessor on Strangely enough lot ad- fining lot did appear in the oil and according to Mr Spear as assessed at the rate of these lols contains one- nth of an acre and must be assessed for onetenth each Each lot feet frontage and the value mi foot frontage must be there on- Lands immediately to the north the Of fit- Specialty lands on St are separately des cribed and separately assessed al the rate of per foot frontage a rate of per acre These neighbors of this company occupy modest homes and their lands arc on the same side of the street in the same block have the same depth of lot and appear to be reasonably valued compared withj other lauds of similar nature ex cept only the Offire Specialty lands The difference in these values 1000 and 3500 is surely an in justice to the companys especially since the Manual of Assessment Values authoriz ed by the Department of Munici pal Affairs of Ontario states on page Of course the predomi nant factor is the equalization of values with neighboring lands which have a comparable value Whore industrial lands are asses sed on the acrcap basis the esscd value per acre should be comparable to that of adjoining residential land per acre if the land has the same value and meets the same conditions as re gards drainage etc and is not filled laud and while the com- panys neighbors patiently pay their taxes at a rate three or four times higher than the companys rate they have at least the nice feeling of satisfaction that they are paying their full share of town expenses as properly charg ed by The Assessment Act Yours very truly Reeve I By Mike Sutton An 18yearold Aur ora boy narrowly missed death here Tuesday night after a wild 60mile an hour ride in a pick up truck down Dalton St The truck ended up in Lake Simcoe Martian Van Bakcl is safe at home after he plunged down a bank missing a 20foat abutment before landing feet from shore in four feet of water Van told police he left home at 3 pm Tuesday after noon and didnt remember any thing between when he stopped at the stoplights at the Aurora and Don Mills road and 6 pm Wednesday when he awoke in the cab of his truck west of here on York County road No He told police he has been in bed for the past week suffering rom His story varied with that of father Frank Van Bakcl rank Van Bakel told Sutton Police Chief Brian Stephens that Martian had left home between pm and 3 pm Wednesday Ills absence wasnl noticed mill nearly pm His father honed different homes in the irea in hopes of locating him In the truck was a load of Martian apparently had ntended to take it to a farm at five miles southwest here But Frank said the grain was supposed to be delivered to a Bradford farm When Martian awoke in the cab of the truck he said the would not start He said he went to a nearby farm house called a garage Sutton Al Marrilt aid he towed the truck his station and found it had no gas He put worth of gas in the ruck Then Van discover- his wallet missing greed take Van spare tire as insurance that he would return It is two miles from garage the end of St where Van plunged the truck into the lake There w one sharp curve which is poorly hanked but Van told police he could remember nothing pulling out of the station Witnesses who saw Van Bakel speed through a stop sign estim ated he was travelling at fiO miles per hour Onehalf mile from the stop sign he plunged into the lake The noise of the impact as the truck hit the water was heard by Raymond and David 14 and 17 and Brian who were playing football a few hundred yards from the lake They raced to the lake and saw Van Bakel sitting on top of the cab The truck was about 50 feet from shore Water was al most up to the windows The trio found a large raft on shore and managed to launch it Then Raymond climbed aboard and using a small stick began to paddle towards Van Bakel had to battle three- foot waves before reaching Van When he got within three feet of the truck Rickards held out the stick Van grab bed it and then jumped aboard Dave said Van first words were I dont know the road Meanwhile a witness who had seen Van speed through the- stop sign had called police and they arrived just after Ray mond and Martian reached shore On Van forehead was a large bump which police at first thought may have been inflicted upon him by someone who may have stolen his wallet But later the youths wallet turned up at home so police dis missed this theory saying he must have hit his head on the truck as it hurtled into the lake Van narrowly missed a cement abutment at the foot of St The lire marks show the truck veered to the right as it reached the abutment Hes very lucky he didnt hit the abutment said police Chief Brian Stephens The truck could have turned a somersault and he might have been killed or drowned Van physician Dr Crawford Rose Aurora said the hoy had been suffering from flu for the past week and had been confined to bed But he added that this could not have mode Van Bakel delirious enough to black out or forget where he was going Sutton police are still investi gating MOUNT ALBERT NEWS Mr and Mrs J Thompson Brampton and Mr and Mrs A Drayton were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Harold and Mr and Mrs Herb Harmon Prescription Service ALL DAY EVERY DAY TWS4950 TW 54950 DAYS A WEEK Daily to 8 pm Fridays ill 9 pm Sunday 1 AM To 7 PM Two Graduate Pharmacists Ready to Serve You SEE YOUR DOCTOR FIRST WHEN SICKNESS STRIKES THEN BRING HIS PRESCRIPTION TO VITAMINS HELP Build resistance against winter ill ness and infections Vitamins are essential to health and promote growth in youngsters We carry all vitamin prepara tions available Always on display for your convenient selections Your doctor and pharmacist are the only ones qualified to advise you OCTOBER SPECIAL VITAMIN B COMPOUND for that feeling of well bring Special DAYALETS One tablet a day provides alt essen tial vitamins and minerals for good health BOTTLE of Provides a complete balance of vitamins and minerals for daily good health TABLETS 50 for 100 for 600 SYRUP Large Size Giant Size NEWMARKET DRUGS 134 Davis Dr Just east of Yoage Free parking for thousands of cars daily In Shopping Plaza Ph TW WHO SPENDS WHEN new federal buildings or new highways with elaborate cloverleafs or new halls are constructed they must be built with the tax payers money Very often such expenditures are enthusias tically approved because each of us seems to think it is some other persons tax money which is being spent so lavishly Canadians can help themselves and the men and women they have elected to office only if they remember that governments have no funds except the taxes they take from each of us THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANAN0QUE HAMILTON TORONTO BEDROOM groin SEE THIS EXCITING GROUP NOW YOU GET DOUBLE DRESSER WITH TILTING MIRROR AND A FULL SIZE CEDAR LINED BOTTOM DRAWER DRAWER CHEST BOOKCASE 54 BED MARSHALL SMOOTH TOP MATTRESS MARSHALL STEEL SPRING LAMPS 2 SHEETS 2 PILLOW CASES 2 PILLOWS ALL FOR ON EASY PAYMENTS noVe Newmarket stores are closed all day Monday LID 30 MAIN STREET NEWM ARRET FREE DELIVERY PHONE TW 56281