Classifieds AUCTION SALE Consisting of Farms Livestock Implements and Furniture on Loft Con Township of Amaranth on WEDNESDAY JULY 24 at one oclock sharp the property of J W R WALLACE I CATTLE All vaccinated Holatein cow 5 yrs bred Jan cow years old fresh calf by side Holstein cow years full flow cow years calf by side cow years calf by side cow years old bred Holstein cow 4 years old calf by side fresh cow 3 years old calf by side black and white cow years old black and white heifer bred Ayrshire cow 4 yrs old bred calf by side Ayrshire cow yrs old bred calf at side Ayrshire cow 2 yrs old fresh calf at side Shorthorn cow four years old calf at side Here ford cow three years old calf at side Shorthorn bull 2 old red bred heifer open heifers 3 yearling heifers calves various sizes HORSES Black horse years old black mare years old bred bay mare years old bred bay colt rising 2 years black colt rising years spring colt black spring colt bay black mare years old bred SWINE English White Yorkshire hog registered Yorkshire sow April Yorkshire sow May York shire sow May Yorkshire sow May Yorkshire sow May 25 Yorkshire sow bred York shire sow and pigs veaned pigs chunks over pounds chunks about 100 pounds geese one young cattle dog good IMPLEMENTS Sprayer for cows or paint De- Laval separator nearly new De- Laval milking line tanks Surge milker 2 units new milk pails and strainer new Hammer mill Gill chicken nests and feeders Guelph style 3 electric brooders self feeder for pigs chain saw Clinton new Mer- 3ton truck Ford truck Monarch car new motor electric fencer Int tractor overhauled Int plow on on rubber working good drive belt ft ply inch new Case manure spreader spreader sulky Case swa- International binder ft cut culti vator International cultivator harrow Int steel draw bar drag harrow cart single furrow rid ing plow Kiel 2furrow riding flow new wheel for land roller nternational mower MH seed drill rubber tire wagon hay rake steam tank 300 gallons set sleighs team harness 2 sets quantity of and inch piping honey extractor and equipment forks shovels chains and other articles too numerous to HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Washing machine ma chine good tanks and jacket heater electric stove heater cook stove typewriter now ra dio cabinet dresser two occa sional chairs three boys bi cycles and one girls bicycle gas engine Subject to reserve bid The crop now standing of said farm and the farm lot 26 con Am aranth also lot con 0 Am aranth acres more or less Farms will be offered at Oclock Lunch will be served by the WI Nothing to be removed until settled for TERMSCASH Angus Bates and Thomas Clerks Jack Auctioneer Mr and Mrs Wil liam McGenerty Keswick Ruth Redditt are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen daugh ter Alberta Ruth DEATHS BUKER At Newmarket on Sunday July Buker husband of Bur- bridge and father of Edgar of Malton Cecil Tay lor Violet Mrs Rowland and Dorothy Mrs Mosier Newmarket Sadie Mrs Vander burgh Toronto Marjorie Mrs London Jack and Donald Wilcox Lake Service was held on Wednesday July Interment Newmarket cemetery LEE Suddenly at the General and Marine Hospital Colling- on Friday July James Robert Lee husband of Davis and father of Rose Mrs B of Hawk Junction Winnifred Mrs J Alderson Newmarket and Dorothy Mrs C Perry Agin- court Funeral service was held from the and Rose Funeral Home Newmarket on Monday July at 2 pm In terment Newmarket cemetery WIST Suddenly at his home Kettleby on Wednesday July Glen Albert Wist age 6 years son of Frank Wist and Pattenden Funeral service was held on Saturday July Interment Roman Ca tholic Bradford IN BIRTHS AT YORK COUNTY HOSPITAL On Thurs day July to Mr and Mrs George It Newmarket a daughter CHRISTIANS On Friday July to Mr and Mrs Cornel ius Christians Bradford a daugh ter COX On Wednesday July to Mr and Mrs Jack Cox Newmarket a daughter COLLIE On Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Charles Col- He Newmarket a daughter On Sunday July to Mr and Mrs Douglas Dukclou Lake Wilcox a son On Wednesday July to Mr and Mrs Phillip Kettleby a son KIRTON On Saturday July to Mr and Mrs John Kir- ton Mount Albert a daughter KINCH On Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Graham Kinch Newmarket a son NEWMAN On Wednesday July to Mr and Mrs John Newman Lake Wilcox a daugh ter On Tuesday July to Mr and- Mrs James Newmarket a daughter On Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Anthony Lake Wilcox a son SMITH On Monday July 8 to Mr and Mrs Keith Smith 2 a son Monday July 8 to Mr and Mrs Joseph Sul livan Tottenham a daughter J Friday July to Mr and Mrs Ronald Todd a daughter In loving memory of George McCaman who passed away July His charming ways and smiling face Are a pleasure to recall He had a kindly word for each And died beloved of all Lovingly remembered by wife and family ROSE In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Sophia Perry Rose who passed away July 24 Years of striving of play Loving and giving the whole of the way A cherished smile a heart of gold The dearest mother the world could hold Happy memories fond and true From us who thought the world of you Ever remembered by husband and son Bill and family SHERIDAN In loving memory of a dear mother Anna Pearl Sheridan who passed away July 20 Lovingly remembered by daughter Mary soninlaw Rob ert son Robert and daughter-in- law Barbara STEVENSON In loving memory of a dear husband and father James Stevenson who passed away July 1955 He is gone but not forgotten And as dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near Days of sadness will come oer us Many think the wound is healed But they little know the sorrow That lies in the heart concealed Ever remembered by wife and family WILSON In memory of Arthur Wilson who was suddenly called home July 20 There is a road we tall remem brance Where thoughts and wishes meet I take that road in thought today For the one I cannot greet Dearer still as the years depart Your memory lives within my heart With tender love and deep regret I who loved you will never for ce remembered by his wife Minnie ENGAGEMENTS The engagement Is announced of Helen Evelyn daughter of Mrs Sedore Holland Landing and the late Mr Chris to Mr Howard Davis Johnstone son of Mr and Mrs D John stone the marriage to take place on August at pm Mr and Mrs Donald wish to announce the en gagement of their daughter Frances Marie to Mr Graeme Mason son of Mr and Mrs George Mason Cedar Val ley the wedding to take place Saturday Aug at oclock Wesley United chur CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to my friends neighbors and relatives the nursing staff of York County hos pital and special thanks to Dr Arkinstall Dr Margaret Arkinstall Dr and Dr Ritchie Thanks to all Mrs Roy CARD OF THANKS To our many kind friends rel atives and neighbors many thanks for the getwell cards and good wishes which Karl received during his stay in the A special thank you to the friends who helped us move and for the lovely gifts we received at the social evening Thank you one and all Earl and Isabel and family Town Clerk Refuses To Change Assessment Roll Until Council Instructs The question of alterations in the towns assessment roll for was raised once again by Reeve at council meeting on July 8 He told council he could not understand why Clerk Wesley Brooks would not enter lands on the roll which do not appear there The reeve agreed to hold over the problem until the next coun cil meeting I have talked to the clerk several times about this Mr Wrightman said I am still not satisfied with the assessment roll as it stands and I cant under stand why the clerk wont enter lands that do not appear on the assessment roll He says he will only do so if instructed by coun cil Any property owned by any one in the town should be enter ed on the collectors roll and itemized continued the reeve If these entries are not made before next meeting I will bring in a resolution requiring them to be made There are lots owned by one company that do not appear on the assessment roll or to my knowledge on the collectors roll The name of the late Frank Doyle should be cleared so there is no embarrassment or injustice to his memory or his family Will you sec that these entries are made the reeve asked Mayor Gladman I cant see that anyone is jus tified in altering the roll replied the mayor I cant promise to do any such thing without the advice of the solicitor When the roll was returned certain things were entered into the roll without authorization I dont agree with that action re plied the reeve The only additions from what I gathered at the court pro ceedings were to clarify mat ters said the mayor I agree answered the reeve The assessed value of property was never altered The mayor recommended that the matter be left until the next meeting of council when the so licitor could be present To Pave Tennis Courts Club Accepting Members The good word is that the work of paving the courts at the New market tennis club will start this week With this in mind club president Keith Davis is forecast ing a sudden upswing in tennis interest The paved courts should lengthen the tennis season consid erably Club officials are now accept ing membership fees for The fees will be for the bal ance of the season Anyone interested in joining the local ten nis club can contact president Keith Davis vice president Charles Lee or secretarytreasur er Rodney West The paving job isnt expected to take more than a few days so belter join the club immediately The courts of course during the day will be available for young sters attending the summer play ground program The good news about paved courts travels fast Davis reports both Owen Sound and Southampton tennis club of ficials have been in touch with him regarding a set of home and home maTches Bob Wins Trade Fair Bike Race A new feature of this years Keswick Sportsmans Show was the stationary bicycle races Few cyclists in the competition had more than one or two weeks practice but managed to handle the hikes quite well Bob Orchard Beach was the top rider and re ceived a gold medal Second was Bob Orchard Beach who re ceived a silver medal Standard racing bicycles are used and driven a set of rollers Speeds are registered on a dial which turns every time of a mile has been cov ered In a short burst of speed rider may reach a speed of to miles per hour Local Woman Wins Boat A Newmarkel woman Doris Blair won a 14foot boat an out board motor and a boat trailer in a draw at the fair Saturday night There are in Canada non government radio broadcasting stations and 32 nongovernment television broadcasting stations in addition the Canadian Broad casting Corporation owns and op erates 22 radio stations and tele vision stations Value of construction contract awards in the first five months of 1957 was per cent less than in the same period of due chiefly to a heavy decline in resi dential building OFFICIAL OPENING Official opening of the newly I paved Don Mills road from to Lake known to lake residents as the concession takes place on Thursday July 25 Hon James Allen Ontario Minister of Highways Is expected to officiate A reception by in vitation only at the home of North reeve Roy Pollock followed by a dinner in the township community hall will have the councils of Whitchurch East and North Gwillimbury as guests Others expected to attend are Lex McKenzie MPP for York North and York County Warden W J Taylor and county council Metro Chairman Fred Gardiner I has also been invited From This Lineup Of Beauties Page The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday July CLOSE SECOND ST Councillor at a recent meeting of Newmarket council asked why Second St had not been closed He said council last year had agreed the hill was to steep it was hazardous and had recommended that the street be closed The mayor referred the inquiry to DeputyReeve Violet and her police committee McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All the World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone TW 54862 cwE Judges William Lambton and Mr and Mrs William Crampton left are Patricia Porter Keswick Mandy Marshall Island Grove Jean Island Grove Charlene Anne Pollock Island Grove Hills had a tough time selecting a winner from this group of lovelies From Sandra Elaine Pine Beach Faye Rusnell Newmarket Sandy Marilyn Eleanor Island Grove and Sally Ann Dove Beverley Photo by Mike These Were Tops I- 1 in r PERRINS Flower Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A Specialty 181 Main St Newmarket Phone Sandy Jean Hilder took first place In the Miss Lovely contest at the Keswick Optimists Sportsmens Show and Trade Fair Saturday night Second was Faye right of Newmarket and third was Marilyn Island Grove Sandy Jean is spending the summer at Island Grove and is a student at Jarvis Collegiate Toronto Photo by Mike Gillan Smooth Sailing For Local Woman WIN THIS A BOAT MOT OK COW OPTIMIST CLUB BOYS tflF I- CHAIN ACCIDENT INJURES DRIVER Mrs Ernest Rank is convalesc ing at home after having been a patient at York County hospital for six days Mrs Rank was ad mitted to hospital on Sunday June after a car smashed into the rear of her automobile forc ing it into the rear of another car in front of her It was feared at first that Mrs Rank had a fractured spine But no bones were broken although she was severely jarred bruised and suffered shock Her car was damaged extensively Mrs Alice Walsh Toronto at whose Miami Beach cottage Mrs Rank had been spending the weekend was a passenger in the car She suffered shock and bruis es Mr and Mrs William who were in the car in front of Mrs Rank were shaken up bad ly but neither required hospital treatment Charges have been laid against the third driver The accident oc curred on the Metropolitan Road Keswick on Sunday afternoon when traffic was moving bumper to bumper at a snails pace Strasler Son QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE Rose Funeral Directors MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Newmarket Ambulance Service 24hour Phone THEAKER DREWERY FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE Phono Mount Albert Attend One Of These CHURCHES SUNDAY JULY 1907 Dad Finds Son 6 Drowned In Canal At Holland Marsh Mrs Doris Blair who held winning ticket for boat motor and trailer at the Keswick Optimists Sportsmans show sits in boat with her husband Homer Photo by Hank Bike Races Popular At Keswick Trade Fair Sandy Jean a dark- haired 17ycarold girl who is spending the summer at Island Grove Saturday night won the Miss Holiday lively contest at the Keswick Optimists Sports mans Show and Trade Fair She was chosen from a group of eight girls by judges William Lambton advertising manager of the Sutton Reporter and Mr and Mrs Writ Mr Cramp is with McLarens Advertis ing agency in Toronto Second was Miss Optimist of Newmarket and third was Marilyn of Island Grove The girls were judged on beauty carriage and voice In the preliminary judging Fri day night they appeared in dresses and on Saturday night in bathing suits Other girls entered in the con test were Sally Ann Dove Bev erley Hills Anne Pol lock Island Grove Barbara Ann Newmarket Sandra Elaine Pine Beach and Patricia Porter Keswick Sandy Jean received a cold wave from Charlottes Beauty Salon Keswick a Lazy Susan from Davidsons General Store nylon stockings from Park Style Shop Sutton and a hair styling and set and a match ing set of earrings and from Lees Beautyland Keswick Other donors were Ladies Wear Newmarket who donated bathing suit worn by Miss Beverley Hill- Ernie Tay- sixyear old boy Glen Wist son of Mr and Mrs Frank Wist was drowned in the Holland Mar sh Canal on Wednesday July when trying to recover his toy boat which had drifted out from shore Searching for her missing son the mother knew he must be near when she his toy boat float ing on the canal When Mr Wist pulled the string attached to the boat he brought the body of his son to the surface The boys feet were tangled in the string Glen had accompanied his fath er to a storage shed He left his father to return home for lunch following the road by the canal When Mr went home he learned that Glen had not arrived The parents set out to search for him The toy boat was sighted about 300 yards from the house Police believe that the boy fell into the canal while trying to reach for the length of string to which the boat was tied as it drifted away from the bank His body was floating just below the surface near the boat but could not be seen Neighbors Charles Davis and Kenneth Miller assisted in the search and helped haul the boy to land A graduate nurse Mar ilyn Ritchie Middletown took charge of the artificial respiration until the Bradford firemen arriv ed The firemen continued the ar tificial respiration for close to four hours before the coroner Dr Patrick Greaves pronounced the boy dead Mr Wist said his children had been born and raised in the can- district had been warn ed repeatedly to stay away from the water Besides his parents the boy Is survived by two brothers Gary and Paul eight CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main St Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Breckon Musical Director Stephen Crisp am Sunday school 11 am Combined service In Trinity United church All Welcome lor florist who donated flowers and of Prudential Life Insurance Co Sutton and Dr Lee Crowley Keswick KESWICK Mr Ernest has been quite 111 for the past few weeks but is Improving Mrs MacDonnell Karn es and three sons are spending the summer with her sisters Mrs Freeman Thompson is at home after spending the past few weeks with her daughter Mrs Melbourne in Bradford ating from her operation in New market hospital in June Mr Alto Davisons sister and family and Mr and Mrs Robert Henry Lindsay visited the Dav isons on Sunday GRACE CHURCH 373 Street Pastor Rev A Yielding am Bible school for Ml am The pastor 7 pm The pastor Soloist Mr Don DAILY VACATION I SCHOOL MONDAY JULY to 26 to am Always a Welcome at Grace ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister Rev Stuart Johnston It Organist Mr Rudolph am Sunday school am Nursery and Beginners 11 am Public worship Guest speaker The Rev Fox of Vanleek Hill VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches Corner Arthur and Newton Newmarket Pastor Rev Roy Sunday school am Pastors Bible class 11 am Worship service Wed 8 pm Prayer meeting pm Ladies meeting A warm welcome awaits you FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Reynolds Minister Mrs Gerald Organist am Sunday school 11 am Divine worship 7 pm Evangelistic service Tuesday pm Prayer service pm Class meeting You are welcome FRIENDS MEETING Street Newmarket am Meeting for worship Come and rivet with us All welcome Gods mercy we find our salvation in service to others we express our love for Christ CHURCH OF TMfc MAIN AT QUEf Cm Organist Miss June Haines am Sunday school am Morning worship pm Evening service Everyone welcome TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev Duncan White Music Director Leon Nash ARCT Joint Services during July and August with the Christian Baptist church Morning worship REV DUNCAN WHITE Wo welcome the Christian Bap congregation to our church during July At home or on holiday worship on Sunday CHURCH OF THE Mount Albert Gospel Chnreh Sundav School 3 pm Frank Clark Supt pm Evangelistic service Earl Minister UNITED MISSIONARY and Rev Minister am Broadcast Oshawa 1350 Kc am Worship am Sunday noon Worship Bcthesda Evening service FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Boy Scout Hall Newmarket 11 am Morning worship am Sunday school pnv Evangelistic service Pastor Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada SALVATION ARMY Newmarket Corps Queen St pm Salvation meeting 3 pm Sunday school am Holiness meeting Wednesday Home league meeting pm Cottage Prayer Meeting Captain and Mrs Craddock commanding officers Invite you to make the Army your church home GREETING CARDS FOR the best In Christian liter ature books plaques mottoes stationery and greeting cards of all kinds etc come and see at the Evangelical and Gift Howard Newmar ket William R Hall authorized phone TW New market