ages from the tors Notebook There are two thine youve got to watch about growing beards for the centennial One Is the itch and the other is a in town A little talcum powder first thine in the morning thing at night phis a comb ing will the As for a straruyw it you dont have to with him to do with him that the least he would be to grow a him- to advertise the out of town If he Is try In to and he a on a weekly or monthly basis the chances are that he beard too There should have been more businessmen entering the beard growing contest which started last week Maybe they are plan ning to start a little later We heartily recommend growing a beard As we said its good ad vertising for the town but it also i gives one a feeling of social in dependence To heck with what the wife says Its a true test for friendship I as well If your neighbor sees you coming down the street and crosses the other side to avoid you then you know your neigh- I Isnt a good friend If he or she wont associate with you just because you have whiskers he or she cant be a very good friend For those who laugh at you there is only one answer Grow one or shut up Thats the given by Messrs Jim Ray mond Art Mike and Jack and Sid They are challenging anyone to match them From the Files of To all good beard growers we say Dont weaken boys Keep your chins up and challenge your best friends Did you know that there were only six of Wood peckers in King township in We found an old book the day which survived the fire in our Main office last it is called The Natural of Township In it was a table showing the bird puliation There were pairs of Red- in King township in Wo dont know who coun ted them but thats what the book say of Great Horn ed Owls numbered in that year We wonder what happened when a bird crossed the border over into East township Probably they stop ped the presses when the book was being printed and made a correction in the table It would be interesting to know how many Wood peckers there are in King town ship today Has anyone counted them recently Motor vehicle accidents in the Province of Ontario showed a decrease for the month of Feb ruary over previous months Last month there were ac cidents in which persons were killed and injured Provin cial police checked 58923 ve hicles issued warnings and laid charges Police attribute the decline to poorer driving conditions and fewer cars on the road rather than to an increase in drivers safety consciousness 25 and 50 Years Ago years ago March Mr and Mrs Fred vis- led their son in Toronto on Sun day Returning in the early ev ening on a slippery pavement near Mulocks Corners they were run into by a skidding car sus taining some damage to their own fortunately nothing ser ious Mr H Gardner of Brad ford and Mrs Gardner were in town on Wednesday partly on business and also visiting old friends in the old town 25 Miss vis ited her parents on Wednesday 25 Principal McCulley was in Toronto on Monday addressing in the evening an Anglican con ference on Young Peoples work Special interest is aroused in the Pickering College boys for their Sunday evening service at which the speaker will be Miss Agnes Macphail MP Mrs A of Detroit is visiting her mother Mrs J O Moss 25 Mr Joe Williams of Toronto the wellknown comedian and entertainer who has been fre quently heard in Newmarket spent Wednesday with S Scott Mr Saunders of Toron to Past Grand Mast er of Grand Lodge of Ontario West Association visited his old friend S Scott for a few hours on Tuesday Dr and Mrs Vandervoort en tertained the Toronto artists Misses Boyle John and Campbell and Messrs Tar- and McMormick at their home after the Pathfinders con cert last Thursday night years ago March Mr Tom arrived in town this week on a visit to his fath er Mr Cyrus after an ab sence of nearly two years dur ing which time he has been tour ing the American continent with specialty amusement acts Mrs John Jackson of Tor onto is spending a couple of weeks at the Bowery Mrs J C Dicks returned to her home on Sunday after spending a week with sis ter Mrs D Lepard Millard Ave Mr and Mrs Cane at tended a wedding anniversary in the city on Saturday 50 Miss Florence Thomson visit ed a few days last week at Mr John Salters Holland Landing Mr and Mrs Hughes en tertained a few personal friends to a social tea on Wednesday af ternoon Mr J A Allan is repre senting Newmarket at the Grand Lodge of the in Toronto this week 50 Mr C If of Chicago arrived here on Sunday night and is remaining a few days with his mother Mr of this town and two cousins are looking after a leg acy of a considerable amount left them the old country These are the oldest heirs Jiv ing 50 Rev Wye Smith of St Catharines the wellknown Sco ttish poet of New market will retire from the pastorate of the Congregational church next month INVITATION TO ADVtNTURt It Softooa af A warm lvl W2k Hi n wmb WOOOOOOO sunken Caribbean this summer is extended by two chilled club Toronto Frogman Tom training recruit like Pat left to skin diving tech- can survive the practice sessions often held In an pool In aidwinter they are eligible to Join the axcitloi to the Caribbean I and t Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger a Serving Newmarket and the districts of York The Newmarket Era The Bxprai Herald 1805 every Thursday at Charles St Newmarket by the Newmarket Em and tone two years for one year in advance copies are each Member of Clans A Week Ilea of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorised Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa John E Struthers Managing Editor Caroline Ion Associate Editor George Haskctt Sport Lawrence Racine Job Printing and Production THE EDITORIAL PAGE THURSDAY THE TWENTYFIRST DAY OF MARCH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYSEVEN WE WERE ALL IMMIGRANTS ONCE The recent influx of Hungarian refugees has given some people in this country an opportunity to show how mean intolerant and smallminded Canadians can be when they really try Just this week the daily press carr ied a story which originated in Ottawa A member of par liament had protested because in his riding a veteran had been displaced from a janitors job by a Hungarian refugee The veteran had been receiving a month the Hungarian was being paid 60 Such a situation is unhealthy But when people blame the refugee who is ignorant as yet of our language cust oms and prevailing wage scale instead of the unscrupu lous employer who took advantage of this ignorance then the blame is not being placed where it belongs Another less publicized item was the case of the garage owner who hired a Hungarian mechanic for a day because the mechanic did not know what to expect in the way of a salary or was too desperate to refuse In the same vein the government scheme to airlift English immigrants to this country has brought growls and scowls from peo ple who see only a threat to their own livelihood in the in creasing number of immigrants When such a situation arises it is time to take a long careful look at our own ancestors here They were all immigrants once and the odds are better than 90 per cent that they came on a gov ernment assisted passage received free land or both For years the North American continent has been a haven for those seeking better things in life Can adas first settlers were French They were brought here by the French government of the day given free land and subsistence for a year to encourage settlement The city of Halifax was founded by English settlers on exactly the same basis These same settlers dispaced the original Acadian settlers in Nova Scotia There was more than a loyalty oath to the Crown involved The late comers con fined to the barren coast cast a greedy eye on the lush interior meadows settled by the Acadians and lost time flocking there after the expulsion New Brunswick and Ontario were settled refu gees from the American Revolution who received government assistance the last century the West was settled by immigrants from Europe and the United Stat es who received free passage and grants of land All of them were fleeing something at home French fled France and English refugees were displace by the American Revolution From Great Britain came Scot- tish crofters driven from their land by the Acta of En closure The Great Potato Famine brought Irishmen by the score and depressionhaunted thousands left Eng land These were our ancestors There record here has not been without blemish In the process of continental development a whole the Indians were almost pushed from the map and only government assistance lias kept the Eskimo from disap pearing as the result of the white mans trading practic es The gods write history with a deep sense of irony for now we sit the of assorted malcontents misfits and rafugcea whose record of unabashed exploit ation is almost without parallel protesting the arrival of those whose status is no worse then that of our pro genitors YMCA YWCA The first meeting of a was held last night in Newmarket attended by members of the IK to 25 age group It is hoped that this start on a Y pro gram will grow into a permanent program for the com munity Someday perhaps there will be sufficient funds found available to construct a building in Newmarket For the time being of course a program is limited by ex isting facilities to be found in town for meetings and soc ial gatherings Young people no doubt will be happy to belong to the Members of the age group mentioned often find that spare time hangs heavy in our community Athlet ics and clubs are numerous for other age groups but it is the young adult who is not inclined to participate in sports who will welcome a or YWCA program Parents too will no doubt approve of their sons or dau ghters taking part in community activities under the banner of the PROOF READING Belleville Intelligencer Not all typographical errors reach the eyes of the public praise be to proofreaders Some typographical errors are born to blush unseen by anyone except the members of the staff to whom they are gleefully point ed out and by whom they are held in both esteem and dread The other day for instance there was a letter in the column by Beatrice Fairfax in which a woman com plained that after years of marriage her husband had turned into a real ladies man For nearly a year now he has been successively interested in one woman after another Thats how the wife wrote it and thats how it ap peared in the Intelligencer But the linotype operators first attempt was slightly different Ho used the word successfully insteead of successively TOUGH ROAD FOR MOTORISTS The future looks costly to roadusers both truck ers and car owners says Jack in The Financial Post The last few weeks have seen a marked change of opinion on who should pay costs The user of the roads seem to be elected as the man to foot most of the bill r Ontario has jumped its gas tax from cents a gall on to I cents a gallon also hiked the tax on fuel from 1 cents to cents This may encourage increases in other provinces The Ontario Toll Roads Committee suggested that users should pay more Earlier the Gor don Commission on Canadas Economic Prospects said owners of motor vehicles should pay more The Commission further gave the impression it felt heavy trucks might very well be paying too little toward highway costs and said an annual municipal tax on mot or vehicles seems a reasonable way to increase revenue These events all within a few weeks look like the beginn ing of a trend If the trend continues roadusers are go ing to pay increasingly higher taxes and license fees OUR SIDE OF THE STORY by W HARVEY OPPOSING COMMUNISM IS NOT ENOUGH Mayor Wagner New York voiced the feeling of democrats the world over when he said that there should he no civic welcome for King King Saud heads one of the most de testable regimes in the world It is a slaveowning dictatorship in which the ruler and his wives live in luxury provid ing nothing not even elemen tary education for a population which has a per capita income of some a year When King arrived in Washington he was given a royal welcome He was prom ised in tanks and other military aid Why this generosity to a wealthy despot It is not enough to say that American companies are mak ing profits out of Arabian oil The US does not need Arabian oil and the loss inflicted on the American companies in Arabia by the closing of the Suez Canal has been largely offset by the higher prices the Texas produc ers have been getting for their oil The real explanation of concessions to King Is the American opposition to commu nism The ILB is attempting to buy the friendship of a slave- owning tyriifit an pait of a poli cy of resisting communism is it a wise or count it must he admitted that there are time when it J necessary to have the help of regimes we despise We helped Stalin re sist Hitler because we needeil Stalins help hut that did not imply approval of the Soviet slave campf The question then is we need the help of re gimes like Sands Or belter is our need of help so desperate that we arc uj f in strengthening his regime It at least doubtful fc The Arab states are militarily weak and politically unreliable To get any help from them we would have to build them up and after we had built them up they might use their strength against us The plain act is that the Arab world is aflame with hatred of the West It the lesson provided by the communist conquest of Hungary is not enough to make the Arab want to avoid communist domination it is not likely that further American aid will do so Communist infiltration of the governments of Syria and has gone so far that some obser vers feel that it cannot be dis lodged Certainly King had no in his attempt to gel the other Arab states to ap prove the Eisenhower policy Die attempt to win over the other Arab states by supporting has failed And giving aid to his regime which is detested even in the Arab world certain ly hurt the stand the US is try ing to take on behalf of decency and democracy in the world Another Issue however is in volved our duty to help pov ertystricken people Docs any objection to a government re lease us from our duty to relieve suffering That duly In generally admit ted although the a m u n t s we have been giving have been piti fully small But since our re sources are limited we should spend them where they will do the most good And to anyone who believes that democracy is the means to most benefits that can be obtained through govern ment there is no doubt about where we should spend the sums we have available for foreign aid should help maintain and strengthen democratic gov ernments wherever they are not firmly established especially where poverty and illiteracy abound It follows that our aid should go to governments that arc making welldirected efforts to promote education and to raise living standards In brief what is needed is a positive program of aiding and fostering democracy rather than a merely negative policy of op posing communism There are many places in which Western help would do more good than in these NearEast dictatorships The slate the servant not ike of the people the state their guarantee against infringement on their rights their agent international and national issues it is not the function of the state to assume the direc tion of those activities which rest on individual A itliU that it a Who si- tflS a it is start ftttiiiay ajjt fsfx no da hkc that I ifea a Bohemian sad growia ilif If- is loo much oat beards and mot It will drive into solitude the next few Hes tori A a hermit a be w c Id boo for lourht for the centennial celebration Aug ust- We could have to the cents person cent per suggested Hes too for that Slim Thais too bad You know these sure missed a good thin at their fashion show last week Slim wont on Beards fa shion this year and there werent no beards at si Well its pretty hard to find a bearded lady except in the cir cus nowaday I ai No I dont mean that I mean they had soma men in it with The had then relished by the with mutton chops Va end so on The boas could have given tails on the and care I said other day he was a fellow Ahit he should use bis beard between now and He recommends DDT one on and a new kind spray deodorant Then growth gets rampant good retardation The to reetart a gvd sprinkling heir will promote health growth iin There a new of garde fertilizer not which printer Its a mix dropping wood leg aid I that ojd v especially in vd that t and to care beards that most can get professional we can pretty veil The thin we know the boss will he taking the afternoon to jet his beard at ill jet jut erf work Thats he Sure- And such a adicr man Hed just down there in she beauty vh sals the anas by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches We looked over the grain bin and the hay mow and made some quick calculations and de cided that this year it wont be quite a3 cad as last year Somehow the end of March conies around it is pos sible to see the end the win ter and stable feeding It will be a long time before we forget the sickening feeling of watching the hay and grain disappear around the end of January and see all the income do likewise as the feed bill and the cost of hay ate up all the milk income and then some We are wondering how long it really take to get over one bad year We know that last year was kind of short of pas ture especially towards the end of the season and it is common admitted that last fall the cows didnt milk as well as they did the fall before The rota tion of crops was upset by one year and a lot of the very ex pensive small seed just didnt come Well this is all behind us now we hope and if we only get fair break on milk prices and one more good year for crops we should be in the clear again We are convinced of one thing though we have to have better pastures and more and better hay and possibly some grass si lage next year We quite agree with the rea soning that there is no replace ment for pasture and that it is easier to buy grain than hay We know many a herd where they buy all the grain and con centrate but have very high quality hay and pasture all sea son The problem we havent solved yet is where are we to get the bedding we need We never have enough bedding and we know we could and should use more This of course brings up the question what really is a good rotation for a dairy farm We dont know the answer yet I- seems to us thai should try to stretchout the is is by being able pus the tar cut on pasture a we to ten letting get ahead of the pasture in the and with out having them too weight in the fall before stabling We heard of a fellow the other day who having had a few bags of fertilizer left over put this on his lane This seems to us a very smart idea On an av erage lanes and other ground not worked must amount to at least five acres Some of this isnt suitable for pasture But some is and at the right time of the year it can be a real help The odd piece of rough ground will be of assistance too especially early in the spring A real hard old meadow will take more tramping and will save the real pasture Well here we go on talking as if the time was here for put ting the cattle on pasture It isnt quite yet The old saying about March coming in as a lion or as a lamb and going out vice versa doesnt seem to work For one thing we do not know what that first day of March was like If we remember rightly it wasnt either of them It was something of a hybrid to put it mildly a queer cross making meek sounds like a lamb and having claws like a lion Of course in these days of hybrid corn and hybrid swine and hy brid everything including the milk board one cannot be sure of anything It sure is a hybrid of a weather right now Oh well the sun will shine again and the milk truck will come to the barn again and soon yesterdays unsolved problems will be forgotten and pushed aside by todays unsolved ones COULD AN INDIAN FAKIR MATCH THIS What can Indian fakirs do that a Canadian toon cant do Corporal Don Ashley of Stewart a flute to charm any cobra providing its made of rope Come to think of it is be trying the rope trick or the cobra