alt woods do heat readily the lighter provide the best insula- lion is because they have a greater proportion of closed air spaces in their cellular struc tures ITS A Womans By CAROLINE ION NORM WARNING TO BUYERS The Red Cross this month is risings At that time Newmarket asking for financial assistance to hike many other Red Cross bran- carry on its humanitarian accepted additional sewing and knitting quotas to help re plenish the stockroom of supp lies With Mrs Gundy as convener women in the Red Cross bran ches which are scattered through out the province filled cloth ing bales These were distributed to the needy in Canada and in foreign countries wherever the need was felt to be most urgent Part of Mrs Gundys task as chairman of this busy committee involves the planning for a pro vincewide program for the gram It is asking each of us to contribute so that when the need arises in times of disaster and war the Red Cross will be ready and able to continue its services of mercy Compared to the gifts which some women make to the Red Cross in terms of time and talents such donations are insignificant But the dollars are needed to their work and each small contribution makes it possible for them to purchase more materials materials which the busy fingers of volunteer Red Cross workers will transform into layettes and The The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday March Common BOB ANDREWS Isabel Inglis Colviile The Little Foxes Also Vista After seeing the play produced by the Newmarket High school Dramatic Society I did not wond er that they captured second place in the competition held earl ier Frankly I do not like the play For one thing I think its too soph isticated for a school play and its sparse sparkling of humor and its unsatisfactory ending leaves one with an unpleasant of fru stration something like the prob lem of the Lady or The Round PLAN PROJECTS FOR HOSPITAL WA Preliminary plans were made for two annual events when the York County Hospital Womens auxiliary met in Newmarket last Newmarket on Sunday afternoon week I looked down the vista of the years and said so many changes lhe Newmarket fire hall bo much was new or renewed And there are the three churches which adorn Main Street Trinity United which from tiny pioneer beginnings has grown into a edifice with its interior so exquisitely fitted to bring its congregation into the reverent at mosphere so necessary to the wor ship of Almighty God Then atop the hill like a white beacon of faith stands the Christian Baptist church with its beautifully The date was set for Friday April The annual luncheon meeting at the Briars Golf club will be repeated It will be held on Wed nesday June I know that I take the old fash- led communion table which draws tire year A plan is discussed and Bob Andrews northern region- view that a pleasant ending ones mind at once to the materials such as wool flannel ette and cotton These are worx other clothing Whats to happen to the these volunteer work- real estate market during the next Mrs Joseph Gundy Toronto few months a typical example Her story is Thats the question that I hear duplicated wherever there is a from clients and other friends j Cross branch quite often these days And heres Gundv in answer Red Cross work for over 20 years As I see houses are going to chairman lhc Ontario be scarcer than they were in the work corn- same period last year And the capacity is a result will be an increase in famiHar Cross cen- I throughout the province Mrs Why do I believe this There Gundy has been a frequent visitor are a lot of factors involved Red Cross workers in New- too many to discuss thoroughly in and was guest speaker at j this column but the main rea- 1 years annual meeting as an fn Whenever there is an emergency Mrs Gundy joined the comr have to uted to the Red Cross centers on a quota basis When the work groups have transformed the flannelette into garments for infants or have knit the wool into sweaters and socks they come back to Toronto ion in the dark days before the Crucifixion of our Lord of the finally approved I director of Free Methodist I sends one home in good humor Then the committee purchases youth will be the featured a happy ending is op- speaker from March in- posed to the new school of dram- sacrament of the at the Newmarket but old fashioned or not Id I ion Methodist church every evening a like to see just such except Saturday at pm naive performance But these Mr Andrews has been recent- feelings on my part in no way elected to the position of re gional director for the youth of the denomination on the basis of his unusually successful program And now erected in the great er part by the labor of its own take from my appreciation of the people stands a beautiful edifice FASHION GRADUATE Mrs Edith Griffin of Mainprize Drug Store Richmond Hill has returned to Newmarket from Toronto where she has been at tending the Elizabeth school of Beauty and Fashion It was held at the Royal York Hotel under the direction of Grace Sto- The threeday session included care of various types of skin methods of treatment of problem the new church of the use perfume and dedicated on Sunday March to j ATTEND OSA SHOW One of the largest crowds to attend an exhibition at the To ronto Art Gallery was present on Friday March for the op ening of the 85th annual exhibi tion of the Ontario Society of Artists LieutenantGovernor Breithaupt officiated at the op ening The show included a memorial exhibition of paintings by Among those present from Newmarket were Mr and Mrs William Parsons Mr and Mrs Robert Chadwick Mrs George and Mr and Mrs Nor man Hathaway THESE SYMPTOMS MAY MEAN WORMS Irritability loss of appetite restlessness could bo symptoms of worms Dont take chances Get Dr Dead Shot Worm Candy from your drug gist If the cause is worms easy- Dr McKenzies Dead Shot Worm Candy brings quick son Is that mortgage money is getting harder raise bureau of the Toronto Builders will be pulling in their the Red Cross several horns building fewer houses on speculation and buyers will re- rose l0 head act to the scarcity by bidding up prices overseas information center dur ing the war Working from the Im not saying this try Cross headquarters on of these articles art sent to youth m state of Red Cross outpost hospitals in Kan5as he such places as Bancroft Caldwell Free Methodist church and Burks Falls lh It is Mrs Grundy job to check Theological Seminary Andrews is an exceptionally talented speaker and singer hav ing been featured at youth ral- done the Little Foxes a cast under Mr Elliots excellent I JET coaching lhe sessions were based on pro The church with its long originated in Miss Antons New CMMKk rta work much longer than an eight- hour day Compared to this community service the giving of money to aid this work is a small thing When the Red Cross volunteer calls remember this and give George Robertson as Horace GJd dens there was a touch of almost professional artistry To me it was a spectacular piece of acting to see a young girl portray a gree dy unprincipled woman with lies vouth revivals youth camps undcrstandm and in evangelistic services l throughout the denomination suffering The public is cordially invited to reached lls the service at the New- scare anyone into suddenly Street it was her job to generously In panic and perhaps wish- a3 mU information about the later that he had taken more and missing as she tare In making his choice But if id turn she would pass the are among those who arc formation to relatives in Toronto Viol I MANOR thinking of buying a new house district The Legion Ladies auxiliary this year you would be well ad- Though she was working near- party for residents of market Free Methodist church A u i j as the dying Horace Guldens suf- Mill Ave aUaek hi NEWMARKET Social News In the performance of at least two of the cast refer to Helen windows letting in the rays of as Giddcns and with its huge north window framing a blood red cross surrounded by pastel shaded panes that set off it strikingly This is repeated in the south window The furnish ing of the church are in blond wood and all the interior while dominated by the cross gives also the effect of the cheer and joy which should be the outlook of everyone who acknowledges Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour While the congregation was gathering Mr Penny played bea utifully and it was a pleasure to sit and listen and look The con gregation exceeded the space and use of makeup All rclief child based on Programsj York and Paris Salons The last act also tested George I Robertsons acting ability when first appearance he kept up very realistically the role of a very sick man no easy thing to do Christie as Addie and I was struck by the heartiness of Jack Gillham as Cal took their the singing Knowing that the ser- AROUND CORNER MAIN ST SOUTH HOUSE DRESSES up 100 SKIRTS S298 GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED vice will be written up by some member of the congregation I only write this to congratulate the we find that Mrs Gun- ine accompaniment residing close to Newmarket test postwar challenge sng conclusion Harvey Km Sam and Jack Hazel struck of the program she played waltzes Mr and Mrs Gibnoys five and district The stock- the old folks danced were present A sixth son he pleased io show you some of I and knitted articles of the finest homes ever built in this I clothing mainly for children for region bursts of speech with a grand fin ale when all the harriers of re serve were down required more than a little acting ability Oscar Hubbard taken by Terry Budd was a far from savory char acter We all felt like slapping register and numerous slapped his wife Of several selections on his haimoni- and flowers were received In- course when characters are bas- and Bonnie Newton sang an eluded were lovely bouquets from on money as was I of the relatives near and ms brother Bens one the faith vised to start looking around day of the week in this was hed7the ne f mediatcly And once youve found Red Cross work all Mrs 5 Home or the Aacd on I h the house you want dont dawdle efforts were voluntary 5 a I February at Drake I Hubbard the suppressed wife of around waiting for any Mr and Mrs Frank Gib- Oscar Hubbard played by Li Rev R W and his con- in the market returning to her present J I celebrated their golden wed- was afar from easy on the result of their lo t the project Frank I part to portray To keep in the work which will be a beaut v spot In my opinion such a break position as chairman of the On- Gordon background except for one or two in the town and a stronghold of wont come within the current branch of the womens work jj oroiners ana sisters I year and perhaps not even with- committee we find that Mrs Gun- 1 residing close to Newmarket two years grca Remember that the sooner you came after make a deal better chance Toronto a you have of getting what vou room came close to being emptied The program included piano so- Neil Vancouver was unable to want at he lowest down payment But once again the women of the t Wendy Burch and Anna attend that Is to be quoted for I Red Cross work committee and a vocal duet Ninetyfive guests signed the quite a long time to come to the rescue by the pair Harry played And if its a brand new mod- In the past year women in this home you have in mind wed provincial committee have sewn Easter hymn DRAPERY MADE FREE Assisting in entertaining the re- and distributing the treats M I Margaret Morning could what not we look for anything but got crookedness BRKES MEATS FRESH KOAST I fiTYOHO NEWMARKET Mr and Mrs fe year wen- shipped in the fall over Wfinti I- Mr and Mrs Burl wanted with no re- Austria during the Hungarian upees in A 25000 Hungarian Wray Playtcr Mr and Mrs uslr and family and Mr and for the means employed Bob Kerr as William Marshall was so little in evidence that one only sensed what he could do with a and that was most SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Pork Shoulder lb Re Av PRICK SLICED Beef Bologna lb REG PRICE lb LEAN CHOPS OR ROAST Butt Pork lb 59 RFC PRICE lb LEAN 1st Grade With Meat Order Butter lb Minced Beef lb REG PRICE Cod Fillets lb 27 collection of crooks the part of I Alexandra daughter of and Horace stood out like Mrs Verne and family recently in a family celebration of the golden wedding annivers ary of Mr and Mrs Frank i j promising Mrs Owen The part of Benjamin Hubbard Sound visited in town last week who the guest of Mr and Mrs lvl actuality to the boisterous outside and ex- and Mrs Nelson tended the W a I it l0 Against this wedding in St James collection of crooks the part of church Dundas on Satin the reception at the- home of roe brides Parents Mr and Mrs J lak4 and her Mr and Mrs Jack Rettie combined with womanly sweet- leave tomorrow for a threeweek brought about the only real- holiday trip to Florida normal touch in the whole play Mrs John Martin Toronto As I said in beginning the act- was a guest last week of Mr and was far beyond that in the Op Mrs Widdifield type of school plays and Members of the Mens if the play had been as pleasing at ion of St Pauls Anglican as the acting ane could only mar- church taken on a conduct- that such instruction and such tour of Mirror Offset Printing players should be found in ore plant last evening They returned school Is WE HAVE A COMPLETE VARIETY OF FROZEN FISH FOR LENT MAIN ST PHONE S2Z1 IT PAYS IS TO SELL BEST QUALITY IT PAYS YOU TO BUY Tilt BEST QUALITY A phone in the kitchen make it convenient for Mom to or nu calk without dropping everything Extend telephone convenience to any part of your home to the Parish menu Hall for refresh- Canadian Red Cross relief sup plies were in Hungary within hours after the outbreak of dis turbances You were there costumes by were beautiful and the stage setting very fine The stage furnishings were beautiful and appropriate publicity well managed and audience largo and appreciat ive and all these things combined h ugh your support of the Canadian given great satisfaction Red Cross to the entertainers And it was their right VISTA As I drove up Main street In comforting to have a telephone when alore at night FOR LIVM PRIVACY Take the run out of running your home have a telephone easy reach all over the house Just a month For each additional telephone in small centres And where your telephone is part of the decor theres a bright choice of green beige or ivory You can have your telephone installed in no time merely call your Telephone Business Ollicc The charge for an installa tion is only for color handy tool easy for Mom too THE TELEPHONE COMPANY OP CANA0A Wonder why Dr Chases NERVE FOOD many y irriuble ImiHii to I Dr I VlUmin HI in I I III- in help i aIiU Io ncrtoui you III lM tun 111 InH lift I enjoy tun I I In may in ill jtJk f CHAINI HOOD History Of Hospital Recalled By Mrs Rogers The beginning of York for the of York County Hospi tal Womens auxiliary when the group met in Agricultural liul room Newmarket on Tuesday Mnrtli Mis presided Mrs Iran Rouen was tin speaker of She IB id thai hospital coir was iil Newmarket under Dr 1 Wesley in later became Royal Hotel Mam was tint under the direction of Lowell Dales a charter a gen eral hnital was given and a tit ai provincial grant receiv ed The first was formed at tins lime Among the charter members of that earlier Hospital are Mrs Howard I Lewis Dos worth and Mi- I man Rose The superintendent of was Miss Mi Rogers told her audience I iir ho puii board purchased the properly and hull a portion of the present official opening was on l 1 I March is National Wallpaper Month time give yourself more gracious background for modern living with the only decorating medium that truly distinctive See our grand selection of smart and modern pot terns in Wallpaper today You know Sumvorthy Wallpaper is not expensive j just looks t hat way make a date to NATIONAL WALLPAPER MONTH a fcA CHOOSE OUR WALLPAPER PAINT- LINOLEUM MAIN STREET NEWMARKET PH TW