SECOND SECTION SECOND SECTION I m District Sports News Strikes Spares Barbara Foster Joy Lewis Dorothy Hewitt Mary 517 Eleanor 515 Peggy Graham 512 Ann Bozik were Tuesday ladies league scoring leaders Top scorers in the InterCom munity league Monday were Per cy Frank Vandcn- 751 Steve Simons Lloyd Harvey Fred Counter Rod Stevens Herb Sim pson 703 Percy single was a highlight In Monday ladies league action posted a neat triple to finish up in the lead spot Other top pin spillcrs in the high scoring evening were Ella Leslie j Marg Ruth Codlin 602 Edna McGrath Arva Thorns Helen Tay lor Jean Jean Gould Preston Helen Tug- well Grace Munshaw Mary Osborne Hester Clark Grace Doyle 500 An even dozen pin rat tled off or better in the Leg- loop Kay Fletchers led the way In bracket class were Ethel Winter VandenBergh Ingram Edith Jerry Marion Simpson Mary Sargent Bann ing 526 Floss Hill Mac Brooks Allen 500 Hurri canes are league leaders with 28 point followed by Spits 20 Met eors Vikings Jets Com ets Marion Gould 606 Fran Helen Tugwell Hel en Taylor Helen Morning 519 Edna Ballard Mabel were Wednesday ladies lea gue leaders Cobb Ted Heather 737 Ken Craig Reg Wilson Cobb John Wing 660 Reg Jim Bennett Lloyd Brace McKnight Hester Clark Wilson were Friday over Allene McBrides featured the Thursday ladies league scor ing Frances 547 Ann Os borne 541 Marie McCabe 534 Beryl were brack et scorers Jim Bond put across a 796 ef fort Don Gibson Jim Hods- ins 705 Hank Jack Malcolm W Hugo Bill Mair 659 Mike Keains 646 Tom Scott 626 Bert 625 Fred Bennitz George Hoare and Hoy Bennett to set the pace in the Office Spec ially loop And Win Down Orangeville Twice j Newmarket Personal Taxmcn and Sunoco allstars werent too generous with their visitors in a doubleheader at the arena Friday They only allowed the invaders one goal as they won the tyke game 7 0 and the pee- wee contest 4 Jerry Mechun the standout op erator on the ice rattled in three goals to torch the Newmarket tyke triumph Robert Peters Don James Gary Toporoski and Peter McLachlan accounted for the other winners goals Doug Keats and Victor McCutcheon shared the shutout puck stop ping Randy David Smith Ray and Dick were the Newmarket peewee lamplighters Watson scored the lone goal in the final minute of play Smokies In Second Place As PlayOffs Start HASHMAN AWARD A Tiny Cathers Saturdays heartwarming ceremonies at the York Curling Club make this weeks Theatre selection a pleasant duty If Saturday the curlers seeemed to be soaring the clouds they could be excused Here for one and all to see was a plush curling rink complete with lounge and facilities that rival any other curling club In the province To convert the eyesore drill hall into this neat natty and pleasing scene was a tremendous accomplishment one that every person connected with the transformation can be justifiably proud It wasnt easy making this transformation It took a tre mendous pile of work and money In both these departments A Tiny the clubs president accepted the leading role with grace and a smile For his part in making the conversion job a tremendous success your Hashman joins other York County sportsmen in saying Well done Tiny Cathers AURORA LITTLE NHL Lindsay Defeated 2 To Finish In Cellar Great Game Boys Haskett HASH By GEORGE HASKETT Newmarket Sports Editor Buffalo and Providence waged a 2all struggle while Pittsburg sprung a 51 win over in Saturdays Aurora Little NHL tyke league skirmishes In Detroit kicked in with an all out effort to spill Leafs and Rangers registered a vic tory over Canadiens Randy Alcorn and Ricky Peter son were Buffalo snipers John Preston and Don Chapman handl ed Providence scoring plays Roy was an ace three goal per former while John Cooper bagg ed two goals to spark Pittsburg Murray Closs triggered the lone Smoke Rings marker Wayne got two goals Barry Bob Ste wart and Fred Hughes fired a goal each to spark Detroits win Bob Peterson and Jim Preston were Leaf marksmen Doug All en hit for three nifty goals Geor It was our great pleasure to attend the official opener of the York Curling club Saturday Few events recalling nigh onto 25 years of Hub sport writing have stirred as much enthusiasm and interest One speaker put into words the thoughts of everyone pres ent can hardly believe my eyes The curlers have made a silk purse out of a sows ear The York curling club setup rivals the best in Ontario One item mentioned by presi dent A Tiny in par ticular found a responsive car with this parksfair ground minded paragraphcr That was that the curlers would be willing to sit down with parks officials to work out an arrangement that would allow the ball teams to make use of the club facilities during the summer season A doen or so town sportsmen and ladies as they peered across the fair grounds said that this is where the swimming pool should be You have room for expansion room for parking and can put the pool where it will not be a nuisance to anyone These were welcomed words to these ears I thought perhaps I was carrying on a oneman battle against putting the pool next to the tennis courts After this encouragement we feel we should make one more appeal to the gentlemen who form the swimming pool com mittee to reconsider their deci sion regarding the site or at have a democratic show of hands among the sportsmen ap pointed by council to bring in a recommended site Councillors Bert Kent George Knapton and your supported this move at a recent council session but were beaten on the vote Newmarket council should de mand a curling rC- match Do you know what those Aurora council did They sneaked up Friday and threw a few stones to gel the hang of the game Of course Councillor Keith didnt need any practice He is rated one of the districts top stone pitchers How about a rematch gentle men Spring is just around the cor ner Hockey playoffs are off and running this week On the juniorintermediate front busy showings this season The inter mediate junior Bears midget Appliances and Lions bantams finished first in all their respective leagues A gent were going to miss on the hockey beat is Tommy Sir Thomas with the good wishes of every North York hock ey man goes to Orillia Fob Thomas was the recipient of gifts from the Aurora Recreation Commission and Minor Hockey Association last Thursday It couldnt happen to a belter fell ow Thomas has worked diligent ly over the years to provide hock ey for Aurora youngsters via the Aurora minor hockey association Thornton Browning the fuI oil specialist moves up to fill the vacancy left by Tommy departure He is a real worker and has spent countless hours with Aurora minor baseball and hockey teams Presentations made to Bill and Auroras Dan Patrick last Thursday here highlighted minor hockey week celebrations locally Minor hockey officials Ontario have been trying to find a way to get parents to attend district minor hockey contests One keen observer makes the suggestion tell the parents they wont be in the rink for minor games then be clamoring to gel in New market poppas and momma seem to be the worst offenders so far as I can see from my travels around the district Ken who Is doing a tremendous job as for our minor system has stepped out as coach of Aliistons junior club Apparently authorities have worked out an agreement with a pro club probably Detroit or Boston to take charge of their entire hock ey empire As part of the agreement the pro club wished to install a coach of its own Ken under the cir cumstances gracefully stepped to allow the agreement to go into effect Alliston has certainly lost the services of one of the district top bracket hockey developers in this part of Ontario Ken rates in our books as one of North Yorks best coaches along with Bill Mundell Doug Merchant the Schomberg wizard and Jack Whip Robinson Incidentally Ken remarks Give the chaps helping me out in the minor refereeing assignment and efficient member Abl kingsize pat on the hack They Herbie Cains New Smoke Rings blew hot for four second period goals and finished up winners over Lindsay In dians at Lindsay Saturday in an OHA junior C group game In the rugged bruising hockey game 24 penalties in alt were handed out The Smoke Rings broke in front in the first per iod Jack Rogers getting back in to the lineup after a knee injury got the goal that rocketed the Smokies into the lead Don stickhandled the boot heel into firing range for his cen ter ice pivot buddy Marcel started the four goal second period onslaught Toss goal came at and 12seconds later Bob Blackburn shifted into range to sink Don Thorns relay Bob made it 40 on Thorns pass and it was when Tessier charged in lo corner pocket Bob passout en nu mree Kc Harrison and John Jury had lhat ruincd Adairs bid for shutout re- Wells claimed both Canadien goals In a squirt allstar game Aur ora dropped a 31 verdict to St Andrews College Kerry Thomp son struck for the Aurora gonl Frank Gordon scored two Rob ert Holmes one in the winning cause TOMMY SPENCE IS HONORED AT AURORA Aurora minor hockey enthusi asts honored Tommy Spence re tiring president of the Aurora minor hockey association at the Aurora arena last Thursday The Wilson Cam I presentation made during the cognition The Smokies effective blueline checker Jack Graves made the Smoke Rings final mark with Bob Wilson executing the preliminary moves Dick planted Lindsays second goal in the third period to close out the scorekeepers work Saturdays Summary LINDSAY goal Mceks de fence Grebcr Spratt Preston Hodgson forwards ton Dawson Kelly Pearson Jacket 11 a m in n d Tompkins Doughty goal Adair de fence Graves Thorns Hodg son Williams forwards Knight Wilson Cain Million Good- Coach Fred of the Newmarket Squirt congrat ulates two of his players on a fine show The boys Peter Gorman Jr and Pat OHalloran played in the allstar game last Thursday Photo by minor doubleheader was part of Minor Hockey Week celebrat ions in Aurora Mr received gifts from the Aurora minor hockey associ ation and Aurora Recreation Commission Mayor Jim Murray made the presentation on behalf of the association John Offord performed a duty on be half of the commission The gift were a silver tray and a pair of handsome golf shoes Tommy has been presi dent of the minor hockey associ ation tor the past three years On Feb he leaves Aurora to lake up the motel business North- court near Orillia The gilts ex pressed the thank yous of all minor hockey men for Mr untiring efforts on behalf of the youth of Aurora It was announced following the acceptance of Mr resig nation that Thornton Browning would step up to fill the vacan cy fellow First Period 1 Smokies Rogers Penalties Tessier Rogers Graves Second Period 2 Smokies Testier Smokies Blackburn Thorns 552 Smokies Thorns Smokies Tessier Smokies Graves Wilson Indians Kelly Penalties Kelly Rogers Million 445 Blackburn Greber Rogers Greber Kelly Hodgson Million Kelly Third Indians Find lay I 71ft Penalties Dawson Hodgson McKnight learn misconduct Rogers match misconduct Forhan Patrick Honored At Smokie Flyers Game Bill exploded a typical harvested in less than a minute Rush at the arena on Brian Million scored for New- Thursday with just seconds to j market Bob scored in play to earn Barrio Flyers a all tic with Newmarket Rings The game was a main attraction of Minor Hockey Week here The goal wound up quite a night for the erstwhile minor hockey and his Aurora teammate Dan Patrick Between the second and third periods Stan Smith arena man ager introduced Mayor Gladman and his Aurora oppo site Jim Murray Mayor immediately went into action to present a gift club bag to Bill on behalf of the town while Mayor Murray speaking for his Aurora spoilsmen associates presented a similar gift to Dan Patrick Be tween the first and second per iods the local peewee allstars thrilled the assembled fans with an exhibition of hoe key Barrio led at the end of the first period on the strength of a threegoal scoring outbreak BRUINS AND CANUCKS NHL WINNERS Showing sharp form around the Montreal thumped New York 5 and Boston toppled Detroit in Monday Optimist NHL games at the arena Don speedy three- goal display coupled with singles by Bob Jaques and Tom Clark in spired the Montreal win Bill cashed the Ranger loner Ian shuffled in three goals while Brian Peal and Grant tagged in Bos tons gogo effort Bill Taylor with Jeff assisting kept the out of the shutout column will be briefing you fully on whats corning up The Smoke Ring by virtue of a winning finish in group play wound up in second place The Cain crew will go against manvllle with proceedings scheduled lo get under way here tonight Aurora Bears the group leaders have Lindsay Indians as first round opponents with the series slated to open tomorrow Aurora On Ihe minor front the first Hub team to disappear from the A playoff scene is our midgets Bill Appliance put the skids under coached managed le gionnaires at the arena Tuesduy It was a ease of too much north- err hospitality as we saw it a Legion puck car rier got the bootheel they gen erously handed the puck back their Aurora visitors The Le gionnaires now have an oppor tunity to continue in North York playoffs or hang up the hockey gear for this semes ter re cooperating per cent and doing a terrific job Bradford Takes Milton 5 In Intermediate Home Game On Saturday Bradford Brads Fords gave their home fans plenty of lung ex ercise as they sped to an impres sive win over Milton Tire- men at Bradford Saturday in an OHA intermediate C game Don Booth and George Davis a couple of high speed skaters who used to give Newmarket Smoke Ring fans some cheerful scoring thrills were the guns in Bradfords winning drive Booth uncorked a sizzling threp- goal performance while Davis ad ded two goals in Bradfords scramble to the winners circle Bub Fa I lis another erstwhile Ron Kirby Tom and Bill were the other Bradford twine benders Bradford scored four first and four secondsession goals to pull the game out of the doubtful the second period to whittle the Flyers lead to Marcel fired Iwo goals in seconds early in the third period lo create a situation Boh Blackburn put the Smokies ahead and Bob Wilson pro vided the Smokies with a 64 advantage at At this point it looked like the Smokies would upset the mighty Flyers However it wasnt to be as Jack Kane scored his second goal of the game at 1848 and Bill got the equalizer at 1944 Along with and Kane Clary Edwards Norrena Date figured in the Flyers scoring The Smoke Rings every jack of them gave a good account of themselves against bigger broth The teams traded de fense combinations however and many fans ventured the opinion the Smokies didnt gel the best of the deal Danny Patrick who missel the scoring show boat turned in a fine effort He and were key Flyer players 1 column Scotty Crystal scored two goals can or their teams to aupply ihe main Milton spark Congratulations and best wishes were given to two top players at Thursdays exhibition game be tween Newmarket Smoke Rings and Flyers Mayor lames Murray left Aurora made pro jentation lo Dan Patrick and Mayor Herbert right Newmarket did the same for Bill For- Photo FINAL STANDING L PH Aurora In Newmarket 7 0 Brooklin Whitby 24 Bowrnanville 11 Lindsay 0 3 NORTH YORK MINOR PLAYOFFS PROCEEDING Playoffs designed lo qualify North York minor hockey league survivors for OMHA competition are proceeding at a rapid pace Aurora Lions lead Newmarket Optimists 10 in games in bantam The second game in their host two out of three set goes at the Newmarket arena tomorrow at pm King City Lions eliminated SlOUfiVllIC Ousted Sutton and Bceton sidelined All- in midget play StouftViltc and Breton open a semifinal ser ies this week with the winner scheduled to meet King City In bantam operations Lions ousted Woodbridge and disposed of Alliston 113 on the round and C Series Playoff dates being open a series this week to Playoffs A Series Aurora vs Lindsay Feb 15 Lindsay at Aurora Feb Aurora at Lindsay Feb 22 Lindsay at Aurora Series Feb ville at Newmarket Feb Bowrnanville at Newmarket arranged BELAIRS PLAYOFFS TO START TUESDAY Ron Simmons Aurora Belairs manager reports executive member says the Bel- airs will play Milton in the first round of OHA inter mediate group playoffs The best two out of three ser ies is carded to Mart at Aurora Feb with the second game lat er in the week at Milton Should a third game be required to de clare a series winner it tomes back to Aurora Feb In the other brackets of the in termediate C group playoffs Beeton and Bradford are matched in what should prove a sizzling series The third set of the play offs sends Clippers KINK Continued from Page spot ever since Mr McMurtry secretary of the Ontario Curling Association in his remarks recalled that New market was once a beehive curling activity and he looked for ward to day when Newmarket would once again he a curling center There are 17000 men and 5700 ladies registered under the association banner The club president also thanked the Indies club executive head ed by Mrs Mamie Lewis and Mrs Joe frr and the members for their keen interest and help in the establishment of the club A feature of the afternoon curl ing play was a match between Aurora ami Newmarket councils Aurora using their own counting system captured the ev ent fi0 Mayor M was Newmarket skip with Reeve Ed Wrightrnan and councillors George Knapton and George comprising the rink Mayor Jim Murray piloted the Aurora foursome composed of Reeve Clarence Davis ami Coun cillors Alf and Keith Nis Coffee and sandwiches were served to complete a most successful opening day Beat Bowrnanville To Cinch PlayOff Spot Newmarket Smoke Rings will play in the first round of the junior C group playoffs The initial game in the best three out of five series kicks off tonight at the local arena at 830 pm last report Bowrnanville hadnt arranged for their first home game of the set Third game of the series is booked in for local attention Feb Up to Monday three things were definite in the junior race One was that Aurora Bears were going to finish first fifth Lindsay In dians in the sixth and last posi tion The second third and fourth spots were very much in doubt until Mondays windup of the regular schedule Newmarket Smoke Rings won at Bowrnan meantime Whitby measured Brooklin at the Whitby arena in what might be described as a surprise ending The net result of Mondays was that Newmarket finished second Whitby and Brooklin tied for the third rung Aurora plays the sixth place Lindsay Indians starting tomor row evening in Aurora while take on Whitby in an other bracket of the playoffs leaving Newmarket and to settle their dis pute in the playoff round All first round scries are to be settled on a best three out of five basis The three series survivors then clash in a home and home roundrobin set In the Smoke Rings visit to Monday rearguard Bob Hodgson coming back the form that made him a slat with King City juvenile cham pions of last season started I away the plays that earned I Smokies a first period lead Hodgson dropped a pass to Peter to get the Smokies show on the road minutes later Hodgson slipped a relay to Don who turn sent the flying Willie Wil son into the clear to score George Lawrence bagged a first period goal for and Ted planted a shot behind Adair late in the middle round to sit up a situation Jack Rogers back in his free wheeling groove gave Newmar ket a 32 lead in the first five minutes of third period play Don McKnight drew the assist on Rogers goal Bob Wilson scored the Smoke Rings insur ance goal at 1438 after Don Thorns and Rogers hud started payoff rush on its way Mondays Summary goal Fielder defence Cole Kemp Cowling forwards Lawrence Bob Ted Robertson Lane Rich ards Thompson Smoke Rings goal Adair de fence Blackburn Graves Thorns Hodgson forwards Rogers Knight Wilson Million First Period 1 Smokies Hodgson Lawrence Cole Smokies Wilson Hodgson 1752 Penalties Million 029 Million Million misconduct Cowling Second Period Pontiacs T Cowling Penalties Cowling 100 Black burn Wilson Third Period Smokies Rogers Smokies Wilson Thorns Rogers Penalties Blackburn Rogers Lane Thorns 1041 194 Shots on goal By II By Newmarket 14 qualify an representative gainst Richmond Hill Ask Parents To Attend Little NHL Second scraps in the Little playoffs are scheduled for Saturday morning at the arena James get underway at 8 am and continue through to pm Parents of the young hockey lads are asked to make a spinal ef fort to drop into Ihe arena Sat urday to see their offspring in action Games are scheduled as follows Hillsdale Newmar ket Motors Newmarket Electric Dynamos vs Davis Athletics Realtors v Annies Lunch Taylors vs Doak Realtors ley Burners vs Cameron Dairy men Boyd Transporters Sal isbury Grocers COMETS DROP TWO TO WOODVILLE TEAM Keswick Cornels had pecks of trouble last week in a set with in Tri- intermediate hockey league competition Before the winhungry Keswick fans Comets dropped a de cision to Woodville Playing at February Comets were defeated 4 by the home sters in a freewheeling contest Keith Clarkes sparkling three- goal performance highlighted the Comets home play Jim Lyons counted twice In the Comet cause while George Davidson and Bill Ego handled the other scoring plays for the Lowell WallerEd led Keswickers Nobby Ash was a busy twogoal sniper in the contest Howie Ash and Keith Clarke triggered other goals for the Comet- men