Creep Revamp Market Flfht Hog Packers Control The Town Pulpit A thorough and vamping of marketing practices hog it the J rime objective ihe Ontario Of Producer Association Char- told the an nual mcetini of the Grey county Producer a remit considerable and revamping by to date in the hog Mr Mcfnnis acid that thousand extra dollar are going into producer pocket Me said that price and only price becoming the single factor that determines what packer shall get Ontario Mr thai before hog producer became interested In marketing practices only a bout five per cent of Ontario hogs were being sold on open market under competitive bidding The place called Luke The hill of comfort the hill of Calvary the house of consolation is built with the wood of the cross the temple of heavenly Editor Our Readers Write Letters to the editor are always welcome but the names of the writers must be known to the editor Mount Albert News Newmarket Dec It JOYOUS HOitDAY SEASON Kimradale Animal Hospital Dr Carl Keder Veterinarian Surgeon HI King City j other per cent were delivered direct to packers plants with transporters being paid incentive bonuses by packers to do so Open market deliveries have now been increased to 20 per cent he said and this figure will be further in creased Our new marketing practices Mr Mclnnis said have played a major rote in strengthening cur rent hog prices and in adding substantially to the income of hog producers higher prices were achieved he said despite the fact that hog marketings for Ontario and for Canada will be higher in compared with Mr said that a vigor ous campaign to complete the re vamping of hog marketing prac tices Ontario will be In full swing during the first months of Already some five counties arc now involved in this campaign to move hogs onto the open mark et The hog president predicted that despite underthetable pay ments amounting in some instan ces to as much as per hog despite a attitu de on the part of some large pack ers and some shippers and de spite increasing evidence of un desirable pressures on govern ment the hog association intends to make a thorough and complete housecleaning of hog marketing practices in Ontario blessing is founded upon the ri ven rock riven by the spear which pierced His side No scene In sacred history ever gladdens the soul like Calvarys tragedy Is is not r a the darkest hour That ever dawned on sinful earth Should touch the heart with soft er power For comfort than an angels mirth That to the Cross the mourners eye should turn Sooner than where the stars of Bethlehem burn Light springs from the midday- midnight of and every herb of the field blooms sweetly beneath the shadow of the once Its Christmas time again this great land of ours in each and every Canadian children are eagerly anticipating the delights that will be theirs on Christmas day Yes Christmas day in Canada will truly be one of peace plenty and prosperity have enjoyed these already for many years that we now take them for granted Today in an Austrian refugee camp a little Hungarian boy nine years old sits atone A few days ago his father led him to the Aus trian border and bade him walk straight ahead Seeing him safe ly across the border the boy fa ther turned back into Hungary to rejoin his wife in the uncertain attention of people who not knowing my father may think that there is some truth in the ru mor In view of the total lack of evi dence in support of it we would have to formulate this new defin ition of the word Communist order to fit it to my father 1 One who was born in Russia One who is of a quick dispo sition One who tries to stir people up to action One who speaks with a Rus sian accent One who has taken part in many civic and patriotic ef forts both In time of peace and war for almost years in the town of his residence I am sorry that my father of a people fighting for a free- which is being crushed by 1 i J sorts to sarcasm and am strongly thirst grace has dug a fountain The little boy had tied around against his frequent use of explo its neck a slip of parw giving an expletives Sometimes his address m Australia A father ho- pes that his boy will find his way to a land of hope and freedom You who have had your seasons A few days ago one of our conflict will confess that it was gest cities held its municipal which ever gushes with waters pure as crystal each drop capable of alleviating the woes of man kind not at Olivet that you ever found comfort not on the hill of Sinai nor on Tabor but and Golgotha been a means of comfort to you administer their city government ion Thousands were listed as voters with the wonderful privil ege of choosing in absolute free dom the persons they wished to W I wi or vie in W to top loin WI J Ive flower MM low lQt4A f OH a Mop of Gran Mai of Me r The bitter herbs of have often taken away the bit ters of your life the scourge of Gabbatha has often scourged away your cares and the groans of Calvary have put all other groans to flight Thus Calvary yields us comforts rare and rich We never should have known Christs love in all its heights and depths if He had not died nor could we the Fathers deep Less than per cent of the thousands entitled to vote exer cised the greatest privilege grant ed a free Canadian Seventy per cent could not be bothered From my own experience in the second world war I like to say let us all change this take it easy attitude in time before it is too late Twelve years from now thai Little Hungarian boy will be affection if He had not given of hope and free- Son to die and of age to vote Im belt- The common mercies we all en- 1 M first in line at the joy all sing of love just as the I booth in gratitude seashell when we put it to our Privilege his father was de cant whispers of the deep seal whence it came but if we desire Herbert Goodhoofd to hear the ocean itself we must not look every day blessings Keillor but at the transactions of the cru cifixion He who would know love let in retire to Calvary Being a regular reader of your interesting paper and a former resident of Newmarket I have and the Man of Sorrows die j been following the town activities as presented herein Congratu lations to Mayor the successful candidate in the Basket Donations cause is made rather obscure by the distracting influence of the above habits nevertheless it is apparent that his chief aim is a worthy one I understand that the reason he was first stirred up to run for council a few years ago was that there was discrimination by town representatives in grant ing a permit to another party for the purpose of running a business in Newmarket Municipal offices must be con tested or else men who become firmly entrenched therein wilt eventually show favoritism in the giving of privileges Unfortun ately this is part of human na ture People are meant to think Where such an exercise is dor mant in any phase of life mat ters are taken over by aggressive individuals sooner or later Where people will not move oth er people will move in thus ground has often been made fer tile for the seeds of Communism us have more voices that will speak for what is right us have more people who will form convictions for themselves and stand by them Then civic and other governments will have to be- faced constantly by the fact that they are serving the people and must therefore act fairly and honestly May we remember thai a spade is still 1 spade no matter Grant K J Davis election Jr Dixon Pencil J A byproduct of said election and Son Alex rumor that Mr the what we may call if Right is and Catherine Davis Leather defeated candidate is a Rod 1 1 and wrong is wrong no George John trust that the following testimon- alter who does it If must he mudslinging let it not be Red mud M to the false nature of this ac- Atkinson 1 will carry some weight and Son Mclnt- because I stand for the opposite t Davis Webb Joe of Communism the teachings of in this ease it doesnt Newmarket Holy Bible and this stand is I hold water anyway Mrs Rule nee Vera Kingston de Buss known to n u her of Thompson Walt Hall 5 Al people in Newmarket Keae This letter is intended for the 11 In spite of rain Santa arrived in Mount Albert on schedule on Saturday There were numbers in the parade including many beautiful floats in the Christmas and nursery rhyme theme Prizes were awarded as follows Commercial and general the igloo scene of Theakcr and Christmas theme Snow Queen by Hicks and comic given jointly to the Coca- Cola Boy Larry Jordan and Miss Mount Albert Fred Frank lin and Lome Prizes on the lucky draws were as follows chair Mrs Bet ty Peters Newmarket turkey Morley Bain Zephyr capon Johnny Watts Holt grocery bas kets James Rolling Grant Old ham Jr Mrs Percy Walker Mrs William Rolling and Mrs George MacPherson This was one of the largest and best organized parade in this district Congratulations arc extended to the convener Mr Roy Stewart A splendid crowd turned out for the annual Christmas vesper service of the on Sun day Dec at pm The church was lit with candles and an illuminated picture of Jesus which had been prcecntcof by the some years ago Can dlelight and Christmas decora tions placed in the church by the Young Peoples Union made a lovely setting for an impressive service of worship The service was completely taken by members of the Miss Marie is to be congratulated on her capable handling of the leadership of the service also Miss Betty Harri son who told the Christmas story well Members and leaders of the Explorer group were pres ent in uniform Intermediate leaders Misses Thompson and Betty Roll ing and senior leader Mrs Rolling and members are most grateful for the sup port given them in this and all other projects in Hie community The Sunday school concert put on by Church of the on Friday evening was well attended A most interest ing part of the program was a presentation made to Rev and Mrs Karl Whilmorv Mrs Arthur Kelt read an ad dress expressing the apprecia tion of congregation for the patience and enthusiasm shown by the which has caused a small attendance at church and Sunday school to grow steadily Rev and Mrs were presented with They expressed their sin cere thanks to alt who had con tributed Rev and Mrs are filling a great need in the community We wish them continued success Mount Albert public school concert was held In the commun ity hall Thursday evening A splendid program was enjoyed by all present Members of the United church choir sold candy at intermission Approximately was added to the fund for choir gowns The Canadian Legion sponsor ed a turkey bingo in the hall on Wednesday evening They had a splendid crowd and proceeds were about Twenty tur keys and chickens changed hands during the evening Guy Williamson and William Moulds Ravcnshoe were involv ed in an accident on Highway on Saturday Guy is nursing many cuts and bruises and Mr Moulds was badly shaken up Florence and Gladys Brooks and Millie Dike Toronto spent the weekend in Mount Albert Sympathy is extended to Mrs Gar Oldham in the suddciudcath of her brotherinlaw Mr Aus tin Card on Saturday evening On Sunday evening the family of Mr and Mrs Frank Kirton gathered for a surprise dinner with their parents Mr and Mrs Kirlou- will be married years on Thursday Dec Mr and Mrs spent Sunday with relatives in Toronto Mr William who has been confined to bed is improv ing Mrs Barrett and children To ronto visited her aunt Miss Hayes on Sunday Mr and Mrs and Jackie attended the Christmas party of the BarberGreen Mfg Co Don Mills on Saturday afternoon Mr and Mrs Roy visited Mr and Mrs Thomas A number from Mount Albert attended the Virginia school con cert where Judith Kirjavainen is teacher on Friday evening Fred Harvey who has been ill for weeks is able to tie out again Value of factory shipments in Canadas wool group industries declined for the third consecutive year in to The figure was Earliest industry to flourish in the territory that is now Saskat chewan was the slaughtering of buffalo for meat and hides MARIGOLD Gift Shoppe ami TEH ROBINSON AND 21 GRAHAM Deluxe Console 21 tube high powered chassis REG 389 E KETTLES 995 The 21 CONSOLE 19 lube 259 Mantel Model 189 21 MILTON MANTEL MODEL REG A OTHER to 369 m Terms 15 down up to months on balance TW r- 1 J r- IRONS 995 F90 Steam Irons Floor Polishers MANTEL RADIOS 2495 and up Proctor Toasters Record Players 2695 and up XMAS TREE LIGHTS 160 up Hamilton Beach JUNIOR MIXERS 1695 i X if a v