i GEORGE for T its harness and For- Christine Betty Lorr aine Alexander Betty Rote Marlon Eve at the Home maktu club mended a lunch eon at the Royal York hotel al io the Winter Fair Rose won certificate for a short cour se at year Mr Gib on Is ill and we extend to her and Mrs our sympathy in the low of their brother Sympathy is extended to the family of the late J Inge Mm Frank Perry improving at the hospital Plan Telephone Answering System For County Police Communications ft oeee In a while we arte to iff aelliaa a house that hardly a likely At a low price Tkats the ana drawback to it place thai la If I ana km ten fault w aa spare for a garage no fetch yard aa poorly Interior of thai aert Or it aaUld the property Itself swell aa an eVwr supermarket a drive- in or a school any of woutd he enough to rtb Mr and Mrs Moore and children of New York called on Mrs Moores aunt Mrs brass last week before leaving as missionary to Bolivia you of any reasonable What roe do If yea own A number of hunters have gone to north country We wish them good hick a nice holiday and a safe return Mrs Cole and Miss Cole have gone to spend the winter at the home of Mr and Mrs Gordon Cole Mrs and daughter Whitby spent a few days with her mother Mrs J Mis Florence Mainprise onto visited her aunt Mrs Angus Smith over the weekend a Host and want sell It a number from here attended j The first you Winter Fair and reach the aider whether you could spend November is the final date for nominations in County On that night meetings will be held in also Sharon Holland Landing and Mount Albert for East GwiUimbury township money on the place to reel Is wronj A poor ly planned Interior for bo Whatever the problem Is get sound estimate of the cost and Hen think about whe ther such a job would pay for Itself by sell the house anally at a reasonable If the trouble outside the property yon might find some of closing the yard off with a high fence or hedge to give maximum privacy Bart whatever can be done do ft before you pat the house up for sale Thais far better than trying convince a prospective that he could do the same thing The simpler yon make It him the more hell wander why you havent done the job yourself HOLLAND LANDING A proposed centralized tele phone answering system a trie- type and a radio dispatch system for police forces of York County were Introduced to York County council recently by Police Committee Chairman reeve of MarkUam township A communication sur vey was presented by Bell Tele phone Co representatives Cost for the county was esti mated at year would be borne proportionately by the participating municipalities The report which recommend ed the consolidating of for county police forces to provide increased efficiency was referred the of the individual municipalities for discussion In the Bell Telephone Co sur vey recommend tit ions for tele phone teletype and radio service were Included Price for services were listed The report is the result of the County Police committee De puty Reeves A Ruther ford of Township and William Sellers of Sut ton and Mr meet ing many times with- Chiefs of police explained Mr It is attempt to coordinate the police of the county not amalgamate them In this system a citizen could pick up his phone anywhere in tho pol ice dispatcher It would provide a communications net work for civil defense and for such em ergencies as Hurricane Hazel he added Under the central telephone an swering system an officer at an PINE ORCHARD At the York County hospital Newmarket it seems to be girl week in the maternity ward ranged a tour for the members at The WI committee on agricul ture and Canadian Industries ar- Newmarket Girls went to Mr and Mrs John Asteroff Mr and Mrs Ken Foster Mr and Mrs Merrill Wilson Mrs Minnie Brown had a good holiday travelling the country with her sister from the West Mr and Mrs Jack Thompson home after with road construction company the November meeting Places of interest were visited in cluded the African Violet Centre on Belfry Drive and the North York Registry office The trip was interesting and educational The members returned to the home of Miss Aleta for lunch and business session of the WI A donation given to- aain with daughter wards the jacket fund for the working at Orchard ball team outlying station would notify the central answering station regard ing his departure and return During absence all calls to his telephone would routed to the central The Bell representatives re commended that one of the three forces Newmarket Vaughan or Markham Township whose stat ion is man rid 24 hours a day be chosen as station The outlying stations of Aurora rginn North Village filch- Hill Sutton and Wood bridge would have calls sent to the central point while their police officers were absent At present Whitchurch and King townships are policed by the On tario Provincial police To consolidate the police forc es of the the report con tinued it would be necessary to establish a radio dispatch center in conjunction with the telephone answering service At the pre sent time of the countys pol ice offices have only one officer on duty during the night Since this officer must do patrol duty the office is left unattended and incoming calls are delayed With the installation of a cen tral radio dispatch this officer would be in constant communi cation with the central dispatch er through his twoway radio This would provide closer coor dination of the various police de partments Since York County is divided by an eastwest ridge of hills at Oak Ridges it would be necess ary to mount an antenna in that area The county would have to purchase or lease land with an elevation of feet for this purpose The provision of a teletype machine would provide up to date information on such activit ies as missing person reports and descriptions daily bulletin can cellations stolen and recovered vehicle rcpoits and thefts It would be connected with the Metropolitan Toronto Police Tel etype network Newmarket would provide the most economical location for the central station the Bell Tele- Our deepest sympathy to the family of Charles Walter who passed away Nov an illness of six weeks in the York County hospital New market Vaughan telephone tele type radio making a tola of Markham tele phone teletype radio making a total of What would the capital out lay bo for each municipality asked Reeve W J Taylor of Richmond Hill Between five and six hund red dollars per unit equip a car with the twoway radio re plied Mr Or a municipality could rent the equi pment from the Belt for a month As I understand It if an goes off duty he flips a switch and the calls go directly to the central office without any delay said Reeve George think it is an ideal system With this system all cruisers in the county could be notified at one time The cost is almost neg ligible for the service provided Municipalities will be able to save by the fact that they wont need additional constables Mr said- But no decis ion should be made today Coun ty councillors think it ov er and discuss it with their own councils before any decision is made he added What benefit would there be for King Township to tie In with this system asked Reeve Will iam Hodgson of King The Pro vincial police are as close as the telephone All we have to do Is call Vandorf There is a blank spot in the county communication system at present and that is in Whitchurch and King replied Mr There is no communication between the Markham and cruisetJ and the cruis ers In the event of a bad fire or serious accident your cruiser radio for additional help if it were part of the overall sys tem I think it is an excellent sug gestion said Mr Taylor Rich mond Hill has no radio or tele phone system at present In fact sometimes we dont have an of ficer at the station I would sup port this plan it it isnt going to cost too much The final costs will depend on WILLIAM OLIVE William Oliver a resident of township and Sutt on west passed away at his home on Road Sutton west on November Born at Lancelot Ontario in the son of Sarah and Oliver he moved with his fam ily to Virginia at the age of sev en Mr Oliver spent his entire life in the Sutton and Virginia districts except for years spent at New York before his marriage to Mary Catherine Mr Oliver always took a keen Interest in the affairs of the com munity and was an ardent sup porter and member of the Un ited church He was of the Virginia Sunday school where he also taught a Bi ble class for many years After his retirement from his farm at Virginia years ago Mr Oliver attended the United chur ch at Sutton West He Is survived by his widow one daughter four sons seven teen grandchildren and six great grandchildren Too Newmarket Ira Nor MARTIN UnfKftFUM TO SHOWN Hint The Corps of the Salvat ion Army is to sponsor the show- of film Martin Luther Expenditure of the ten The Salvation Army hall on governments combined lot- Queen Street Thursday Decern- billion last year about BOMB ON Constable Ian Brown of arrived home last week for two months leave His last post was Fort Smith in the North west Territories at pm Since the first showing of the film which caused people to lint up and pack theatres this film has been seen by thousands onethird of federal government spending in the year At midAugust the farm wage in cents an average at phone Co report slated The sum- whether the entire county adopts mary of monthly charges for the three locations for the control station were Newmarket tele phone teletype and radio making a total of the proposal or only a part of replied Mr Each municipality would pay a proportionate share he explain ed Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Lorne Shropshire on the birth of j a son Mrs Armitage attended the Ontario Federation of agri culture conference at Toronto re cently Miss Irene Harper Toronto visited her sister Mrs Chap man and Mr Chapman recently willimbury ZEPHYR Anniversary service will be A GOOD DRIVER IF YOU FOLLOW TOO CLOSELY A sudden stop by car in front can result in an accident If you fail to stop in time that accident is your fault Good drivers make certain they have lots of room whatever thoir speed HOW GOOD ARE YOUR DRIVING HABITS OP HIGHWAYS ONTARIO FIRE THREATENS AT SUTTON It was the time of wind early on Nov I just about church lime fire detected in the 11 A superiuar operated by Thomas Johns ton The store located the outskirts of Sutton is In a small block of building Sutton fire brigade was able to put out the fire which was con fined to Clio basement before the arrival of the North bury reels Which had nine miles to travel before reaching the damage was fair ly heavy Mr Johnston Is holidaying In Inland at the present lime the store is In of Mr Ar- WrightMM Will Support For Council At the general meeting on November of the Rate payers Association Reeve Edward told members that he knew George Knapton candid ate for council and that Mr Knapton would receive the ves support during the forth coming election campaign At the Associations invitation Reeve explained the latest developments regarding the town taking over the subdivision roads The said thai the had been advised of councils requirements as recom mended by the towns consulting engineers and until these were met the town would not assume responsibility Although the reeve assured members that council was exert ing pressure on the subdivide the association is of the opinion that too little supervision has been exercised by town council during construction resulting in the present condition of the roads and ditches Various members asked if the faults would be cor rected in the near future but no definite Information could be ob tained The association therefore in tends to follow this through to obtain action as quickly as possi ble It was pointed out that the weather has remained ideal for such work and in the associations opinion there is no apparent cau se for delay If not corrected this fall the association is worried the drainage problem that will exist next spring HOPE The SharonHope Friendship circle is holding a Christmas tea and bake sale in Sharon hall on Saturday December from to 5 pm The SharonHope Friendship circle November meeting will be held on November at the home of Mrs Albert Harrison at pm The program committee is In the first concession East I lots East of Mrs Howard Fay and Mrs Char- of and from the South No Comprising all of the Haines The lunch committee side of lot to the North side lots from 115 to West of Yon- consists of Mrs V Edwards and of lot in the 2nd 3rd and St Inclusive Mrs Jack concessions i No Comprising all lots th of in and the East halves of lots in to in J the first concession East of Yonge and all North of lot in the 2nd and 3rd concessions and the West half of lots Hi to inclusive in the concession No I Comprising from lots to 15 both Inclusive in the fifth concession the first lots in the tith concession and hal ves of lots to 25 Inclusive in the concession lots I in the West half of lots 21 to Inclusive in the concession No 5 Comprising the whole of the and concessions from South town line to North side of lot No Comprising lots 16 to both inclusive In concessions and excepting the West halves of lots 16 to inclusive in concession the West halves of lots in Inclusive the SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORONTO by FARES IVHY TO AND IKCL Tickets good going and Saturday only Polling Subdivisions The following are sub- whole of lots 26 to 35 inclusive divisions in East of concession township No Comprising the East I Comprising the first LINDSAY SUNDERLAND BRADFORD 1C0 HOLLAND LANDING NEWMARKET 135 sTourrviiLK lots in the two first concessions the first lots in the second third and fourth concessions and the Ives of lots 21 to 25 inclusive in the concession lots to inclusive in the concession and lots to inclusive in the concession No Comprising lots to inclusive West of first lots in the fifth at the Presbyterian church on Sunday Nov 25 at and I 2Comprising the East pm Rev Angus McKay halve of lots to 1 Street and the West half of same Formosa will be guest speaker There will ho special music Miss Jessie Is visiting with her sister Mrs Frank Tho mpson at Sharon for a few days Mrs ft and Michael arrived home having spent the past month in Scotland A number from here attended the Winter Eair Me nd Hob spent weekend with Mrs Ken and tarry RICHMOND HILL LIONS I GO Monday Nov 26 LINK SPKCIAL 1 NUMBERS LIONS HALL CASH PRIZES JACKPOT 400 56 Numbers Called ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK SHARON Mr and Mrs James Barber bride and Trout Creek visited Mr and Mrs William Storey and hod dinner with Mrs Norman and Carmen on Friday J store is in charge of Newman STOP Dont put thai Lawn Mower ft way it mid NOW Avoid the Spring Hum Pickup mid I Mi very LAWN MOWER SALES SERVICE Street NEWMARKET PHONE Mr and Mrs and Mary ami Devil I Aurora and had dinner the homo of Mr and Mrs Fred on Sunday Glenn been a few days with Mr and Mr Mr and Mr John Man mid Hubert Sleek ley Sharon Mr and Mrs i William Storey on Sunday Miss formerly of King City seriously 111 in Toronto Trie I daughter of Mrs Cora Barbara entered the Womens On I lege hospital train school in September with her I friend Julia Bell King City She underwent a major surgery last week and was reported in satis factory condition early this week lie nursing course will he cut off for a while YOU CAN BUY Fully Automatic COOKER DEEP FRYER Reg Fully Automatic Electric ELECTRIC SKILLET Rf AUTOMATIC POPUP TOASTER Re RONSON DELUXE ELECTRIC SHAVER YOU CAN Or THRU for vvrr-