Mrs Emma Jane Perry Mar chant Resident 91 Dies Mrs Edward died In It over for 25 yean They retired her year at her Main St to in a new home in home on Friday Nov 1026 when the farm pawed on to I the Newmarket Era and Express Nov JW4 Page IS Pure glass and have been used by Don a former while school teacher at Warner Alt to gain national recognition tea new method of sculpting His life sized figures of the legend- Paul and Babe the Blue Ox and a realistic cave arc permanent attractions in the CNE building of the Ontario Depart Lands and forests and have fed to commissions in other pro nets On a basic structure of plywood and chicken wire use polyester resin to form the figures which are virtually Indestructible and permanently colored In these photos Paddy Wallace shows the comparative site of work Left to right She is sitting on shoulder standing in the and rlghf seated beside Babe cave GIFT SHOP OPENED HOSPITAL WA York County Hospital Wo- wens auxiliary has announced it will hold the official opening of J Gift Shop at the hospital Saturday Dec Light refreshments will be served A draw on a doll and its handmade wardrobe which navo been displayed in Main St store windows will be made The public invited to attend the opening of the shop from 3 to and from to pm There ill be no admission charge The Hospital shop will carry wide range of gift items BAKE A sale or home baking will be held in the former quarters of the Unemployment Insurance Commission Main HI on Friday No from to pm This is the first venture of the newly organized Mothers auxiliary of fit Cub Pack Of the seats in the House of Commons the four Atlantic province have Quebec has Ontario the three prairie pro vince have British Columbia has and Iho Territories have Suggestion Accepted For Junior Boys Club Newmarket Recreation Commj delegated to approach the New market District high school board for use of the school gym facilit ies Chairman Peter Gorman pre sented a report on a recent meet ing of district recreation comm ission chairmen and said that a meeting of Recreation Commiss ion members in this district was being held in Newmarket town hall on Nov Don Warner the commission hockey chairman presented a re at its regular monthly meeting last week accepted an offer from Bill McMullen to or ganize a Junior Boys Police club In Newmarket The boys club will be open to membership for every boy from six to seventeen Mr a recent addition to the staff of Green Acres Metro Home gave an outline of his previous exper ience in organizing and operating boys clubs in other communit ies for a start the club will GIRL GUIDES PLAN TEA SALE OF WORK The Newmarket Girl Guides will hold an afternoon tea and sate of home baking and items at the Scout hall on Thurs day Nov 29 from to pm The knitted garments dolls clothes and other novelty and gift articles had been prepared by the guides for their booth in the annual community bazaar Since that bazaar has been can celled for this year the guides and their leaders assisted by the ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary decided to hold an afternoon tea where the articles coutd be sold with home baking The entire proceeds from the sale and tea will be used for Victor Marchant their son who in turn passed it on to Douglas and Donald Mr and Mrs Marchant led active lives together in their church school and community Mrs Marchant was a life long member of St Marys Magdalene church and a life member of the Womens Auxiliary of the congre gation She was a charter mem ber of Womens In stitute and in earlier years was interested in the Horticultural Society She was one of tho main stays of the Red Cross Society during World War I Her husband was instrumental at that time in having a carload of flour sent to Belgium She had been confined to bed less than a week and until a mon th ago was In her usual state of good health conducting her fou nd of activities with accustomed vigor Her health failed quite re cently Mrs Marchant was alert and active and she was referred to as the community histor ian Last week had plucked late lowers from her garden The funeral service was held in St Marys Magdalene Angli can church on Monday Nov with inlerment in the Anglican cemetery Rev and Rev Dr V Abott conducted the service Her husband predeceased her in Surviving arc her sons Victor and Clarence and Clifford at Weston There are six grandchildren and six great grandchildren Mrs maiden name was Emma Jane Perry Her though the boost will were the late Mr and substantial writes Ro bertson in The Financial Post Thats the expectation in the insurance industry this week based on figures just released in the massive Green Book the ratewriting bible for the 300 companies operating in Canada The study covers underwriting experience over the months ending June in some rating areas Behind the expected rise in In surance rates is this simple cau se More people arc having accidents and more expensive accidents The key to lower rates safer driving say insurers and Canadas driving record deterior ated last year Car Insurance Rates Going Up Auto Insurance premiums arc going to go up and right now Henry Perry early settlers at father came from Ireland with his parents to King Township in After his mar riage to Elizabeth Gardiner dau ghter of Lieut Gardiner of tho British Army he cleared lot concession 10 The farm is still in the family line occupied by Douglas grandson of Mrs Mer chant was here that Mrs was born she was the last survivor in the family of twelve Perry children As Jane Perry she was organist of the Anglican church for years when it was located at Lloydtown After her marr iage in she and her husband fanned near for eight YOUR CHAMBER OF ate one night a week and the pro- flmJ lQwn gram will be made of wcre nasties boxing wrestling and weight lifting Ray was named chair port showing that 24 teams were work with guides and brownies mm a operating under the Newmarket in Newmarket They the BUILDING minor hockey association banner roll your own cigarettes with QGDENS FIN CUT fine cut with a DISTINCTIVE flavour man of this phase of the recreat ion program and he will work in close cooperation with Bill Mullen in getting the boys club work organized Mr was employment combines and valuable in Canadas Regular Army The pay it good You kirn new skills perhaps a trade or train to be a leader You gel a taste of real adven ture have a chance to make lifelong friends with fine men young enthusiastic a cut above average- After three yean you make your choice to leave or slay and make a career with advancement training and variety Find out about one of Canadas belter careen no obligation aim CANADIAN ARMY i station Richmond Toronto KM Loe Army CM STATION Richmond St Toronto Tel KM toe foots Ml often Army I Bob and George Hask ell council representatives on the commission presented a re commendation designed to com bine the recreation commission and arena commission As this was a council matter it was sug gested that the two members contact the arena commission and bring a recommendation to coun cil Perry homestead in taking BETTER COMMUNITY IS car J i Pay old bills today sleep better tonight Often a can help preserve your peace of mind You can borrow from HFC pay outstanding bills and repay your loan on a businesslike budgeted basis When the need for money more people tome HFC i ha it any other company in its field Loans are made promptly in privacy on term you approve You can borrow with confidence from HFC Canadas only consumer finance company bucked by yean experience Canadas first and consumer finance company HOUSEHOLD to llw- Three Bradford Men Killed South of Aurora Three employees of the Brad ford store were killed early on Thursday Nov when their ear plunged off Highway south of Aurora and crashed in to a tree Police worked with crowbars for almost an hour to free the bodies of floss of John Si and C of Centre St Raymond Eng land 27 of John St was dead on arrival at York County hospital Newmarket Police said the men were re turning from an banquet in Toronto when their ear shot out of control across the highway snapped off two guard rails and plunged down a 15foot embank ment into the tree A front wheel of the vehicle was driven into the front seat Constable Billon McDonald of tho Bond Lake detachment was investigating a minor acci dent yards south of the fatal ity scene when he heard the crash He said he hail seen the car pass seconds before but a sil ent incline in the road prevented film from seeing the crash Englands wife Kent at County hospital where she was recovering from a minor operation police said He is the son of Percy England of former mayor of Owen Hound England it survived by two small children and his a well known sports figure and former member of the Hamilton Tigers larross team bad been employed the store for about a year He is survived by his widow and one brother Kveritt son of Mr and Mrs James Bradford wax not married He was manager of the grocery department of the store England was manager of the meat Neiw DODGE brings you dramatic new beauty remarkable new ridingcomfgrt exciting new safer stop power and still price Hew BEAUTY with FLIGHTSWEEP Hew COMFORT with JO RSI ON- AIRE HIDE TO Com the tow sweep ing tinea of exciting new Dodge See how ita distinctive twin lights ac cent bumper- grille how roaring tail fins its forwardthrusting Inok And note that Flight- Sweep design gives vou full road clearance a beauty inside tool Hew POWER with GO Mill CAM of SlOf SOS It If I REGIONAL ADVISOR INITIATES MEMBERS Miss Avers visited the Business and Professional Wo mens club on day Nov IB to conduct in itiation ceremony Guest speak er was Miss fthutari of Iraq Miss is Regional Advisor for District No She was accompanied by tho president of the Newmarket and club Miss Margaret Morning Miss is first woman from Iraq to come Can ada to study Is attending MtDonutd College on a UN scholarship taking post work prior lo returning to her country to accept a position in a womens college More volunteers needed by the Newmarket branch of the Canadian Bed Cross to assist with the sowing knitting and quilting because of the heavy de mand for relief supplies in Hun gary A work session will be held in Trinity United church on Tuesday Nov from lo pm Corns tail tho now gives you Now high- torque V8 will meet or aurpruts any demands you might of it Yot advanced in it pro duces peak on regular gas Or iwrhaps youd prefer famous Take choice With either or Vfi the big buy in low- price field Is driving lets you select your drive with the of a finger shifting is completely automatic mechanical controls are located wifely on your loft Coma try a new kind of ride A revolutionary new torsion- bar suspension system up with now tires famous shock absorbers new ioveHzer rear springs now lowfriction steer ing to produce superb handling case incredibly riding comfort Hew SAFETY with TOTALCONTACT BRAKES Coma new safety of brakes that stop you more from any spued design spreads evenly over brake- lining surface With this new design broking takes less effort requires leas pedal Just mora reason to buy Dodge Cyclelmnd Iriw ink uniform contact over entire lining area linings wear evenly hist longer Youre a ahead in tarn IN BY CHAVSlfR Of CANADA flow more than ever the bi bu in the lowprice field DRIVE SALES LTD NEWMARKET ONTARIO T ir rfite