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Newmarket Era and Express, 15 Nov 1956, p. 5

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Km I Funeral Directors MAIN MUNICIPAL ELECTION tor ih Town of Newmarket E NOTICE HCKKBY NOMINATIONS t of mayor re dWtyr4ve nix councillors lo fill I4 for lh yttr Its one hydro electric and three public school for the term of two years 4 tr for the term of two yean for of the of Newmarket will be held In the Mil M the hours of and pm by the Returning Officer nomination hall be In writing and Male the name rel- and occupation of the candidate and the residence and of the proposer and seconder Such nomination must be by the proposer and seconder both of whom shall be Tpal electors and present and shun he filed with the Returning Officer within one hour from the opening of the Nomination Meet Jo When a proposed candidate Is not prevent his nomination per shall not be valid unless there Is attached thereto evidence Us fart km to the Returning Officer that tie consents to be so CLASSIFIEDS CONTINUED WOOD FOB SALS DRY fitwood all kinds de livery Taylor Sawmill Aurora phone Avenue MIXED wood hard and soft wood Phone Mount Al bert LOST obtain from the Treasurer a certificate show ing that at the time of opening of the Nomination Meeting there are of a preceding year overdue and unpaid In respect of the land tm which they propose to qualify and no business tax ever and npald for the current year AT TUB NOMINATION OR OCLOCK IS SAME A CAN- MAY IN OF ONE OR MORE WHICH HE IS NOMINATEI BY FILING HIS IN WMtTINO WITH THE AND IN UK HE SHAM BE DEEMED TO RE NOMINATED FOR THE which he was nominated CHILDRENS pot grey white cat had flea collar on Please phone Newmarket ON MONDAY block bitch answer to Pip child rens pet Reward Phone Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS If are nominated tor the respective offices mentioned than are required to fill the same the In subdlvUIon at the subsequent elections shall be by the deputy returning officers at the respective Mbdlvhlons follows Canadian legion Hall Eenrose IB I It Mrs Mji AT ANDREW WARD Town Half Ale Eves Andrews RT WARD Queen Street 2D A WARD Eire Hail frank Cecil Mrs P Brawn RlfBDIVISfON No I lire Hall Mrs Mitchell Am Advance Poll will be held In the Committee Room Town Hall street on Saturday December I between tours of am and pm Deputy Returning Officer MtrLeod MONDAY Hie Third Day of December Erom am to oclock pm and no longer Of all of which all persons are requested to lake notice and flosarn Iheiaurtlvra accordingly SAVE THE Clerk and Returning Officer Newmarket November I READYMIXED CONCRETE for Footings Floors Patios etc CONCRETE and CINDER BLOCKS READYMIXED CONCRETE BLOCK CO LTD 320 surgical elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose ankle and knee trouble Arch support Lumbago belts Beat Drug Store phone 14 Newmarket THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds bronchi lis A prompt effect rem edy for the relief of bronchitis light or chesty coughs unci colds The Ileal Store Newmarket AllHerbal tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone 14 Newmar ket WELL and delivery Baker con crete Products phone 112 mucous Tluinas Pink Tablets for the and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years by adults and children with good results Price The Best Drue Store phone Newmarket NOTICE to CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF CHARLOTTE JANE HILL DECEASED ALL persons having claim against the estate of Charlotte Jane Hill late of the Town of Newmarket in the County of York widow who died on or about the 22nd day of August 1958 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the under signed on or before the day of November after which date the Estate will be distrib uted with regard only to the claims of which undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Newmarket this 3Gth day of October VIOLET ELIZABETH HILL and WAL TER RALPH HILL executors by their solicitor James 222A Main Street Newmarket Ontario f I I- fk- ft Nome Hereby Given That A Meeting Of The Hectors Of The TOWNSHIP OF NORTH Will held the of mid the attvmwui tor the purpose of nominating for Reeve DeputyReeve And Three Councillors to rv in the Municipal Council of the said Towfuhip for the SALE REGISTER SATURDAY NOV 24 Auction sale of house and lot also full line of household furniture In cluding antiques in village of Albert St the property of estate of the Jute Jessie Sane At the time and place there will be offered lor wile reserve bid the property room and bath a trend detached hydro phone Hood location Term on properly day of sale bal ance in Terms on chat tels cash Sale at I pm Lloyd Turner clerk A farmer auc tioneer SATURDAY NOV Auction sale of household furniture Dole on property of the estate of th- late W J New Sale at pm Term earth No reserve Ken and Clarke auc tioneers Son QUEENSVILLE AND PHONE I SATURDAY NOV COMMUNITY HAIL he In writing and nauir rrldencr af the he residence ami occupation and and shall be by Ihe proposer eeronrter both of whom he Municipal Kterlors and present be filed with the officer one hour from of Nomination fa esse a number of candidates remain In than are required to he fleeted will held SATURDAY DECEMBER 1 AM TO AT IOMOW WO LACK No Keiwkk No Community Hall No Urn Grove So Subdivision No Roches Memorial Hall Subdivision No Store Willow No Anflican Church 0o4 the Quean Winch Returning ami Mount Albeit fit Shop Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A Main St v teA fc j t OCCASION Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN STRUCT NKWMAnKCT NOTICE Till Clerks notice of the first notice of the Voters VOTERS LIST MUNICIPALITY OK EAST County of York is hereby given that I have complied with Section No of the Voters List Act mid that have posted at office at Sharon on the 31st day of Oc tober the list of all persons entitled to vote in said mu nicipality at the municipal dec that such list remains there for inspection and I here by call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct ed according to law the last for appeal being Nov 1951 1JATKD this day of October J TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF EAST GWILLIMBURY will Ik- received by the undersigned up to and in cluding November for the supply of truck snowplow and operators to plow snow on all roads east of concession to the east town line regarding this tender may bo procured from the undersigned THE lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted J PARR Clerk of Township notice township of east gwillimbury TAKE that the Court of will sit at Sharon on he day of November the hours of oclock in the afternoon and oclock in tin- evening toy the Assess ment Hoi I J KAMI Clerk of the Township TENDERS lenders proper mark as to contents will receiv ed by undersigned up to oclock noon Saturday Nov to supply material and ill tho celling In the Corn hall at Vnndorf may he ob tained from the undersigned or Mrs Dorothy presi dent nhnno Aurora or any tender not accepted Margaret Whitchurch Community Centre Hoard ft It I Aurora TENDERS THE old ftchfKilhouse Vivian near Highway will bo offered for by tender Tho building mid hind enclosed by fence Terms cash THE highest or any tender not necessarily accepted close December I to he mailed to for lloaid of Trustees It It Al bert COURT OF REVISION NOTICE Is hereby given that a Court of of the Assess ment of the Township of Whitchurch will be held In Council Chambers Vandorf On tario on Saturday 1st day of December 1956 at 1000 oclock in the forenoon for the purpose of hearing appeals against the assessment roll for the municipality of Township of Whitchurch or the year ALL parties interested please take notice and be governed ac cordingly at the Township of Whitchurch day of Novem ber John Crawford Clerk TOWNSHIP OF CLERICS NOTICE oF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS LIST VOTERS LIST TOWNSHIP Of WHITCHURCH County of York NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with section of The Voters Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Ontario on day of November the list of all persons entitled to vole in the said Municipality at municipal elections and that such list re mains there for inspection AND 1 hereby call upon all vot ers to take immediate proceed ings to have any errors or omis sions corrected according to law the last day for appeal being the day of November DATED this day of Novem ber John Crawford Clerk TOWNSHIP OK WHITCHURCH COURT OF REVISION NOTICE to CREDITORS IN ESTATE Of JOHN ALL persons the estate of John Henry nt the Township of East in the County of York who died on or about the flay of are hereby notified to send particu lars of same to under- signed on or before which the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which undersigned shall then have notice mid tho undersigned will not bo liable to any person of whoso claim they shall not then Imvo notice DATED Newmnrkel this nth day of November 1056 Edward Hoy Stick wood with will annexed of of John Henry Kit No Newmarket Ontario CHAMBER OP COMMERCE A BETTER COMMUNITY TAKE NOTICE that a special Court of will bo hold re special assessments as follows The Council of the Cor Miration of Town of New market has constructed the local improvements in the Town of Newmarket fa Sanitary Sewers on Forest Hon Road from Queen to Mill ard Avenue Millard Avenue from Avenue to the west limit of Plan Park Avenue from west limit to Park Avenue on the north side and to Park Avenue on the south side and on Don Mor Drive from Dixon Blvd to Street The cost of the work is of which is to be paid by the Corporation The special rate per foot frontage is Sidewalks on Arthur Street south side ami on Avenue Road from Avenue to west limit of Plan The cost of tho work is of which is to be paid by Corporation The special rate per foot frontage is on Avenue Road and on Arthur Street Watermains on Don Mor Drive from Dixon Blvd to Sand- ford Street Tho cost of the work is of which 52240 is to be paid by the Corporation The special rale per frontage The assessments are to paid in annual instal ments The estimated lifetime of work is years A Court of Revision will be held on Thursday the day of November in the Committee Room of the Town Hall Street Newmarket Out for the pur pose of bearing complaints against proposed assessments or the accuracy of frontage measurements and any other complaint which persons inter ested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by the Court DATED at Newmorkel lids day of November Wesley Clerk Treasurer BIRTHS ASTOKOItOKK At York County hospital Tuesday Nov 1050 to Mr and Mrs John Astoforoff Holland Landing a daughter At York County hospi tal Monday Nov to Mr and Mrs Douglas Sharon Ji daughter HORN At York County Tuesday Nov t Mr and Mrs Waller Horn Newmar ket a son v At York County hospit al Saturday Nov 1050 to Mr and Mrs John J son York County luu- Tuesday Nov to Mr and Mrs Samuel Hello it daughter FOSTER At York Nov Mr and Mrs Kenneth Landing daughter York County Hi Nov to Mr and Mrs Robert Tor- onto son York County bos- Saturday Nov lo Mr and Mrs Angclo Aurora daughter HAMILTON At York County hospital Tuesday Nov to Mr and Mrs Robert Hamilton Kettleby ft son JACOBS At York County Wednesday Nov 1956 to Mr and Mrs J E Jacobs New market a son At York County Hospi tal Thursday Nov to Mr and Mrs Kicrs Newmarket a daughter At County hos pital Tuesday Nov to Mr and Mrs Cornells Klerkx 3 Newmarket a son At York County hospital Saturday Nov 1956 to Mr and Mrs Carl Newmarket a daughter At York County hospital Wednesday Nov 7 to Mr and Mrs Paul Gout- Lcfroy a daughter MURPHY At York County hos pital Friday Nov to Mr and Mrs David Murphy Keswick a son MURPHY At York County hos pital Friday Nov to Mr and Mrs John Murphy Keswick a son York County hos pital Tuesday Nov to Mr and Mrs Ernest Maple a son York County hos pital Thursday Nov to Mr and Mrs John Ronald Phil lips Keswick daughter SHROPSHIRE At York County hospital Thursday Nov to Mr and Mrs Lome Shrop shire 3 Newmarket a son At York County hos pital Monday Nov to Mr and Mrs Donald a daughter SMITH At York County hospit al Tuesday Nov to Mr and Mrs Ronald I Smith Au rora twin hoys SCHNEIDER At York County hospital Wednesday Nov to Mr and Mrs Schneider Elgin Mills a son THOMPSON At Cornwall Gen oral hospital Monday Oct to Mr and Mrs A Thompson Cornwall Olive a daughter leigh Anne At York County hos pital Friday Nov to Mr and Mrs James Walker New market a daughter At York County hospital Thursday Nov to Mr and Mrs John a son WHELAN At York County hos pital Friday Nov Mr and Mrs John Whelan Richmond Hill a son WIGHT At York County hospi tal Saturday Nov JO to Mr and Mrs Hugh Wight Rich mond Hill a daughter WILLIAMS At York County hospital Suturday Nov 1056 to Mr and Mrs Ivor J Wiltons It Aurora a son W1THEHSPOON At York Coun ty hospital Monday Nov to Mr and Mrs George Newmarket a daughter York County hospital Wednesday Nov 1056 to Mr Mrs Alfred J Elgin Mills a York County hos pital Sunday Nov to Mr and Mrs Newmarket a daughter DEATHS On Sunday Nov Win Henry husband of the late Edith Crawford and father of Clifford of Scott town ship and Orlando of Newmarket in his year Service was held on Tuesday Nov Inter ment cemetery Suddenly on Tues day Nov wife of the late Miller mother of Donald M Perth Service held this afternoon Interment King City cemetery HIRST hospital Toronto on Thursday Nov Flora wife of John W of Keswick mother of lima Mrs A Daw son grandmother of Douglas Jimmy and sister of Vida Mrs M Keswick and Newmarket Service was held on Sunday Nov Interment cemetery WEST At St Michaels hospi tal Toronto on Suturday Nov Hose Graham of Rich- vale formerly of Hoi I wife of the late George Arthur West and mother of Mrs Peter Nellie and Roy of Toronto and the lute George West Service wis held on Tuesday Nov Interment St Johns cemetery Newmarket WEST York hospi tal on Wednesday Nov lOaO William Francis West husband Amanda Foster and father of Mrs Slick wood Mabel Mrs Rny Marjorie Mrs Malcolm Greenwood Chris tina Mrs Lepard KlstO Mis Charles Roberts Mary mid Art Service was held on Friday Nov Interment cemetery York County hov mini Newmarket on Sunday Nov Alice Hurley wife of William Winger and mo- Iher of Mrs Fletcher Annie Newmarket William Frederick mid Leonard Clifford of Hamil ton James Clifford Parry Sound Gilbert Clifford Vancou ver Service was held on Tues day Nov Internum Conor cemetery results IN ANDREWS In loving memory of a dear father Win J An drews who passed sway Nov I think of him in silence His name I oft recall There is nothing left to answer But only his vacant chair He suffered much he earned his rest The took him for He knew best May his gain be great as his sa crifice Sadly missed by daughter Ada In ever loving memory of Oliver who passed away Nov Deep in our hearts you will al ways stay Loved and remembered every day Sadly missed by his mother brothers and sister Grace loving mem- ory of a dear father and grand father Arthur who passed away Nov Today sad memories Of our dear dad gone lo rest And the ones who think of him today Are the ones who loved him best Lovingly remembered by daughter Delilah soninlaw Wilfred and grandson Calvin In loving memory of a dear father John who passed away Nov The rolling stream of life rolls on Bui still the vacant chair Recalls the love the voice the smite Of the one who once sal there Always remembered by son Ivan daughterinlaw Dorothy and grandchildren In loving memory of a dear mother Adelaide Ilea- cock who passed away Novem ber A wonderful mother woman and aid One who was better God never made A wonderful worker loyal and true One in a million that mother was you Just in your judgment always right Honest and liberal ever upright Loved by your friends and all you knew A wonderful mother that mother was you Lovingly remembered by daughters and Elsie and sou Lyman In loving memory of our dear mother who passed away Nov We who loved you sadly miss you As it dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near Sadly missed by her family In loving memory of our dear husband and father McMtillen who passed away Nov Three years have passed you were called away God took him home it was His wish Rut in our hearts he still Sadly missed by bis family In loving memory of our mother Eleanor who passed away Nov Years of striving little of play Loving and giving the whole of the way A cherished smile a heart of gold To tho dearest mother the world could hold Happy memories fond and From us who thought the world of you Lois and In loving memory of Eleanor who passed away Nov Oh what would I to clasp your hand Your dear kind face to see Your loving smile your welcome voice That meant so much me No one knows the silent heart ache Only who have such can tell Of the grief that is in si lence For the one I loved so well Mother and Herb PEAT In loving memory of our dear father Edward Peat who passed away Nov 17 Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him near Ever remembered by Joe Maty and Audrey HOW I AN l In loving memory of my dear husband George tow laud who passed away No vember My cannot tell how 1 miss him My heart cannot tell what to say Clod only knows how miss you In a home that is lonesome today Sadly missed by wife Mary CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs John Hirst wish to hank llioir neighbors relatives and friends for cards flowers and many other kindnesses extended to a beloved wife and mother during her recent illness and al the time of her death and fu neral A special thanks to Dr Dr Brown the nurses of the floor hospital and Mrs Last for their most efficient care wish you to know It was appreciated by John Hirst and daughter Mrs Arthur Dawson CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my very sincere thanks to my many kind friends and neighbors for cards plants flowers fruit etc which I received during my stay In York County hospital also my appreciation to Doctors Cock and and tie nursing staff for their kindness Again thanks to nil Jack Sutton West CARD OF THANKS Mrs Louis and family wish to express sincere thanks lo their relatives friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness messages of sympathy and floral tributes in the loss of a dear husband and father A spe cial thanks to Dr Win Arkin- Rev and Mrs Coleman CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my many friends neighbors and relatives for the cards flowers frail gifts and many acts of kindness shown to me during my illness with spe cial thanks to Dr M Mr and Mrs A and store staff and Rev Frank ton William Ayers CARD OF THANKS Wc cannot express with mere words our heartfelt thanks to York County hospital nursing staff and Dr Wm Arkinstall for the care given my husband and our father Frank West dur ing his short illness We appreci ate also the floral tributes and expressions of sympathy from relatives friends and neighbors also the consoling words of com fort from Rev W Johnston dur ing our bereavement A very special thanks from all of us the ladies who so graciously served lunch on our arrival home Mrs Frank West and family ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Graves wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Shirley Ann to Harvey Williamson of Toronto mar riage will lake place on Dee 1 at College Si United church Toronto Dr and Mrs Crawford Rose Aurora announce- the engage ment of their daughter lo Mr Reginald Tuck er Toronto the son of Mr and Mrs A Tucker of Halifax The marriage will take place in St Andrew College on Dee pm Mr and Mrs Wm J Grose Markhom announce Ihe engage ment of their daughter Ruth Mary Eileen to Mr Waller John Murray son of Mr and Mrs John Murray of The wedding to take place Satur day Die at I oclock hi Melville United church con cession of Markham Township Mr and Mrs Morley Andrews announce the en gagement of their eldest daugh ter Hilda Lorraine to Mr John Emit eldest son of Mr and Mrs John Velema mar riage to take place early in De cember AT HOME Mr and Mrs Donald an Ave will he home to their friends on Saturday Nov after p being the occasion of their wedding anniversary VANDOR On Wednesday evening eight members of the Vandorf ill club attended the dinner at the Royal York hotel which was given by Downtown Kiwanis club of Toronto Mrs Jack Irwin held on Fri day evening a surprise party honor of her son Johnnys birthday Mr and Mrs Harold Sleet and family attended a birthday parly on Sunday which was in honor of Mr father Mr Ed ward Toronto who was years of age Mr Albert and dau ghter Miss Mario had Sunday dinner at the Irwin home TOWN OF NEWMARKET COURT OF REVISION NOTICE hereby oil for Town of Newmarket will bold its first sitting in Room Town Hail Street Newmarket Monday llio twentysixth day of November at seven pm to bear appeals from the Assessment made in the year on which taxes for will be levied ALL persons having business at the said Court here by required to attend at the lime and place mentioned above at Newmarket this eighth clay of November a a mm WESLEY BROOKS i

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