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Newmarket Era and Express, 15 Nov 1956, p. 15

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W3j4 SANDY has to tow low MAS MUMS of Hit Mien find- lay occurred Tues day morning Nov the Home where been with a heart malady for weeks She was the mother of Donald King City and Kenneth Perth Her late husband Miller died in at King Funeral service was hold at the Thompson funeral home on Thursday conduced by Rev Interment was In Kin City cemetery Born In Toronto the daughter of the late McClelland of McClelland and Stewart Pub- fishing Co she married In and had Jived in King City since HYDRO HYDRO POLES wish to call Co the attention of the Public at that it is contrary to law to attach signs Jpr3 to Hydro poles Wis have your cooperation in this regard I w W SERVICE Wl I Services St J TAX or BOOKKEEPING TROUBLES WE HAVE THE REMEDY MONTHLY YEARLY SERVICE S2 tVV I IT T I Opening Phillips of Beauty Main Street Newmarket November for appointment phone 284 formerly the THOMPSONS BEAUTY SALON 1 ingCity Mrs I Mr Don was elect ed president of Womens Auxiliary King City Firemens association and Mrs Harold Kir by became the new secretary when election were held at the home of Mrs Bob Berwick on November Mrs Glass was reelected treasurer Mrs J A Morrison Dew St joined the auxiliary bringing tho membership to It Mrs Stan Hoots joined lust month was decided group would take a social outing on November Tho December meeting wilt be a Christmas party Burger Marries Mrs Arthur Kcele St south was In Novem ber or the first wedding re ception among her grandchild ren following Ihe marriage of Janet Louise Burger and Vincent Mahoney Sudbury Mrs Douglas and her daughters Maureen and Ca therine also attended the wedd ing luncheon at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Floyd Burger during which the brides two grandmothers poured tea Thrive on Story Hour Every Saturday morning chil dren hear stories by scheduled readers at King Memorial Libra ry from to The pro gram is arranged by librarians Mrs Ted Wallas and Mrs Don Hutchinson Last Saturday Mrs Don Mc- told about The Three Sillies and The Steadfast Tin Soldier The previous week Mrs J held their attention with The Little Fur Family and The Lad who went to the North Wind In October Mrs A Hardy told the fascinating story of Cur ious George a monkey talc which the children loved She al so read the familiar fairy talc of Sleeping Beauty Miss Margar et will he story lady on November Attendance has been running from to How ever greater numbers are expect to turn out with colder wea ther BAZAAR- On Thursday November at at Mrs Rutherford berg placed the Province Ont ario wreath at Schombcrg ceno taph when Remembrance Day service was held on Sunday morning Mrs Rutherford her son conflict In the Second World township of wreath laid by Ree ve Hodgson Victor Mar- chant placed the Horticultural Society wreath and Lions wreath was laid by Grant Lloyd son of the lata Gladstone Lloyd who was a war veteran Harold Russell called the nam es of fallen soldiers inscribed on the cenotaph He took the place Dr who Is ill In hospital Rev M Lee read the scripture lesson and gave the prayer Children and young peo ple shared the service with par ents and war veterans Award Top award for a display of chrysanthemums cacti- African violets and flowering plants went to Lady Eaton of Eaton Hall at the Royal Winter Fair Bible Study Thursday evening at pm prayer meeting and Bible study on is held by Rev J K Shepherd Presby terian minister in a home in King City The meeting is open and this week the series continues at the home of Mr- and Mrs M Ross The study is Miss Jessie organist of Presbyterian church is organizing young peoples choir which will sing on Sunday Nov at the am regular service She has good material to work on and the teenagers are very willing to act Pay For What You Have Explains Reeve Hodgson As Court Hears Tax Protests id House Building Down From Last Year Blame Tight Credit Situation Figures given by King town ship building inspector Ross extending from January to the end of October show a total estimated value of new buildings additions repairs as Total number of pm Mrs Gage Love Seventh building permits was 227 Up to Line of King will officially open November there were new sl RICHMOND HILL LIONS Monday November m r LINK IS NUMBERS ISO LIONS HALL CASH a Christmas bazaar at King City church under the auspices of the whose president is Mis Irving Scott Mrs Donald will be the convener flout conveners are Mrs Vie Doner fancy goods Mrs Dave Anderson home bak ing table Mrs K Robertson and Mrs Cain aprons childrens knits Christmas corsages candy etc Mrs Adam Davidson refresh ments There will also ho parcel post section and the CO IT will their religious calendars for the coming year ntyle for one can have tea or coffee assorted crackers and cheese re lishes Christmas etc The sale booths have a great variety of Useful and beautiful articles attractively arranged The Presbyterian A is the last organization to con duct a local bazaar arid tea at King City in Friday Nov and lime vail be held ua al ways In King City United church from to pm is he date rooms under president Miss Lily Anderson Visit Toronto Schools The annual day for teachers York district will be held on Nov The Muff of King City school will go to school St Toronto while school will take Miss Helen Thompson Miss Courtney and Mrs from Kinghorn and schools re sportively The morning session is devoted to observing hi schools The af ternoon can be utilized for one of three choices loyal Museum tour of either the Toronto Star or the Toronto Telegram newspap er buildings and Win Fair From the King City school will be principal Miss Dennis Mr Carson Mice Miss Doris lon Mrs and Miss Addison Mrs Finch New Scotland school and Miss Carol Strange school will also attend homos built being erected in the month of May There were fifl new houses by the end of Oct ober Five stores have been erected two in King City wo at Oak Mid ges and one in A bank was built at a fire ball is being erected in King City and the township municipal well under way Three service stations were erected one The White Hose at King Cily one in and the third on highway north a mile and a quarter from In the building program flourished until the of the year and continued on through the winter months This year slates Mr Moss there was a not iceable slackening off started when moitry situation tight ened permits to date this year ore fewer than last year Mr noted houses have been built all over township this year When he building inspector Inquired of the township council November 5 about putting a liv ing apartment over the Connor service station Oak he was advised to inform council of he exact specifications In the meantime a letter will be writt en to Oak Midges board of trade for it opinion on apartment building The organization may not want apart ments on street pointed out On Monday Nov King town ship Court of Revision was held at the municipal office when against the assessment roll were heard by council William Hodgson presided Assessor Ed replied the appeals A loial Of was put into Separate school asscssmen Three claims by property owners to be assessed as Separate school supporters were granted A four appeal was dismissed Philip Mardwelt and his broth Harry each with nd assessed at end buildings at and Peter Flanagan acres with total assessment value of 1500 were recognized as Sep school supporters of Sacred Heart Bernard Martin Main St who asked that his assessed in the school section Sacred Heart had his appeal dismissed He was advised by Mr that his property lies outside the threemile limit of the separate school where his three children attend By virtue of the munici pal act his property is assessed in public school section King 14 Appeals Appeals by Archie Beckett Kenneth Frederick and Leslie Porter Oak Midges properly owners were dismissed Each contended he was too highly assessed in com parison with others in the vicin ity thought his building assess ment of too high since he does not have his basement fin ished His claim was dismissed New Program Assessor explained to several that under the new assessment program which will be put on the tax roll whereby all buildings arc being measured frontage of property will bo factor as welt as other features that do not now enter the picture assessment will be equalized The bycomparison method with your neighbors val ues will bo eliminated In effect what you have you Will pay for said Hodgson must have patience until this comes into effect when you will know how it works out for you ad vised Mr William on acres in the Mice subdivision was not dissatisfied with a land as sessment of but be wanted to know having only acres arable if the value was on acre age or usefulness of the land He use factor would be considered- On beautiful residential pro perty of this type- said as sessor an acre is only a drop in the bucket If the day arrives when you make a large part of your living oft your would be willing to decrease the assessed value Mr stated Adjustment Made On properties where buildings were burned after the as sessments had gone in adjust ments were made on the assess ment values and on the 1950 tax- Mrs Doris Elliott Young and Moss Kitchener were granted their appeals On properties where buildings were torn down adjustments were made J recei ved eight months credit on his taxes because a building on the corner concession King City was removed early In April The adjustment was made on building and business assessments On the north tax roll on part of lot 24 concession of acres re ceived an adjustment because his buildings were torn down His building assessment of was changed over to land assessment leaving the total assessment of intact On the Marsh tax roll Mike was granted re duction on his land assessment of 1000 Mr said his whole acres on which he uses to make a living is very low He saw the property and was convin ced of Hie land fault Peter on the same roll was given a re duction of 100 on his land as sessment of because of some land fault Likewise Alex received an adjust ment of on his land assess ed for 20th CENTURY FOODS Where Quality is King Timothy St Phone STEAKS and ROASTS ROUND SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE TURKEYS over Ibt ib MINCED HAM 67c lb Boiling Fowl 33c lb 59c lb IMPORTED KIPPERS 35c Ib KRAH DINNERS 2 for 27c AYUO PORK AND BEANS 20 tins 2 for R0XY AT SAT MAT PM Nominations Approach In King City Township Civic nations for Trustees Discuss Proposals For Housing Developments A conference of four subdivjd- with King City village trust ees was on Friday night Nov when discussions on school costs and water supply re sulted in amicable conclusions Alfred of Clear view Gardens Ltd Davidson of Village Developments with pro posed subdivision development on the Stewart and Humble farms south of the village Leo Valen tine with a subdivision in the village and J J of folates with a devel opment on St north of village limits were all concerned in using King City municipal wa ter supply and in school section No 2 King They agreed to share the wat er extension system proportionat ely and to pay to tire school costs which the new developments would cause Dr Arnold with a proposed subdivision on former farm beyond the eastern limits the village was not present His project wou ld use King City water but would be contained in the school section On November village- trustees received a communication from FRIDAY mm mm evening mm J mm THE KINGSIZED COMEDY OF THIS OR ANY YEAR I It t a MONDAY of the police villas of Kin City J will he held Monday Nov at pm in the Masonic of water system The would expect to be according to the number Ihe Park lid If more are totf than are required infill the three by other developments positions and the nominees qual ify by the following Nov ember the election will In held in the Masonic hall on Mon day Dec HI am to II pm lots Village Developments would require a sixroom school their site and would pay Andrew Kin I ost price of was appointed nominating officer bad thus is the difference ami deputy reluming the government grant of Colll PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK SO kitty pupils grades and King City and KiriKhorn school- have essays on subject My Fav orite and why I like It sponsored by King Memorial Lib wry compel Jon Is recognit ion of Canada look Week Nov 15 to essays will be Judged by Mrs Alfred Mr Johnston and Mrs Dorothy Darker Rook will be to winners of each when are known at library on day afternoon Nov will entertained by Ilia library board Mrs A chief librarian has anted Interest arrangement spelling etc could he considered in making Ions on the winners The contest is intended to encourage sent reading and to promote summary of impression ami con- lent of a hook ItAAAK On Saturday and ev ening Nov the WA of All Saints church realized from bazaar in the parish room King More or tides will also bo sold It was by Mrs Jack Crouch lon a former King girl and leader of the Girls Auxiliary resident Mrs Welcomed assembly are lor parloehial work white goes directly to the junior work The sum of the Sunday school association booth whoa president is Mis John will be used for thai organizat ion There was a splendid variety of useful and attractive In each booth including over handmade dainty aprons The hall was decorated with chrysan themums and the tea room was very effective with lighted white tapers pine boughs and touches of Christmas colors This depart meat under Mrs Johnston Flower booth made I under Mrs Harry Cunn ingham ami Mm Chap man The home baking under Mm J drew made The I A sold candy corsages and Christmas decorations also hand painted plates done by a local Mm Glen The booth numbered chil drens hand knits among its Mrs flay Hurt and Mm A did a flourish ing business at the Nib pond mak ing Very little expense Is attached to the bazaar so that it is safe to say the profit will ho nearly when trustees met en Nov The last lJ5li official meeting of will lake place on Mon day evening After nominations are closed sitting members It Smith darker and Harry words will review work of the past year an open discussion can be held Others nominated are al so given time to speak The pre sent trustees have held office for one year Asked if he would lake office for a second lei in Mr Smith said it would depend those who tun for office It has been a hard year says the chairman with water supply extension and sub division work and he feels he his best lie states he would not want to see these matters or any other developments In oth er than competent hands whoev er the village hoard may he for the next year We are trying to bring tin- most Important issues to a point where everything is cleared on a sound workable basis by November The Township anyone a crystal ball whereby one could foresee whe ther here will be a municipal el ection King township year This is Ilia dollar question and while there are some rumors one so far has up with the right answer Nominations five position on township will bo held from to oclock on the even ing of November in United church hall William Hodgson on council for seven consecutive years has hold the first position for the part year Deputy reeve Wilfred Altchlson In office for four years has been de puty for one year Both officials are part of King lownslhp plann ing board and York County Council and the total cost ad dilion to capital grant per tot to the township the com pany would pay 150 per lot as each building permit is granted to defray cost of school facil ities Village Developments plan for 173 houses with Jots as resi dential urban with font fron and lots in suburban classification of acres mini mum and minimum frontages of IKS feet THE HILARIOUS LOWDOWN ON HIGH LIFE ON FURLOUGH FROM JERUSALEM MISSION WILL ADDRESS WA Miss Kale on furlough from Mission in Jer usalem will address the of Alt Saints Anglican church in parish room Thursday Nov Her visit to King City has spec lilt interest as she has been prayer partner of the under Mrs Hurl of Pray er Mariner department for tin years Mrs Hurl has correspond ed Miss who was Invited to visit the local auxili ary It is missionarys first fur- since she went lo Jerusal em Mrs Hurt will entertain her lunch after Mm It John ston has driven her to vill age The speaker will have supp at the home of Mm- liar- who Will Hum drive her buck to Toronto- TOGETHER FIRST TIME HI Assessor reports total assessment of King township of Is broken down into land with buildings and business assessment at The whole is an increase of more than over last year The assessment values will be used to reckon the 3 ritritKrs is A GRACE FRANK KELLY SINATRA CROSBY Society CELESTE HOLM JOHN LUND LOUIS LOUIS ARMSTRONG COLE PORTER 4 I tj ii A w THURSDAY All the thrills of the big top Woman For GIVE ni -1- f

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