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Newmarket Era and Express, 20 Sep 1956, p. 2

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3 Pages Editors Notebook We sometime write an in such a way that much tan lit- between the lines The technique is 6d when one wants to convoy an idea which I not printable Hut reader read between the when their nothing between After seeing week Aurora Ban ner that someone read into one of our comment that V v aid mean prestige people they do not mean to much readers Some Manner readers wond ered it was your grape on our part Said tin- Banner Frankly knowing the source from which it ml That comment x appreci ated After rereading our or iginal comment began to question the context and fear that there some for the mention of rapes hasten to assure readers that no was meant The subject of newspaper award not the Aurora brought out our long held opinion that award mean more to newspaper people than to readers We did not say that they mean nothing to read er The Bra has won a number awards including one this year or he editorial for most points are based on press words typography lay out and pictures but a small number of points are based or content Trie judges do not About local affair and it is difficult for them to know whether or not a paper is being From the Files of fair or honestly interpreting loc al affairs or doing a good job in news coverage fudges do not know what area there is cover- Then some readers do not ore about the of a paper provided that the read ing is good Maybe we have put our fool in it further now We hope not ft is difficult to express an op inion without getting into wme trouble a newspaper the Banner can understand that Ontario Provincial Police of ficers in district are point ing out to tar dealers and buy er an important part of the highway traffic act When a motor vehicle is sold by a dealer in mid Motor Vehicles the deafer deliver to the purchaser at the time of sale a certificate of mechanical by the dealer indicating whether or not the motor veh icle is in safe condition to be operated on a highway Purchasers should ask for these certificates officer from the detachment report that they have tailed on and pointed out this part of the art One dealer stamps hi certificate on the back of each bill of sale A selling an old un safe car to interested in using the parts from it he makes out the certificate Mat ing that it is not safe operat ing condition This is part of the polio de partments efforts to prevent officers are on- thuuaMic in heir safety pro motion work 25 and 50 Years Ago War Ago Saturday a reunion of one lit the Smith families took place at Temple when over members and con nections of the family met for a jolly time Among thoe pie- sent were Mr and Mrs Ben vard and family Mr and Mis John Smith of St Mr and Smith Mr and Mrs Max Mr Mr and Mrs Boag si Mr has to St Josephs College Toronto Shirley Patterson is at- University College Tor onto where she in Mathematira and Phys ic Mis Mary at the Sick Child ens hospital Toronto spent Tues day at her home here Mr Caswell of the Bank of Montreal has pending holidays at hi- borne near King ston Mr and Mm Swart of spent the weekend with Mr- and Mis lover Mr of Flint who has been visit- friend in town ha return home Mils has turned from lit holidays Mr W and Mix Widdiiejd Point who ha been spending a months holi day with parents at market has returned to trie Si Children hospital where h- a staff position Mr and Mo J Potter of Toronto and Mi and Mi J of Quebec City have returned to their home after spending a few days in New market Mr Karnes of raited at the home of Mr and Mrs Buckley on way home fiorn Cornwall Ago lack Frost The jeniu vim goes around th autumn nip ping the flower and plitit put his atue to any extent or rattier early on Sat urday morning There was iut enough to show a while tinge on damp blades of but not enough to do arty Market Gardners and florists say the Jack may he along any time after this week and leave his Growing The Davis Company have shipped this a consignment of leather to Australia the forerunner of future business with the is land continent which is atrre In be of large dimensions New markets are attain- a fame fur quality which indeed envi able and the latest the tanner v more than keep i o standard Bible Society The annual of the m a of the Upper Canada Bible will be held m the on ihurday fonstable Fred and Holme Mr Thomas of Toronto were up for the Fan Mr J J horn son of Bn- dale was the of his ne phew J while attend ing the Fair Kate and la- It and Mr of Toronto were home tins week Mr of Toronto is and relative tin for couple week ami F obi were in attendance at the Fair Mr and Mrs C Prober nent Sunday with friends til fAMILV TEACH IN SAMS CITY arc of the am family are lit ushers and In Kitchener art Joan all with si Caw from ant Serving and the rural of North York Newmarket Era The Herald Published every at Charles St Newmarket by Newmarket and Limited Subscription fur tun rears for one year in advance Single copies are each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Newspapers AsaoeUtlon and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mall Office Department Ottawa John E Struthera Managing Editor Caroline Ion Womens Editor George Sporta Editor Lawrence Racine Job Printing and Production THE EDITORIAL PAGE WILD MEETING WILD AND LAW is one way of describing re- rent town council meetings in Newmarket This week not end until am the total runniusr time being over four hours It is recalled that during Mr Joseph Vales terms as mayor it was the policy to adjourn every meeting by 1030 pm each session longer than two ami a half hours Mr Vale used to say that nothing good could happen after after two and a half hours members would end up fighting Whether or not the approach of December elections is a factor there is more personal animosity between members of council Monday night there were threats vindictive comments and some cursing the most obvious friction being generated by Reeve and Councillor Gladstone It idler So strained are rela tions between these two members that one will spring like a cat on the others comment At one point the reeve rose to make a long and vehement denial that any member of Newmarket council would chisel on con vention expense accounts Apparently the denial was provoked by a motion by Councillor It idler that all ex pense account be itemized We heard no accusation by Councillor that there was any padding of expens es but after luce hours or so a listener eventually becomes numbed and confused by these wild and tire some proceedings At another point in proceedings Councillor A rose to challenge the executive mayor reeve and deputyreeve to stand with him for the election of a mayor He accused the top three of conducting town affairs without adequate consultation with coun cil One observer might say that the Monday night meeting was a shameful exhibition Another might say it was delightfully entertaining if you have the right sense of humor you will have a at most meetings Another observer might say This is de mocracy at work In recent months we have observed two councils at work one in Aurora one in Newmarket The Aurora council is more efficient more is accomplished in a shorter time Differences of opinion are settled at the coffee counter or at least outside the regular meetings The one questionable feature of Aurora council is that most f the preliminaries to important decisions occur outside the meetings the public does not always hear all the facts It might be said that Newmarket council affairs though wild and time consuming bring all I he facts before the public But democracy in any form of government is a delicate balance The executive can be too strong or too weak and the greater the extremes the further we are from democracy At the present time we think thai there is too much chaos in Newmar ket council meetings but the December elect ions can bring about improvement LETS SELL BEER IN STORES Some people do not consider beer to be a serious alcoholic drink They think it should be available in grocery stores because of its high food value and other useful properties This newspaper does not believe that beer parlors run as most of them are run in Ontario are anything but filthy guzzling joints a disgrace to the owners operator and to the province Is it not much better to allow a mans wife to buy beer to take home with her usual purchases so that her husband may drink it there and be relaxed and refresh ed for his dinner Lets treat adults as adults and those that cannot behave should be then subjected to control This newspaper would oppose beer parlors in our com munity but would recommend beer he available and therefore as exciting as ginger ale in every grocery store in the land The regulations for hard liquor are probably satisfactory as they stand today in Ontario beer could mean less alcohol would be consumed CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION WHAT IS about a Newmarket cen tennial celebration for next year Newmarket was in corporate as a village in the year 187 There have been no reports of committees formed neither the town council nor the chamber of commerce has made any plans for a community celebration The problem on the chamber of commerce we understand is to find a mem ber who can devote sufficient time to a project as this suggested one A number of enquiries have been made by citizens interested in a celebration A local member of an an tique car club lias offered to arrange for a parade of oldtime vehicles Another suggestion has been made to this newspaper for the presentation of an historical pageant We believe that already there is considerable interest in a celebration tor next May the month when incorporation took place and we have mi doubts that there are people in the community willing to help What is needed is coordinating effort We note that the Womens Institute of Newmarket is now celebrating its anniversary the institute could play its part in the Newmarket centennial Neigh boring institutes also might be interested in assisting with a pageant along with the Historical Society This newspaper is now in its in 1th year and its history pre dates the incorporation along with community history stories from the back files will make interesting reading celebrations can be assisted cummer- rial interests The general advertising value to be gained for the town and local firms is a good reason for the project Hut the basic reason for a centennial celebration is community pride Now lets see some signs of it OUR SIDE OF THE STORY by W HARVEY WHY THE COLLEGE OF ELECTORS Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger After Bliggins announced that he was running fur Int nomin ation to get to Ottawa there was no more peace in office The only thing worse than pest Is a pest whod like to he in politics Slim figured to gel the jump on the other candidat es by having a real public re lations man to manage his cam After all he pointed exit it worked for This would have been fine except that he picked Kletch- our ad man to take on the job of selling him to the public Alter a week on the job Kletch admitted that Hed rath er take on the job of selling cas tor oil to small boys When he heard voice in the front office giving cigars and a hearty hello to the ejrlsi he dove under the desk Tell him Ive gone to Sask atchewan to see my ailing grandmother he I a There vai such a feeling of de sperate urgency in voice that for the time we told a lie Slim lianpomted but sard that hed he buck later What we hint so that we thought he was trying to your for the Odd v Ball Its worsr he admitted If that would get me out tins Id hand her over all tied op in a big red ribbon At least Id stay alive I havent said any thing about it yet- but since Uiis campaign started weve been run out of East weve been run out of West Thimble berry and before its over I expect to get lynched Id like to go to the and get a nice safe job being a crocodile dentist The first money we spent was for campaign cigar and hes According to the Conmotion the United Hi dent is by u of elect ion The voters in state elect VJertois ami in luiii the item According to the age American the President el ei1iil by vole Nov what are the by a body of ekctois or by the popului vole The answer is fly both The of the in olrjvcd fOe form al legal made by the elector lint in making then choice are guided by whiles of people explod ed hi he November led loll When the voter to pull- he doe not itintiy peak Vole fin vol for of the dent party in each nominates group of candid for the College of ami voter between group Suppose our voter an farmer who reelected Iowa has will he to have em Iowa lit Iowa twelve votes Mir Electoral College Thus in ordinal is Ihe vole of the people in November elections is derisive always iole for of Mich wowld he a viola I inn of code of politic do other Lie That is why know who is In be a a the of I lie November election are in not If no party ivinv a in he Ihe President is chosen by of Sinn Ihe voting of the elecl- My mete My hone Jin the whole vol Jog population il may he risk ed What Ihe of Ki el local College Why mil ah- olrdi ami the I by dun I vote id Ihe people The Id riot ill leu It he i of in and two dog popular will in that Sen lor Iowa twelve elector Our voter who wants merely voles for the twelve Republican candidate for the Col If the gel he immhei of vote man gel a majority of popular vole may Mill he de feated mull ahout whole College vote fur each slate go In the lhat gels most voles in II Thus lire of the people iiuglit he detect- if liii opponent can ted a few populous s mac gins Two men have actualh tint fate ami laud A switch of a few thou sand voles in Ihrei key stales would have elected in even though Tinman him by two million votes in he country a a whole Why then has I he College system mil been In It mav he for a long time the present has been given the i end I would would have been obtained direct election Thcie has been no recent case the need feu a change A foe ie laming eh etui found In the voting of the pen pie of the South mot South em Slate only a per of the people vole the circled a vole lie Soulhem Shiles won hi not have thru tine influence on out nine Ihe date have helot a inopiijtd amendment would meet of the anil also Insure the lion of any candidate of vote Tin piciposal Lodge Amend retains the idea the College it gtiai aider its dm inllurmc but provides the College vote of slate shall he divided in proportion the voles received ihe vanoiic rudiditcv in- lead of going solid en par- that gels the most vole Km example in Presi dent human thouand He there- hue got all of Ohms S mils Hail he proposed new plan been in effect cumin would have received It of Ohios votes and would I- plan the Lodge Amend inrnli or Minnthing it will tie d or later In the meantime tibial survives for the on thai of land cues hi The hi like their lake a piadical view of poluiial imiihiueiy As long as it works their satisfaction ihev leave it They making an mk want It to ir the teller of The College survives because Ilia iraus have found a way elect thru President in spite College ilafft in ttif ittilimt Hot Ac at inoU- the Pt fAcw llunnutU4 I it in tint tut tilt on iioidf in iAUf it in nut the fmutiou of the jtitte to l Ait of optivttie which on smoked half of em already But that aint the worst We went over to East do some grass roots campaign- in had heard of this baby kissin that politician indulge in so in front of the hardware store he spots a mother and a carriage you could holl er I demand a recount hed snatched the little wait out of the carriage or a big kiss only he forgot to take the cigar out of his mouth While this mother was scream ing blue murder and beating out the lire in the babys bon net her husband who owns the store came out with a shotgun and ran us out of town Then we went over to West lie spotted an old lady standing with her groc eries on the comer of the main street and Insisted cm helping her across Halfway over he dropped the bag The sparrows had a field day scrambled with strawberry jam and a side order of mayonnaise Turns out she didnt even want to cms the street she was waiting for on to pick her up Hed learned about now tins time ho butts his and puts it in his pocket but tin baby he picked was a little too old Her troyfriend a posse and theyre still looking for You saw those Sox headlines in the Corners Clarion Wait well I Then I arranged for him to make a speech at the local un ion halt while went to see a- bout some posters so he wand ers into an agricultural meeting and tells that food prices are too high and something has to be done to protect the working man from these so until its over I hide by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches We are wondering how ions it wilt take for the farmers of this province and the general public to realize that the agri cultural thinking and policy of he present Ontario Govern ment bankrupt While it possible to Jive off bankruptcy for some tune the signs of tins failure of thought and actum are The danger lies in the fact that the results and of this sighted and stupid policy will be with us for a long time and the damage done is in seine cas es irrevocable It is a sign of bankruptcy when the agricultural portfolio can be handed back and forth between men of ability but who are either incapacitated or laden with responsibili ty This province did not have a full tune minister of agricul ture since the lelirement of Co Kennedy If the government cannot do any better than his it should tell voters about it It is a sign of bankruptcy in bulking when times of in dustrial expansion and higher and higher production the gov ernment insists for lack of thinking again that the retail price of milk should be pegged It acid eliminates horn dairy business the very men who be slav ing in it because it does not give incentive the the aide in em and just putter I the inefficient is the socalled junior farm loan scheme of great i on the old idea that them that gets Ihe government conception of what capital of fann ing ace i on the farming a cm lied on in the pie pel Hid As rt mallei of fact one inclined o get the idea that has decided farming in ibis province is doomed and that and mining are the pursuit of the future and we can buy beef from the West potatoes from the Maritime and from Quebec cheaper than we cast produce it bore fear of being accused of thinking and looking only at one of the may we out to you what would happen if the govern ment let the retail price of go where it should bo namely around to cents a quart First would that dairy men could find from ordinary sources on about a milk to remodel and tie operations This put new life in the implement in ilnstty which just about dead on its feet It would the confidence of the dairy that it is to do long range planning and inventing and This in turn would the whole farming community e value Us laud buildings and other resources and enable it to compete on the labor not because will have money to pay comparable wages but because it will have comparable working conditions and that would help to get a days Tor days wages Hay drving it ligation better land use uu drainage would possible ami also cheap er because more of it done and in the long tun the con would benefit because milk would be should in appropriate milk beds and the cost per unit oil Id it I a 1 1 go down Dailies would be able to install and do a bet lei job of selling None of this is possible as long its tlie government cannot tell the difference welfare of agriculture and wel fate agriculture WINS SECOND AIR TROPHY central Press second time in four years Mrs Dorothy of Onb has won the Govcrnoraenerars In In an across Southern was with the trophy by Mayor Phillips left It Toronto The for planes In the gross weight class

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