Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era and Express, 6 Sep 1956, p. 7

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Km NEWS The first Newmarket Boy Scout Troop will hold its opening meeting on Wednesday Sept At the Hall at pm The Third Newmarket Troop will meet Monday Sept at pm Boys years old or over way Join Monday or Wednesday SHINt Judges At Mrs A Mitchell New- market has begun her annual stint of judging at fall fairs in the province This week she will judge at fairs in the and Parry Sound district She will be in the Sudbury and Mamtoulin area next week Mrs Mitchell Judges in the mens sections of the fall fairs ITS A World By CAROLINE ION Most people prefer to see large areas of land being us to produce forest crops rath er than see them as barren san dy waste lands York County Forest or Vivian Forest as it mors commonly known was born in The County of York and the Depart ment of Lands and Forests of the Province of Ontario at thai time signed an agreement whereby the County agreed to purchase land and turn it over the Depart ment for reforestation and man agement for a period of 30 years This was extended to a year agreement in The purpose of establishing County Forest was four fold one to utilize waste land two lo pre vent eroding soil from damaging surrounding farms three to aid in raising soil water levels and four to provide the manly indir ect benefits resulting from pro ductive forest areas The forest area now totals ap proximately 3350 acres in sever al blocks ranging in size from acres to acres The blocks are scattered from just east of Aurora From the beginning of the for est natural have been thinned and improved and In the 31 years many cords of as well as many thousands of feet of hardwood and softwood lum ber have been produced Plantat ions are now being thinned with the best trees being left to pro vide the final crop The products of these thinnings have been used for pit props for British coal mines construction lumber and for news print the latter being the main market Since the first thinnings ten years ago approximately cords of have been cut Although fire ha been a con stant threat to the welfare of the forest only one fire has done any damage to forest property It was in and covered fifty acres Spraying to combat insect attacks was carried out in 1937 and Disease takes a steady toll of for est trees but the worst one at this forest is the white pine blister rust which accounts for a consid erable decimation of white pine in both plantations and Four men are employed at the to Lake and north I forest under the supervision to Lake the resident caretaker He is the Money on terms you select When a customer borrows from HFC he is shown what wccall a payment tabic This table sample below shows exactly how much you may borrow how many months you may take repay and the exact amount you pay each month You select your own repayment plan to make repaying your loan as convenient as possible This dependable service is available to you whenever a prompt loan is needed for any worthwhile purpose Borrow with confidence from Canadas first and foremost consumer finance company HOUSEHOLD Main Street second floor phone i ONI I pm 4 i I am Approximately onefifth of the land is covered with natural which are managed on a selective cut basis and used to demonstrate proper forest pract ices The remaining fourfifths are plantation areas mainly pine white red scotch and jack The pines are suitable to the dry San son of the original caretaker and was born and raised on the forest more men are employed seasonally to plant trees in the spring or to work on woods oper ations in the fall and winter Because of this work soil eros ion has ceased in the forest area One stream which was complet- dy soil which is found through dry has begun to How again most of the forest Since some five million trees have been planted on the 3350 acres of the Forest Visual proof of the value of the forest and the wisdom and fore sight of those who founded it ov er thirty years ago provided ASK rot mum Oil or MOKMt IS The Common Round By ISOBEl WEDDING WRIGHT White gladioli in tall standards formed the sotting for the doublering ceremony in Queens- ville United church when Bar bara Ann Queensville foster- daughter of Mrs Edith became the bride of Harry James Wright only son of Mr and Mrs Clarence It Wright alt of on Saturday af ternoon August The ceremony was solemnized by Rev A W and Mrs J Smith played the wedding music Terry was the soloist The bride given in marriage by Harry Newmarket wore a fulllength dress of white bridal satin with chapel train embroidered with seed pearls Bodice and long sleeves were of lace with standup collar and tiny buttons from neck to waist A beaded tiara held her fingerUp veil and she wore a triple strand of pearls and carried a cascade of Talisman roses Misses Betty May and Hilda Andrews both of were the brides maids and Eileen Spencer niece of the groom was junior bridesmaid The two senior attendants wore identical Exhibition Competitions When we boarded the 1040 am bus on Saturday for the we were rejoicing over var ious things One was the beauty of the day so colorful in its sharp contrast of pure cerulean blue of sky and vivid of lawn set with their flower jewels and he gold of wheat and silver of grain often against a darker backdrop of wonderful trees Then there wa the feeling it was an excellent day lor the eh past of the veterans not too hot not cold and lastly we were full of delight Id anticipation at j the though I of waring Denize j play at This distinctively Canadian Exhibition Theyre all as near as your telephone ITS NICE TO KNOW especially when you arc alone at night that you have only to pick tip the telephone to summon the police or lire department call the ask neighbors or friends for help The speed and dependability of telephone and of the operators behind it not only mean prompt help in emergencies large and small but a comforting of through all hours of day and night i In time of nccdno dollar can measure the value of your telephone TILIPHONI COMPANY Of CANADA I I The night before her brother Mylex came third in a competition for violinists under fifteen at eleven was the youngest find yet he came third and the adjudicator spoke of his talent But to return to our trip All went delightfully tilt we reared the Exhibition grounds Then I never saw before and would just as soon never again see anything like the solid mass of vehicles in which we found ourselves I said to Archie and Hilda that all I could think of was a vast chess board the players police- and the cars the chessmen The whistle would sound and one line would make a move while we in the rtuict one watched an xiously then another whistle and away our line went leaving the others looking as anxious we had been Every type of figure was rep resented Tito grand new models were the king- and queens those a bit shopworn were the pawns the stately ones the bishops and the great busses and trucks the castles while few knights Jou sted on eight trucks Although was not to play until we began to won der if wed make it for never have I seen ears which seemed literally to move by inches Ev entually we were safety deposit ed in the grounds and made for the music auditorium which was hidden in the Coliseum where it was hard find and thus deprived people of the plea of hearing some really won derful music When reached it a delightful theatre The stage curtains and arc scar let unusual but effective The official why introduced told us that it was spon sored by the Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association to en courage young Canadian artists and it certainly was doing a worthwhile job There wait good arid appreci ative audience of music lovers and gave them a half hour of delight that will not soon be forgotten Just as they gave her a half hour of concentrated list ening She played Mozart Sonata in KabalcvskvV Sonatina op til No Fire- file by Bridge Mists Court and The Junior by At the recitals conclusion Demise had to respond to three curtain calls Her teacher Kenneth was there and was Rind he amid liter the delighted response of an audience to performance On every side one hoard excla mations of that a filrl of twelve could have the lech- tie that many an adult artist would Rive much to have There Is a purity of tone pow er without clamour and reach- luff into the composers mind and style that makes unique arid shows her teacher to he one who instead of to mold a pupil Into a sot pattern which so often kills originality encourag es sclfexpression so as it does not interfere with the soul of the music ft was a pleasant thing that Mr donor of the scholarship which won was there to meet her And hear The Newmarket Public Library Comes the time to make pickl es and all think of celery seed mustard seed dill and tumeric and many other spices and herbs Did you ever stop to think where they come from And have you used these to season and flavor foods for other occasions The bark of an evergreen tree yields cinnamon grown mostly in Ceylon Put a bit of this spice in your next hot chocolate Ginger was known by early Greeks and Romans who thought it came from Arabia by way of the Sea Ancient India too knew the small reedlike plant of which only the underground tube or stem is used for the spice It is now grown in the British West Indies Jamaica and the Orient Our favorite pear and ginger jam The object of centurylong bat tles between Portuguese and Dutch traders who rounded the Cape of Good Hope on each voy age to the spicerich East Indies the beautiful clove evergreen tree was eventually carried to Africa then to Brazil and the West In dies You know what clov es do to a baked ham and drop a whole clove in your next cup of tea with lemon In 1620 John Mason a British sea captain planted parsley on the Newfoundland shore Before his time ancient Egypt knew its uses The early Greek poet Hom er mentions a nymph with braid ed tresses who entered Iter cave through fields of blooming par sley Heroes of Greek games were crowned with parsley wreaths and parsley seed cheese was a favorite of the Charle magne Parsley makes a pretty garnish next time you make dumplings add some of it chopp ed fine For- further notes on the hist- and uses of herbs and spices innsult the chart we have in the Library Irene Librarian ballerina length dresses of yel low with embossed white orchid design sleeveless with V halter front and back and full skirts They both wore matching yellow bandeaux and tripe strands of pearls The jun ior attendant wore a yellow ny lon dress with high neckline short sleeves and a pleated skirt She wore a wreath of yellow flowers in her hair All the at tendants carried cascade bou quets mums Reginald Queens ville attended the groom By ron cousin of the groom and Wright Aurora were the ushers The reception was held in the church parlors Mrs Edith received for the bride wearing a dress of mushroom beige crepe pink hat with feather brim black accessories and a corsage of Sweetheart roses The grooms mother assisted in a gay pink dress with sequin trim matching hat black accessories and a corsage of pink carnations For a motor trip to Grand Rapids Mich and other points in the US the bride donned a moss green suit with blouse hat and accessories all in cara mel brown and a corsage of Talisman roses On their return the young couple will reside on the Wright farm north of Miss Marian Gibson bride to- night was the recipient of ninny useful gifts at miscellaneous showers held for her recently Betty and Ella Young Willow- dale Joan Newmarket assisted by Lois Gibson also one by Marlene Richmond Hill The Bell Telephone girls with whom Miss Gibson is as sociated gave her an electric fry ing pan CUB NEWS Jimmy Harrison Says I like buying Back to School quality clothes from Cliff I I ys style leader store for young Canada because they wear much better and are pro perly priced The style and fit are just great My mum says They are the best and my mum knows quality Jimmy Harrison A j A The First Newmarket A Pack will hold the opening meeting of the year Tuesday Sept at pm at the Scout Hall Pock will meet Friday Sept Boys eight years old or over may join on Tuesday or Friday Birthday Club extended Birthday wishes this week to are DOCTORS 111 MI DM arc to I Allan Douglas While Newmarket years old on Fri day Aug Wesley Joseph K 3 Newmarket years old on Fri day Aug Carole Gardiner Newmarket years old on Friday Aug Mary Lehman R New market years old Tuesday Sept Billy Glover 9 years old on Thursday Sept 6 James Cole years old on Thursday Sept Wayne Cole A Hand ale years old on Thursday Sept Ronald Ross Harrison Mount Albert years old on Thursday Sept Robert Sheridan It Newmarket years old on Thursday Sept Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club the family thai provide its Doctor with anything like a regular income Some do not have occasion to his services for years at a time Vet he responds to your call whenever you need him the worlds finest drugs and the high qualify products of Parke Davis Company and other reliable laboratories are maintained our pharmacy available when needed foe restoration of your health That Doctor with all specialised skill vour with his professional resources art always available arc arnonjc the modem developments that contribute to the health welfare of your family and you Harvey Lanes Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Phone 6 her play To ease the let down feeling of something looked forward to being over Hilda Ar chie and I sought a pleasant din ing loom to ease the pan of 1 that now had a chance to j themselves fell and to ivc attention to other things Here Ill stop and continue next week Ill write my impression of the two bands we heard well as the cats we saw Exhibition Special RCA VICTOR TELEVISION SAVE 6000 r tube horizontal better Interlace Wonder why NERVE FOOD many My a you tired die lime Dr a Nerve Fond Vitamin 111 ami Mood Iron in Dr Chased Food work buildup jour heal ill help feel at ease to forget yog river hid Dr Food help you hive aleady that with good health Iff vim feel in with energetic ready enjoy your your jour friend yon atari the onner may feci the of thi ua a re you Dm CHABBS belter channel separation transformer operated Illuminated channel selector tone control phono Jack The GOODWIN Regular 35995 Our Price EASY BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE McQuaids Appliances 116 Main St NEWMARKET 1535 Phone 1536

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