Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Aug 1956, p. 6

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ft m Ah MM J CONTINUED turkeys or mil MCMkmt- Ben Cox Sharon MriCHiANKHJI Yorkshire gilts and from advanced registered Lowndes 22013 LOOK WITH n fast growing mat4yp hoe Land race and Land- Yorkshire Hybrids available Farm Newmarket phone two and springer vaccinated grades and Cochrane and Sons phone Stroud WANTED poultry- Any in of Apple ton Oak or Turner Any amount will pay y Tomato price right at your Newmarket turkey poults Heat bulb nights plus a rack of lalh the solution to the brooding problem Two week old poult cents Come see shea of those growing poults experience my advice in your turkey enterprise is fret Phone Newmarket am or at noon J M Forest pul lets months old middle of August each ALO monthold op produc ing pullets ready August each idler Milts Ltd phona or Newmarket WOOD FOR HARDWOOD lor sale Mount Albert IRRIGATION SYSTEM A SIZE FOR COTTAGES AND GARAGES HOWARD fit almost every tractor Just the implement to quickly and thoroughly prepare when time is limited BULLDOZING BULLDOZING THREE MACHINES Specialising in landscape grading and farm Basement ex cavation and grading PHONE ART CHIC or CLARE PRESTON Head operator north of No highway at Dollar Property of Jack Sale at sharp Terms often No Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers WEDNESDAY SEPT clearing auction solo of 32 registered and high grade Short horn cattle registered Yorkshire pigs threshing machine nearly new baler nearly new 2 tractors loader corn bind er and loader tractor plows spreader on rubber welding outfit electric clippers grain augur and eleva tor furniture bated hay baled straw etc at lot con Pick ering on No highway miles west of Brougham the properly of Norton and Son Note Farm sold no reserve term cash Faulkner and Woods clerk Sale at J pm Sed ers and Atkinson auctioneer THE BIT BRONCHIAL COUGH For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and renv- for relief of tight or chesty coughi told cent The Beat Store Newmarket WELL tile and Immed iate delivery Lome Baker con crete Products Newmarket phone AllHerbal rheumatic for muscular arthritic and sciatic Price Beet Drug Store phone Newmar ket TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the Newmarket Sutton District High School Board on or be fore the day of August AD to provide transportation for pupils to Newmarket and Sutton High Schools during the school year J The low est or any tender will not neces sarily be accepted Particular of routes may be ob tained by application to Secretary 15 Avenue Newmarket Ontario Phone to Mr and Mr Bams Bradford a daughter SWEENEY At York County hospital Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Frank Sweeney Point a son At York hospital Thursday August to Mr and Mrs Stewart a York County hos pital Saturday Aug to Mr and Mrs Archie Lake Wlleox a son At York County hos pital Sunday August to Mr- and Mrs Cedar Bra a son STURGEON At York County hospital Monday August to Mr and Mrs Robert Sturgeon Bradford a daughter SNOOKS- At York County hos pital Tuesday August to Mr and Mrs William Ross Snooks Keswick a son THOMPSON At York County TO MUCOUS IN THROAT Thunas Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tablet that have been used for many yea by adults and children with good results Price Drug Store phone Newmarket FOR MADONNA lily bulbs Those bulbs should he planted in Aug ust A Afnsley phone j market V var ieties Potting soil peat td Davys Green houses Holland Landing phone fllw4 Newmarket APKICAN ViOlji5S of flowering violets large many varieties and 1 25 pinks ing soil Open daily except Sunday Clarkes Violet Centre Belfry Or off Davis Dr SALE REGISTER SATURDAY AUGUST ItAuc tion side head of registered cows and vac cinated and accredited bulk Laval milk tank gal the property of lot con West one mile west of on Highway A auc tioneer WEDNESDAY Auc tion ttock imple ments hay furniture etc on lot IB con on Don Mills ltd just of of Ezra Sale at pm Terms cash No Farm sold Ken and auctioneer fish Imported Plants and sup- rte Phone Newmarket SMALL light own ten whilst tag No Phone MISGHLANEOUS READY MIXED floor patioj te tfOKMLEY LTD AUG Com- auction of head of Jerseys fully accredited suite tit cows Ned heifers calves and held sire Fav orite the piopeily of P Collin and Sou at located at lot S con I Picketing Hone Line mile west Whitby I mile of highway Note Jfttu w an extra gKi on grounds no on giee at pm and Atkinson and auctioned In the Estate of William Henry Barker late of the Township of Scott in the County of Ontario Farmer Deceased CREDITORS of the nam ed deceased who died at the Town of Newmarket in the County of York on or about the day of March are hue by notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to lite under proof of their claim on or I the day of August 1 after which date as- of tbe Estate will be having regard only to the claims of which the under- will then have notice DATKD at Newmarket this day ot July 195t Stiver Vale and Newmarket Ontario for Stuart Taylor NOTICE and by virtue of the Mechanics and Warehouseman lien acts I will offer for at my premises Luke Wlkox Ont ario on Saturday August ifci next pm the following mot or vehicle registered in he mime of Hot against which there are charge and fees I PJiy automobile hlue Serial No 23fifjKlU28 Lake Wilcox Ontario BIRTH York County August I to Mr and Mrs- Anthony 2 a At York County hos pital August Mr and Richmond Hill a son At County hospi tal Monday August Pf to find Mrs To rim to a blocks Plain and rock awl Septic tanks Well and I MW Trusses surgical hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago Vest phone Newmarket SATURDAY Auction salt of head of and feiade cattle fully accredited new farm machinery con- of tractor Mil bine Mil baler ton pickup truck side rake implements alio landing to lie Aoid by the acre On lot and Lj Twp If mile of No highway at Dollar Property of Jack Sale at I in IiiitiH No reserve sold Ken Prenlice 4w30 At York County hospital to Mr Mis Chad- Aurora s son At York County hospi tal Tuesday to Mr and Mrs Vincent Casey Au rora a daughter If At County hospital Wednesday August I to Air and Mr William a son At York County hospital Saturday August IWft to Mi Mrs Keswick a IN memory of my dear husband Walter who pawed away There is no parting from those we love CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Louisa Cook of wish con vey their sincere thanks and ap preciation to relatives friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown during their No can of loving For today in memorys garden We walk side by side Each dawning day a thought of him At eventide a prayer And In the heart that loved him Ho always will be there Sadly mised and lovingly re membered by his wife Grace SATURDAY SUIT I Import ant auction sate of modem house hold furniture complete outfit of a loomed dwelling pianos I player organ dec hie stove new Prigidalie icfiigcrator Some of the furniture has never been used At lot Con KINO At Yoik County Suturday to Mr and Mrs Leonard King Hon a York County hospi tal Tuevluy August in Mr and Mrs In EVANS FUELS CourUoui fill IP your oil or con bin and keep it filled throughout heating Accept nothing hut the finest CALL NEWMARKET 5 TODAY T MARTIN A York County ho August to Mi and Dennis It I Keswick a son NEWTON- Al York County hos pital Wednesday August t Hurt Io Mr ami Mrs Howard New- ion It son At York hos pital Sunday AtlXl Mr Mis William fjoriiiley a son York hos pital ft in Mr and Mis Rich Vale a son York piial Monday August iv5 Mr Mrs Lloyd Powell New- a daughter At York County In loving memory of Harry Chad Wick killed in action France on August Not just today but everyday In silence I remember Always remembered Norma LAPP- In loving memory of our dear grandma who passed away Aug you are not forgotten JliOUgh on earth you are no mom CARD OK THANKS Mr and family wish to express their latitude to and friends for the sympathy ami floral tributes received during re cent hospital Monday August lj irt memory you are with us to Mr and Mrs Robert Thomp son Sutton a daughter VAN AL York County hospital Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Cornell Van- Bradford a son At York Coumy hos pital Saturday August L to Mr and Mrs Ralph Volmer a son WILSON At York County bos Thursday August to Mr and Mrs Wilson Bradford a daughter WRIGHT At York County hos pital Thursday August l to Mr and Mrs Donald Wright a son At York Coun ty hospital Saturday August 105 io Mr and Mil Joseph a daugh ter DEATHS COOK Suddenly at her Atinltage on Sunday July Emily Sut ton in year wife of the late Cook and mother of of Charles and at home Funeral sei vice was held on Tuesday- In terment Newmarket JACKSON Suddenly at her yo Windham St Sim on Sunday July 156 A Rhea Jackson mother of Rupert in her year Funeral service was held on Tuesday interment Aurora cemetery LAW Suddenly at York County Hospital Newmarket on Monday July William Dent Law husband of Sarah and lather of Helen Albert Taylor in his year Funeral service was held on Intel villi cemetery Al Holland Lauding Sunday July W Cyril Pled- husband of Chi Is Christian of Si Raglan Ave Funeral service was held on Tuesday Interment St James At Cedar Valley Sunday July James Martin husbund of Ullu I late of Park Ave lather of Agnes Aim Helen Sister Saint Sus an Michael Theresa Janus John Marie and the late svivice was held Unlay In torment Mount cemcteiy Suddenly at County hospital on Friday July Ridley wife of and moiher of Net- he Mrs Aurora Walter Mis J of Sfaaol William Cueni Milton and of Newmar ket in her year Funeral was held on Monday In- let merit cemetery As you always were before remembered by grand daughters Mildred and Audrey In loving memory of dear husband and father Conrad who passed away Aug Along the road to yesterday That leads me straight you Ate memories of the happy days Together we once knew And always every evening I seem to have a way Of wandering back to meet you On the road to yesterday Lovingly remembered by wife Nellie daughter Mildred son Jack grandchildren Sandra and John CARD OF THANKS I wish thank my friends nurses and staff of York County hospital and Dr J wards for their kindness during my recent illness Mrs Charles CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere gratitude to neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness floral tributes and cards during our recent bereave ment in the loss of a loving wile and mother The family In loving memory of our dear mother Ethel Weller who passed away suddenly Aug Two years have passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away God called her home was His will Within our she Mill Lovingly family remembered by the ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Karl by Stephens Sutton West announce the engagement of their daugh ter Joan Elizabeth to Mr Derek Arthur Newman son of Mr and Mrs A Newman Newmarket the marriage will take place in Christ church Roches Point on Saturday Aug It IMS at p it T Mrs Edith an nounces the marriage of her fos ter daughter Barbara Ann Coomer to Mr Harry James Wright son of Mr and Mrs Clarence Wright the marriage to take place on Saturday August lb United church at oclock CARD OF THANKS Mr and Mrs C Truster wish to express their thanks to the neighbors and friends who so kindly sent flowers and messag es of sympathy at time of their sad bereavement in the loss of their son MAPLE HILL Rev Kerr Montreal was calling on friends here last week A miscellaneous shower was held last Thursday night in hon or of Mrs Harold Knights and Miss Cray a bride of this week They received many gifts The will hold its monthly meeting next Thursday evening Mrs Rogers home Tlie Vacation Bible school will be held next week Aug to in the school grounds The school begins at oclock and Is in charge of Misses Ruth Firth and Faith Storey This is spon sored by Child Evangelism NOTICE ATTENTION of liloD and form reunion on Aug I960 Please con- j tact phone j Newmarket or Richard on PA Aurora Teacher j Mr Fish YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS A COMMUNITY Shop At DRUG STORE St PA For Friendly Personal Service AURORA Aurora ByLaw For More Pay For Council Stalled WOOD- A Tot onto on Sunday August William AutnAty son Mr and Mrs Wood Aur ora Service whs held on Wed nesday Interment Aurora y A by law the re- numeration of the councillors has stalled on the question of penalties for missing Introduced by Councillor Rill it would establish a pay ment of a year for Aurora Councillors but would penalise councillors for every meeting they missed Members objected to the Muni cipal Hoards ruling on this question think we prob ably have two meetings a month said Councillor Keith which what the by law vails for but we have been having one every week as well committee meetings The bylaw plus all correspon dence from the Hoard will tie brought for further consid eration MOUNT PLEASANT Mr and Mrs Mai tin Stiles Toronto had Sunday supper with Mr and Mrs Bernard Davidson Mr and Mrs called on Mr and Mrs Davidson on Sunday evening Miss Stiles has returned home from her holidays at I lays- villi- Out Mrs Harry Davis and Neil of lakeview spent last Tuesday with Mr and Mrs also Mr Davidson and daughter Ottawa A number here attended spoils at on Saturday ADVERTISING COPY DEADLINES Display ad space by noon Monday copy by Tuesday at noon Sale lists Real estate Used car and other classified display ads by 5 pm on Tuesday T GENERAL CLASSIFIEDS by 10 am on Wednesday McCaffreys Flowtrs FOR OCCASION Alt Over the World MAIN THEAKER ami Mount Newmarket Shop Member Delivery Flowers to all if the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY lis Main St New Plume Phone Newssuukti Funeral Directors MAIN QUEENSVULE DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE Attend One These CHURCHES SUNDAY IKSf SUN DAY SERVICES t JlBt Jen vates gscmh A TWO flC SCULLING CRiWS OLYMPIC THE SALVATION ARMY Corps Cup and Mrs am Holiness I pm Sunday school Make the Army your home MINTING 11 a in- Meeting lor worship Friend from Yearly Meeting now vtsituiK Canadian and United Meeting to be with us will bring a of Life Other Friends also Basket at noon at the close of the Come and bring others AH welcome lINiVKA J Aiken Illrons Minister of Music AUCillST- ser vices in Christian church Morning only Come VIOTOKY BAPTIST j el Arthur Newman Sis Pastor J Hill sVav II am Worship Wednesday pm Prayer a Bible Study Meeting A warm welcome awaits you UNITY MISSIONARY CHURCH K am Ke am am Sunday noon Worship pm service rm ley our Moutu Aloett pm Sunday school Frank Clark Rev Karl CHURCH OF Corner of aud Rev June IU in- school 11 worship in service You will like our services The crick lour from will be part of Olympus team it was decided they had won their at Port Like the eights crew the fours also did some world record e Their for the faster than Olympic I cord of set by Great Britain in four who will Join the eight are from left Archie MacKinnon Lome Isomer Walter Don Arnold stroke I CHRISTIAN Main St Newmarket Rev Fred It reckon Mrs All welcome 10 am Sunday school a in Morning worship Newmarket in Sunday School am Morning Worship pm Evangelistic service Everyone Welcome Pastor A Affiliated with Pentecostal at HOLT I 1 aUNDA Sunday Morning worship pm Sunday at 730 Evangelistic service pm Midweek service METIIOOIHT Reynolds Herald Organist 10 am Sunday school am Divine worship 7 pm Evangelistic service pm Prayer service ALL WKICOME NWDurktt MiakUr iUv J MA Mr Church School jn mad viKmmmmmm

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